The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Apr 1933, p. 2

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APrcl 6. mBan BY MUNIGIP AL BOARD Foll Fi ; Should Be Handled by Non-- ows First and Likely itical B Last Public Accounts Political Body, Says Meeting Macaulay BRIDGE DESIGN CHANGED mMaWItout N FARM HYORQ R § Granting of bus franchises and ; P _rclmtxcr Henry "é'"&' dcenied in the commercial vehicle rights is to be égisiature yesterday that Frank Barbor, consulting engineer on the transferred from the Department of Breslau bridge project in 1930 Highways to the Ontario Municipal owed him money at that or any other Board, according to two bills introo * time, and drew from Norman Hipel cuced in the Legislature yesterday by ;EUb'.*rac}. Wat",rl)oo South) the ac-- F Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Minister of nowledgment that he accepted his * s word. The denial of Mr. Henry fol-- Highways. They are entitled the lowed the first, and what is likely Public Vchicles Act and the Public, to be the last, meeting of the Public Commercial Vehicles Act, both to be ]ACC%UY"-' Committec, when the Br:;' designated as acts of 1933. + au brigge contracts were investigated. 6 vriy-- Mr. Henry was Mini.:tcr\bt Highways H:retofore the isspinz of such priv at the time the work was proceeding. ileges had been within the purview and the presont Minister was re-- %mgt:r I:;!;}::l); Dfi%a'-lrttmt%%t, p:et:? lieved by Mr. Hipel of any responsi-- * bility. sure for these licenses is getting During the session of the commit-- greater, and it is felt that the matter tec, Mr. Hipsl. who caused the in-- should be handled by ltngn'mmw'é quiry to be hold, asked Deputy Min-- body. The nunmber Annreagine Nes ister of Highways R. M. Smith if he common can'iet;sf t:'re t%eafa figr'a s' kad had any knowledge of the Min-- shown by the eht,eiha?tnth eMuniclgai istor (Mr. Henry) or the Duifferin : and it is lt)houg 0d teodeal h Construction Company being owed | Boal.:d is }ietProg?}' Tsc Zx Iamed money by Barbor prior to and during S"frw °l;!l)n°3 f?mt:ing ive % ce Com: the latter's services with the depart-- Two bills affec y x TS i Sn damer Atetomeim) ne--me es e, n of the » "Very Impertinent Question." Barber did not owe the Prime Min-- and given their first reading. The This drew from Hon. Leopold i;#'r };1;.::} money at that time," said first is an axAncindmgnt"tgct:h:mPowet y the ent: *"That is a * Commission , and a peo-- zd(':)c'auilx:p~:'lt.]'xixnf§m':ugt'xon and one "Or at any other time," prompted _ ple of Manitoulin. '"The farmers of you should not ask if you have noth-- the Premier. Manitculin have become very inter--. Ins to back it up." 'Just as you like to put it," agreed _ rested in the rural Hydro service, but "Mr. Smith (answoring Mr. Hipst)--. the Opposition member. because th» district is sparsely settled Not in so far as I know: I hope he During the hearing of the Public _ they are unable to get the specified idn't hA oA Accounts Committee it was brought _ number of farmers. This would pro-- 0'{[21". the orders of the day in the | out that prior to Frank Barber being vide the villages might be termed I mbro c Premicr Henry asked: "I| ©Dgaged by the department on the . townships for the purpose of this vegiclature, Fron t ths member (Mr. broject he had been in the employ . act in this district," he said. § want to know wha hat qauestion. I Of the Dufferin Construction Com-- The other bill, the Powe: Commis-- Hipel) mt:am b"_t abcqutcr twénty- pany, the firm which received the | sion Act of 1933. is the annual pill have known Frank Bar r'ome finest WUltimate contract; that Mr. Smith | validating by--laws passed hy the five years and he bt%m!f vinee, 1 believed" that Donald Barber, who | Commission during the year. bridge engineers in °1 T ber was Was an inspector on the work under Wolf bounty is to be decreased wonder what the Liberal mem a Provincial engineer, was a son of | from $25 a pelt to $15, by & bill in-- insinuating? € £f founda. PIRDk Barber; that no tenders were | troduced by Hon. G. H. Challies, Min-- "'There is not a tittle o m°""v"; advertised for after the original do-- | ister of Game and Fisheries 'The tion to it, and there shou "eb: sign had been changed, and that the 'bounty has already been reduced in have been any suggestion that Bar 4s Dufferin Construction Company ob-- | Quebec, while in Manitoba it is: or his son owed me money. _Theyuko tained the contract; that no tenders | not being paid, and it is said that | not owe me a single cent; I would lik@ wore asked for the paving Work, and | there was "bootlegging" in pelts be-- a statement from the member @bOUt jna pmpfferin Construction Company | cause of the higher rate paid by it." £f the ®Y"s a'so given this undertaking; and iOntario. \ Mr. Hipsl--The full report °w} T that the Deputy Minister had a free meeting will abled verbatim. '?, hand in deciding the type of bridge, . I did say, when I asked the l?gm}) {'_ and that the Minister "always ap-- hrorieage. heare coamer thet Bs Soioae Seaar NA UUL, wey, nowledge, h yumor tha\ + vidence showed that ge r,-.-lorbt_::j or a't't;(ll' :ge g;ll\:lt;'uf'xi(')'l'ltf": mng ccstlswgé%()(), ;ficr tht';I de'sggn the bridge, cWw C T Te es een changed, whereas the Jow-- money. He said that h* did not kf};'"t est tender on a different type was anything about it. Iil'rfald then {D8t gzot at $61,000. Mr. Hipel claimed it must have been a strect Nyrrvab 4 that, with all the revisions in the de-- He had asked further quo.sti:)!l'x. + 804 sions, the Province could have saved found that Donald Bm"bt"\;. M $or' $30,000 by advertising for tenders on was inspector of t;)h" ".?](;'T' tggrc ';'ta's the type evcntually'dscide?hu{)op_l':'." P ting $120 a mon ns .§\'as getting Mr. Smith gave evid nce. s; Pra J another inspector W Kea if this Bar-- Batber received $4,033.06 in fees ar $200 a month. I' a; k if lt'; en. expenses for his services on the pm}?i ber was the son of the consu 'hg he and for supervision; that Enginee: gincer, and tll:c :la!;;"'-'f was that Gilbert of tl;e depax;jtmcnt \\;\5 r:"ficdi was a son," he said. $2.064 in salary and expenses, : "I am willing to take the Prime in, ald Barber received $880. 4 Mixiister% word for it that that Frank m";'th?%gmmime adjcurned sine dis.

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