The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Apr 1933, p. 2

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AFm? 14 _ y "This bill, of course, proposes to put Matter SALARY REDUCTIOI\ the salaries of the Chairman on a Civit », Says Price. B parity with that of a Cabinet Min-- | "I don't know anything about it," AMENDMENT LOST ister but, if my honorable friends replied Attorney--General Price. "The feel that they should vote that the Securities Commission would handle *" 5 Chairman of the Hydro Commission it; that is its work. But I understand By a vote of 66 to 19, the (should receive $8,000 a year more _ there was nothing to it, that it was w€, H Harr than the Minister of Mines, the _ a purely civil matter. e bl" SDOI')SOl'ed by on. al y Attomey-Genera]' Minister of Lands Premier Hem'y then rose. "I will C. Nixon to decrease the 'and Forests, or the other Cabinet admit quite candidly that there lart o Commis-- Ministers, that is, of course, their should be some limitation to which . salaries of Hydro Com privilege." I suggest this amendment ; public servants can carry on in their| ' sioners ard to prevent them _ in ay sincerity." g;il\{aégf i?x%gniiséd O'ghei? :'}Ill(i)g%ld I:ehe; from holding dnector.ateS--- Outside Activities Limited. | might move. But I cannot agree that the latter clause admittedly "The cther section seeks to limit, ,we can go as far as this bill would ir d at Right Hon. Arthur _ or, if you like, place certain prohibi-- ' have us go. What kind of Comnis-- directe + 44 6 tions, although that is not a popular sioners could you expect, if this went E Meighen--was defeated in the: ;n' in this Legislature, upon the | through? I don't know who you Legislature yesterday. It WAaS outside activities of members of the could put on. ; ent--Oppo--| Commission. The Power Commission '"'We have heard the member from a straight Governm : _ Act takes two pages setting out pro-- Brant boast about his coming into sition vote. nibitions as to the activities of mem-- power, or the groups which he repre: B > ies | bers, or of officers, of any Commis-- sents coming into power. Possibly he Reads List of Companies, i sion apnointed or elected in the mu-- might like the job himself, and I sup-- Mr. Nixon, in speaking to the bill | nicipalities. (Local -- Commissions.) pose he would be quite fitted for it. which would have amended the POWr| 1f seoms to me in this connection But, as the bill is framed, no farmer Commission Act, read off the list Of| inat what is sauce for the goose who takes power could sit on the | companies witlhy which Mr. Mceighen should be sauce for the gander, and Commission. | was associated, and the 'm\-cs:mcms the members of the Commission | "I suppose every financial interestl of these companies in securitiecs which| spou}d not object to accepting such in the Province is more or less affect-- | diroctly or indirectly related to Hydro| restrictions as their own act applies e«i by the action of the Hydro Com--| activities. And in conclusion he made| };,, members of the local Commis-- mission. I do not suppose my friend | | this challenge to Premier Henry: "If sions," Mr. Nixon contended. left anything out of the scope of thjs! X the Prime Minister would read .the "Put I will say, quite frankly, that bill," the Premier said, reading its, | correspondence which he has received| . this is gaimed particular:y at the clauses. ' | from Mr. Mcighen this past ten days, ; anomalcus position of Hydro Com-- Mr. Nixon--I lifted it entirely out | I understand that it would be much |missioner Mr. Mrighen, with respect of your own bill and the Workmen's | more interesting than the fs'mt.rmextn | to his duties on r,lgle Hydro Roard and ICompensation Act. | h st or s referrin 0 i ssociation with numerous co = | i: ".l.'cn"';la\d \rhigf t\;fi Prrcmicr gh:ld 35';?1015%'5?1233 hollcungsl.l are most rgg- Better Service Sought. | read in connection with the Hydro cidedly affected by the action of the ' Premier Henry--Then he says that | discussions Commission. § 'the salaries should be fixed by statute Mr. Nixon's bill would have pre-- "I would bring'tq your attention rather than the way it has been done | vented any ons being a Commissioner _ that Hydro Commissioner Meighen is | since the organization of the Com--| who was a director of any corpora-- listed iq 't'lvm Financial Po'st,_dxrect,ory-/ |\ mission twenty--five years ago. I would | tion the interests of which might be as President of the Canadian Gen |like to know where we could go for n'flfl'c:ed by the acts of the Commis-- eral Securities, Ltd.; of the Dealers Commissioners under this. Surely we sion, or the value of whose shares Finance Corporation, Ltd.; and of the want outstanding men, men of vigor. 'n" be enhanced or affectsd by acts London & Western Trusts Co., and It is not a matter of 'decreasing sal-- .,;' the Commission; or any ons who also a President and Managing aries. It is a matter of heaping more ' *1.'14'01- purchased any business or Director of the Traders' _ Finance lresponsibilities on them and getting r, the m-p.fmb-- of which might be ~Corporations, Ltd.; and Chairman of 'be.tter SErvice alff'l"-';'d by'tgn" acts of the Commis-- the Board of the Canagian General "We have 'to lake men in active ' '=i«~h"\ or any one who was a holder Investments, Ltd.; Third Canadiaq life who have interests, or otherwise of bonds, etc., the value of which General Investment Trust, Ltd.; we would not obtain the efficiency we iight Lz;: Afré'»[c'j by the Commis-- Fourth Canadian General Invest-- are getting today. All three Com-- ie kam' 0;]p~'.\'l) ) was interested ment, Ltd.; Confederation Invest-- mi:\signém %mve 1§o.ved theméelves men | ' ':xluunzfn;"dm'icc. etc., which might be ments, Ltd.; and Canadian Gencral | of 'cépa,ci'ty. I xc)loubi that the people ' subjoct to regulation by the Com-- Insurance Co. nes | would vote for a reduction in the sal-- { mission Mr. Meighen's Positions. | aries." ' 1 alaries Proposed "He is a member of the Hydro | Mr. Nixon--Don't you think that: Daterics L0 8 ; Lel Electric Power Commission at a pub-- |you have good men in your Cabinet? It wculd have set the sala..'xcb at lic salary and a member of the Sen-- Mr. Henry--Yes; but they have not $10,000 per annum for the Chairman, . ate at a public salary. And, accord-- |the same responsibilities They are $8,000 for the '/ lP?-Cl\alrnl?\ll. and ing to information set out in the Fi-- not handling 320'000,000 in revenue. £7,000 for the third ppmmi&sxoncr. a nancial Post Corporation Service, the | MB Nixon--What about the Provin-- "In moving this bill to amend th° Canadian General Investment Trust, 'cial Treasurer? Power Commission Act, I wou'd like as of March 31, 1932, had in th(}lr L o noiinso P | to point cut to you, and to the portfolio such securitie as Abitibi, Continual Nagging" Charged. | Government, that th's conc udirs my Power and Paper, Gatineau Power;| 'The Premier declared it was beneath Lt o minchemcne ts mam, "OrpRfEc| Minolaren. Quebec: Ontarie Power! |ins dignity of the House to make po-- | hey will fecere It a ilitle more kingiy | Bervice Corporation, Dominion Pow--| [jF i EBM Sf the Mous salary of the | they will it a liitle more kindiy | er and Transmission. | Chairman. "He is giving his very life--| than they have my previcus reosolu-- "And in the Third Canadian Invest: | blood in the interests of the work, and | tions, which I still fee! should MOS@| ment Trust, Beauharnois Power, MaC-- the other two Commissioners are satis-- ccrta'nly have tbeen pasted in th®! jaren, Ontario Power Service. The| |factory. I think the people have been j public interest. 4 1| lists laid on the table the other day \ misled by those who would make a | "This bill is very simple and se'lf-- showed that these corporations, of political football out of the Hydro.! cxplanatory, coutaining two clius>»s,' rhich he was a dominating director,| | > o £ ith | F -- - W h \For years we have been charged with one of which secks to sct by legis'a=| held at least $213,000 Ontario Power |interfering with Hydro affairs, and tion the salaries of the Hydro Com--| Service bonds. 'The information 'now when we don't we are abused be-- misoners. These sa'ar'es ¢t ti} | which is furnished from the Cana-- écause we don't," the Premier declared , present are se'tled by the Lieutenant--| qgian General Trust Investment, Ltd., | heatedly. "If 'this continual nagging Governor in Council, and form part | ; of politicians who wish to make some of the cost of the administration of| Shows that, on Dec. 31, 1932 |petty--," the rest of his remarks be-- the Hydro Electric Power Commis--| this one corporation alone had in its |\ ing lost in the applause. sion. ' portfolio $115,500 of the new Hydr0® / j Nixon--You are not mentioning Provisions of the Act | Electric Power Commission bonds, 'any names? The & .__.__| guaranteed by the Province; $302,000 | Mr. Henry--This was put on the Act 'Sec?resent Ifox'\'er Commission ' in Gatineau at 5 per cent.; $52,000 |order paper for no other purpose, so nhigh 10n 6, says, 'An amount | Gatineau at 6 per cent.; $44,000, Mac-- that when he goes out through the nesily tor ts ::3{?33 mex®s paid on-- | laren, Que.; $23.000 Abitibl Power and _ | country--" | und E fman| Paper; and 100 shares of preferred. F. Nixon-- » e :\Ifigs ig:: o'ttlller members of the Com-- _ After the debate of yesterday, I do 1 g;t it g'x?l}n :'fiusig%t}i'fnpute that | said amount S Dteelve from the not propose to discuss these in fur-- Mr. Henry--It is difficult to tell. ols amount such sums as may be ther detail, except to say that, in my when you are sincere ernoy qo°C, tS Ihe Lisutenant--Gove | | view, 1 is not in the public interest "The member from Brant says he 207 in Council, ang 'ne said sums that a Hydro Commissioner should 5 3 4 shall be de o + a i introduced it in all sincerity. t is emed a part of the ex--| have these connections," said Mr. saying a whole lot," observed E | ""Bi}'fstf the Commission.' Nixon. ; N. Sinclait, Liberai ouse Leader, ' {ion | L, his section, my informa--| To show you how embarrassing it . .'; _ lawyer, I ant forced to disagree | mag L'_"that the salary of the Chair-- | may be to the Government, I may with the drai'ting of the bill. I agree ol n is $18,000, and the salaries of say that we know we have a Securi-- with what the Prime Minister has -- ¢ Commissioners $10,000 each. I ties Commission, and it might be said. It is not drawn in a way to gfl?pqse 10 substitute the figures as set | necessary for & review of the Commis-- meet the situation my friend wants thism the bill. I have suggested in _' sioner by the Securities Commission. to meet. I happen to be & director f sal House that, in my opinion, the | as I understand that a request has . T9 NC Temple Building in OShaws, a -in?c{.es of th('Sc Chairmen Of Com" lalrmdy w made. In thls connec-- Mamic a.ffa-ir Undel' this wl' I ¢ ml:-,lons should certainly not exceed | tion, I have before me clippings from would be debarred from being & Com-- i t of the Premier of the Province, I the Victoria Times of July, 1931." missioner. So would a farmer or any ' fll J TCcall that last year my good | _ "Sir Percy Lake heads Victoria r of power. And one couldn't own Zrery from Woodbine '(Mr. Shiclds) _ Committee," Mr. Nixon read front the 5 mining share Shret with me emphatically, in: . headiines of an Artitle in the above -- * 8 * 4 spite of which I still think I am paper. "I do not propose to go into Foolish," Says Sinclair. tight. | the matter further, but a communi-- "I almost think it would debar a. . cation was sent and acknowledged, . man from owning an electric clock," and it was indicated that A,. W. * Rogers would look into it."

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