LAMB'ION EAST-Township of Banquet. Brooke, Dawn, Enniskmon. mama. Plympton. Warwick, the Gore of Camden, and tho Towns ot Dmsdent. Forest and Petrolea, and the Villages ot Alvinston. Arkona. Oil Springs. Thedford. Watford and Wy- oming. 7 -- - _ . LANAR6--'rcwnships of Bcckwith, Bathurst, Burgess North. Dalhousie. Darting, Drummond. Elmslcy North, Mark, Lavam. Montague. Pnken- hm. Ramsay. Sherbrooke North and Sherbrcoke South. the Towns at Al. meme. Carleton Place. Perth and Smiths Falls and the Village of Lanark. - LAMBTON WESyr---'rov.m Mocre. Sarnia and Sombm: of Sarnla. and the Villagrs mightily! Point Edward. 1d9NDON--T'hat part ot the London lying west of a line tie mNotyroN--citir of Kingston. Am- herst Island. Howe Island. Wolfe Island and the Village of Portsrncuth, KENT EAST--Towtuhips of Cam- den (not including Gore). Harwich. Howard. Orford. Zone. Aldborough and Dunwietr. the Tcwns of Blenheim. Bothwel land Ridgctown: and the Villages of Erieau. Highgate. Thames- Me. Dutton, Rodney and West Lorne. KENT WEST-Townships of Chat- KENT WEST-Townships of Chat- ham. East Dover. West Dover. Raleigh. Romney and Tilbury East; the City of Chadian: the Towns of 'I'ilbun' and Wdlaoeburg. and the Villages of Erie Beach and Wheatley. KENORA--'rerrircrial Kencra. including that Patricia portion lying Wi ttitil m a north: threw; the Patricia r boundary line btt.roon District of Thundv'r B _'.' ritorta1 District of Km northern bcundary M tl Ontario. HASTINGS WErrr---Townships of Sydney. Rawdon. Marmofa, LPlw, Wol- laston. Faraday, Hersch'l and Mc- Clure; the City of B"ll.~villo. the Town ot Trenton. and the Vilhacs of Dam-a. Marmara, Prtgnktcrd, Bancroft, and Stirling. HURON-BRUCE -- Townships of Ashfteld, Garrick. Colbmme, Culmsn. Grey. Howiek, Huron. Klnloss. Mor- ris. Turnberry. anzxnash East. Wa- wanosh West. tho Town of Winghnm. sad the Villages of Blyth. Brussels. Lvelmow. mummy. Ripley. Tenn-ate: nnd Wroxeter. HURON SOUTH -Townshitxs of Gadsden. Hay. Hul"tt. .'IcKilInp. Stanley. Stephen. Tor-kn'nmh and Usbome: the Towns rd Clinton. God- eriett and Seafcrt'n: and tho Villages of Bayfield. Exact and rims-.311. HASTINGS MMT-Townships of Hungertord. Huntingdon. Tlmrlnw. lWendiraga, Madoc. Wicklow, Bangor, Tudor. Limvrick. Dttngtennnn. Mont- eagle, Outlaw. Maw... C.tshcl, Grimss thorpe and Elarvir, and the Town of Deeeronto and the Villages of Madoc sud Tweed. ships of Aneaster and Barton: thenee southerly. and following the aforesaid division line between the aforesaid townships to the brow of the Moun- tain. thence westerly, following along the brow of the Mountain to where the Homing Mountnin Road Intersects the Hamilton-Brantford Highway: thence northeasteriy and easterly. for. lowing along the aforesaid Hamilton- Brantford Highway to the place of be- 810nm. , Ken erly dirt ownshi District of part ot the b of the pro- up m to gham. usels. r.xetion W'.t ter Mor- and ora. and osc or of PETERBOROUGH .--- County at I'eterbcroutrh and the City ot Peter.. borough. PORT ARTHUR-ro consist mainly of portion ot the Territorial District of Thunder Bay minutely and technically described in the act. PARRY 'OU1m---Proviaiomu Ju- dieial District of Parry Bound. -e1iilirL--A3ounty of Peel. $lFR'rlH--Couhty of Perth, the City of Stratford and the Town of Palmer. 91 Avenue. Oxr8p--Townships of Bland." '. Nissouri East, Zone. East. Zorra West, Dereham, Norwich North, Norwich South. Oxford East. Oxford West and Oxford North, the City ot Woodstock, the Towns of Ingersoll and Tillsonburg and the Villages of Embro. Tavistock and Norwich. u 1 , awn 99rrH--d2alhousie, Capi- tal and Wellington Wards and that partion of Riverdale Ward lying west of the centre line of Main Street. and that portion of Elmdale Ward lying east. at the centre has of Parkdalr McLaughlin, Canisbay. Bonfleld, Boul- ter. Wilks, Bizzar. Dcvino. Hunter. Peck. East Ferris and West Ferris, Chisholm. Ballantyne, Paxton, Butt. McCranoy. Finlayson, Mattawan, ol-: rig, Phelps. Widdif1eld, Goodcrham. Dart of Indian Reserve on the north shore of Lake Niptssing south of the Township ot Blyth, Antoine. the 1m- named township east of the Township of French. French. Mulock. Merrick. Eddy. the unnamed township west of Eddy. Lockhart. Stewart, Poitms, the unnamed township west of Poitras, Garrow, Osborne. Wyse, and the two unnamed townships to the west of Wyse, also the Townships of Blyth. Notman. Hammell, also the City of North Bay and the Towns of Mattawa and Bonfieid. ! NORTHUMBERLAND--countv n? "og,tg?,tigtyk Pickerin ARI Townships of tr, Reach. Scum. Whitby and Whitby card. the unsurwvod Lyman. Gladman. Kenny, Grant. Fell. McLaren, Sisk, Bertram, Spring- er, Field. Bastodo. Thistle. McCallum, Latchford. Caldwell, Badgerow. Gib- bons. McWilliams. Hobbs. Falconer, London. McPherson. Kirkpatrick. Hugo]. Cretan Dana. Pardo. Smllard. Martland. Haddn. Casimir. Dunnet, Ratter. Henry. James. McNish. Mason, Cosby. Cherrhnan. Jmmin NTPrSStNG-sTURtHia'oN FALLS - Townships in the Territorial Districts pf Nipissinst and Sudbury: Charton, MIDDLESEX SOUTH -...- Townships of Adelaide, Caradoc. Delaware. North Dorchester. Ekfrid. Lobo, Medralfe, Moss and Westminster and the Town of Strathroy and the Villages of Gimme. Newbury and Wardsville. M0BKoKA-0NTARro--Provisinna1 Judicial District of Muskoka. the Townships of Brock. Mara. Rama, Scott. Thorah and Uxbridao. the WWW: at Uxbridge and the Villages of Benetton and Canninttton. MIDDLESEX NORTH-Townships of Biddulph, London, MetNllivray, Nissan! West, Williams East, Wil- liams West, the Town of Parkhm and the Villages of Ailsa Craig and Lucan and that portion of the City of Lon- don not included in the Electoral District of London. NIAGARA FALLS-Townships of Bertie. Stamford and Willoughby, the City of Niagara Falls. the Town of Bridgoburg and the Villagws of Chip- paw'a. Port Eric and Crystal Beach. ytt ll and St. Rivcrdale ntre line ( rt. of my. an AP V mshlp we on we sing lying T Charlton ds in the portion of Territorial udbury ly- 'olonqatlnn rwnship ot al Dis- Boyd, lo. Cal- Bishop, l, Boul- Hunter, Ferris, , south No. 59. 9 that on the t lying on WENTWORTH, SOUTH-To Town- ships of Saltfleet, Binbrook, Gianford. Barton and Ancaster and that por- tion of the City of Hamilton lying cast of Ottawa Street and excepting that portion of the Township of Bar- ton more fully described as follows: Being composed of parts of Lots 20 and 21 in Concessions 3 and 4 of the Township of Barton and more par- ticularly described as follows: Com- mencing at the intersection of the Hamilton-Brantford Highway with Paradise Road. said Paradise Road being the division line between Lots 20 and 21 in the aforesaid township; thence southerly following the divi- sion line to the road allowance be- tween Concessions 3 and 4; thence easterly and following the aforesaid mad allowance to the division line between Lots 19 and 20 of the afore- WELLINGTON. SOUTH - Town- ships of Guelph, Nichol, Pilkington and Puslinch. the City ot Guelph and the Villages of Elora and Fergus. I East WELLINGTON, NORTH-Town. ships of Arthur, Erin, Amaranth, Garafraxa East, Eramosa, Garafraxa West, Luther East, Luther West, Maryborough. Minto, Peel and Me- lancthon, the Towns of Harriston and Mount Forest and the Villages ot Arthur, Clifford, Drayton, Erin, Grand Valley and Shelburne. WATERLOO, 'Op'rH--Townships of Dumfries North, Wilmot and the! south part of Waterloo Township. the] City ot Galt, the Towns ot Hespeler! and Preston. and the Villages of Ayrl and New Hamburg. I W.E19Np---'roinships of Crow! land. Humberstone. Thorold. Wain-g fleet and Pelham, the City of Wel-! land, the Towns of Port Colborne and Thorold and the Villages of Fonthill and Humberstone. l I PmiEK0'r'I'--tmnships of Alfred, IClarence, fi'rtt,ri'tugggiy Plan.. tageuet North, enet Scum. , that part of the Townships ot Hawker. bury East and Hawkesbury West lying north of the original road annwanw: between Ccncessions four and tive, tho Towns of Hawkesbury and Racklam and the Villages of L'Orignal and Gas- sclman. PRINCE EDWARD-LENNOX -. Ccunty of Prince Edward. the Town- ships of Adolphustown. F?rltrieks'auv North. Fredericksburg South, Rich- mond and Ernestown. the Town 4f Naname and the Village of Bath. TrMrsKAMrNo---'N consist of all that portion of the territorial dis- tricts of Nipissing, Sudbury and Timiskaming within certain limits minutely and technically described in the act. vr9rorya---county of Victoria and the County of Haliburton. WATERLOO, N.9RTH---'rownships of Wellesley and Woolwich and the north part of Waterloo Township. the City of Kitchener, the Town of Wa- terloo and the Village of Elmira. STORMONT-To consist of the County of Stormont. SAULT STE. MARIE-ro consist of certain parts of the territorial dis- trict of Algoma minutely and tech- nically described in the act. ST. CATHARINES - County of Lincoln and the City of St. Cath- arincs. SUDBURY-'ro consist mainly of the territorial districts of Sudbury, Algoma and Titrtiplquning within cer- tain described limits minutely and technically set out in the act, Station and that part of the of Eganvme lying south of the chem River. RUSSELL-ro consist of th, ships of Cumberland. Git Osgoode and Russell, the 'I Eastvicw and the Village of RA RENFREW y,9TrH--Townsatups of Admaston. Algoma South, Bagat, Bllthtield, Brougham. Brudenep, Burns, Grattan, Griffith, Hagarty, Horton, Jones, Lynodcch, Mattawat- chan. McNab. Raglan, Radcliffe, Rich- ards. Sebastopol and Sherwood. the Towns of Arnprior and Renfrew and the Villages of Braesids and Killaloe Station and that Dart M flan Tri--, ,,,,__ __ ..--'.. w", vuuus; UL 011"]. RAINY RIVER-Territorial District of Rainy River. RENPREW N9R'rH---Townshiws of Airy, Anglm, Algoma North, Alice, Bmmley. Buchanan. Brcrvston, Barron. Clara. Cameron. Clancy. Dickens, Dea- con, Dickson, Edgar, Fraser. Pitager.. ald, Guthrie. Head, Lyell, Maria, Mc- Ray, Murchison, Master, Niven, Pem- broke. Ptrtawawa, Preston, Ralph, Ross, Stafford, Sabine. Ftratton, Westmeath," Wilberforce. Wylie and White, the Town of Pembroke, and the Village of Cobden and that part of the Village of Eganvllle lying north of 1 a Bonnechere River. PRESCOTT--' .lulmnummg wunm cer- limits minutely and t out in the act. ING---To consist of all of the territorial dis.. pissing, Sudbury and within certain limits technically described in M of the Town of the 1ioiiilli" ' Gloucester, the Town of 2 of Rockclitte Killaloe Yillage