The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Apr 1933, p. 1

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APN\ 6. NCE ; $12,724,000 OF INSURA . LEGISL ATORS F AVOR ' IS CARRIED BY HYDRO Cooke Tables List Detailing Amounts With Each SALE OF ACCESSOR]ES Company--Net Balance of $14,938,000 Now | IN SERVICE ST AT[ONS i in Contingencies Fund } dro--Electric Power, Dr. McQuibban also learned that R iission carmee Pii zmA of in.|too Hyo lagwralery equipment . -- Amendment is Approved in Commission carries $12,724,074 of in housed in a portion of the Commis-- s gs murance, of which $1,933,473 is C&T--|sion's building on Strachan Avenue; | Opposition ~to To-- ried with Canadian companies, and | the equipment cost $210,176.77; the t 9 w h the balance with United States and | amount spent on maintenance last ronto's WIshnes British firms, most of which haVC'year was $3,014.44, and the salaries branches here, Hon. J. R. Cooke.| paid to the laboratory workers in 1932 s MHydro Commission Chairman, told the | were $44,576.25. Gasoline service stations _may sell Ontario Legislature yesterday in 8"-[ Clarkson, Gordon, Dilworth, Guil-- automobile accessories, the Municipal ewer to an inquiry of W. G. Medd |foyle & Nash 'are the auditors for < Committee of the Legislature decided «Progressive, Huron North). Mr. | the Hydro Commission, Premier Henry yesterday in approving an amendment Cooke tabled a lengthy list detailing | stated in reply to a question by T. A. to the Municipal Act for this purpose. the amounts with each company, Blakelock (Liberal, Halton), and the The amending bill will be reported to ir. Cooke also informed the House, | firm was paid $35,000 for its services the Legislature to receive final ap-- #n answer to Dr. G. A. McQuibban | during the last fiscal year. proval. R 4 Liberal, Wellington Northeast), that| J. R. Gunning has received $3,264 -- This decision was made in opposi-- $3,495,161.70 was deducted from the | since 1926, for man and truck, from | tion to the wishes of the City of To-- reserves for obsolescence, contingencies | the Department of Highways, Hon. ronto, which 'desi:'ed 'that. an amend-- and stabilization during the past fiscal ) Leopo!d Macaulay informed T. P. ment be made to stipulate that the year. There was an addition of $1.-- | Murray (Lib>ral, Renfrew Ssouth), selling of accessories be not allowed. 228,471.23 recorded, leaving a not bal-- | while Mr. McPherson is paid a salary Considerable difficulty has been faced ancs in the fund of $14,938,399.70. of $3,300 for his sorvices as Superin-- by the civic authoritics ifl their at-- In answer to J. A. Sangster (Liberal, | tendent of the London Division of the tempts to prevent other than public Giengarry) the Hydro Chairman stat-- | department. This latter information garages and super--service stations ed that as of Oct. 31, 1932, there were ] was given in reply to a question put from selling them, and now it has 94 miles of rural primary power | by Dr. L. J. Simpson (Liberal, Simeoe been definitely set out--in the Mu-- Bsneo in the County of Gliengarry ~COCentre). nicipal Act that they may be sold, provided the bill gets it third read-- ing. The city may, however, refuse to grant licenses to service stations which are in residential areas, so in this ' way it has some sort of control left. Controlier 'Sam McBride, who has fought the selling of accessories in s the City Council, and City Solicitor Colquhoun were present at the meet-- ing yesterday. The bill which was | approved by the committee provides for service stations selling, besides' gasoline, oil and grease, such auto-- mobile attributes as tires, tubes, light bulbs, _ sparkplugs and battsries, but it does not allow wrecking, park-- * e oo P e 1lgg, or, gxcept in an enclosed build-- iti + &, washing of cars. Blasphemous and Seditious _ Another amendment sought by To-- * ronto--one to the Assessment Act-- Art'cles A'SO May w?.s also turned dc}:wn by the com-- mittee. This would have provided that Be Curbed income tax should be levied where a C Cieteegrmnergermmrmar y person made his home the greater \ part of the year. "It is an attempt to S T A T U T E AMENDM ENT clsar up the Assessment Act--another hole which the city has found." ex-- raparummurcguiamsms plair;gd 1}\141'. Colquhouxlm. "It wguld y 3 , seditious provide that a man who works here e baniioalion oi (l)b,ccnc" ;'g ro-- should be assessed on his income or blasphemous articles may be p a where he lives most of the time." hib :+cd under pewer which is sougat "We have been trying for some by Attorncey--CGeneral Price in legisia-- time t,:d g;tda %enf;ai};EVISionhiot thel F Legislature act, a oubt patching up yurugb;wugfimmas 'l:';d 1:8 an °x-- of the act is wise until the general| lanatory ncte attached to the bill revision comes," observed Hon. Wil-- amt obscene and immoral articles in liam Finlayson. Arthur Ellis (Con-- ertain m ines and papers, which servative, Ottawa South) did not see give galnz':lrculation, are aimed at, any particular difficulty with respect but the word "seditious" is particu-- a to the present act. "It isf question larly inserted to cover Communistic of fact as to where a man's home is. literature. Ithi.s wl;'ere he lit\;est most o:n tz;g t;ntll'.:'. 1 8 eg tion, which * where he expec o re'u 0. | w;:g?; :;:m'edmel '.ifixlfix;:?ure Act, wl;gre his children are educated," he reads: said. "An action may be brought in the SBupreme Court by or on bshalf of the Attorney--General, for an injunc-- 4 is dynnetierstrstcerctescesieeiencpreectinitae ons en oo roueaoroen tm tion or mandamus restraining tt)'m;' iFs £ blication of any newspaper, publi-- N T b I M g'ut-lon. pamphlet, magazine, period-- ILXOn G@oOoLes ore eStlons ical or other p&rl)itsegcdmattetx;n whalt- c soever which continuously O O h f O P S B d or catedly w'x"ltmzscr articles which n wner $ lp O e 0 Ad a On 8 aremcene. immoral or otherwise in-- ucce cce jurious to public morals, or which are ----_-------------------------------- seditious y g'"'p';ftmm-'i hprocdlh ar In an attempt to obtain the names|to the offer. 'Their holdings approxi-- tion ma rouy against any one h mats $60,000. 2 pr'n?lng.y publishing or -- distributing Iof Ontario Power Service Corporation Thes Progressive Leader's inquiries any publication of the kind men-- |bondholders who have not turned in follow : tioned; and in o uch s""ht n tli"" "l;' lthelr holdings to the Montreal Trust] "1, Has the Government, or tI;e Jlldg'. may, on suc materilal as 6 * % s % iwi » Commission. or 6+ 3 Com y, trustees in bankruptcy for| Hydro--Electric Power ;le;)s"tlg:) :rra xfiinfifimf.'?--"""""' *'"*/ -- Ime g:rnpom.uon, Hon. Harry C. Nixon, its agent, the Montreal Trust COttge- The explanation further notes: |Progressive Leader, has tabled ques-- pany, any information concerr'uIIEOn_ "There are a number of publi--ations |tions pertaining to the subject in the ownership of the balance of Jhebonds which publish periodically writings Ontario Legislature. tario Power Service Corpora.ttilon o. of and articles of obkssene and immopral When the Ontario Hydro--Electric not yet turned in for exc a:dgo. nature." Commission, acting in behalf of the |can such information be secured? g s Government, offered its own securitiee| "2. Who are the owners of any 0o in return for the Abitibi bonds there the bonds of Ontario Power Servige was 97 per cent. of the $20,000,000 |who still hold them whose names do issue registered for transfer. The list |\not appear on lists supplied this Housg e of these was tabled in the House this by the Montreal Trust Comp&nya week, but now Mr. Nixon seeks the| What is the amount each holds an: names of those who have not responded 'the date purchased?'

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