The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1934, p. 1

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ie c ie n ce s s it . i w e 0. HH MAE SE UE mt matsiienisesr ns nsc s n ces commeccaa February 7 f Ni f | I ¢ * bec." 'The ot . xon Amendm bec t The othee ptants as megare re wilssion is "huy;rninactive. The Com-- its DTOducts,"' g and then dumpmg. uled Out ons u O r e r M"ef%:b?ng develonment from the St ic C Wat.efl'mv Droiect "the go : eral information is t * e gon powe 7 s to the effort that 3 1 r will ultimately be suppli~d at n r a cost of $15 ner horsepower: ga_ ier's Reply )i# 8 sfi n? * 2 could be available at the s Heieicebatieiceaieciaie esc icaees (;St pric"' in th"' w ld h AACT low- * Directing a share Joy $10." orld, someywherse be-- Messrs. McQuibban @nd : Thi ie Govermn: IMcQuibban " motes | | ... 5* S ecale!! thet_ine President of + e vernment Leader's " |the Beauharn s _ Corboration .. Fay NIXOII Score (;0vem_ :;:goune:ib:fluwhjcr; to exercls: 0331'3 'g;fimqtrd a ;:.(mcog'pm,: : 33;1"'3 h%g t . t % +4 es" ncluded : 0.25 prr horse Cer. "I C oo nnlerme ment Policies -- Prime SS X6 {hat all is well wich biydrs Corporation . old oo dnemmngre Mini from the lips of those whose eapaycilt.o | price, why esuld F44 'de.e:-mme_ &A Minister Makes JOCular id o nemseives" Phe premicr oHS || forces of pubtic ubliity receive en Re DC M themselves." The Premier said -- CUSZCM®® ard leade }E'e;oene ue marks . About East sc sigiree ape oocal wl es' on y s , su_mlus' «4 op s slp.,','."' y AMESEC -;0. nivy cCevel-- Kent Member's Leader | $$5000,000 or more in ton dotioh " of lower hfurs"" Ahia on To mashiin ht 144 re in 1933; he 14 | | St._ Lawrence l s mont Tos l on en on uen n utd ie ie eeeges call in his many Educat cou | ence power will be $15." ion Depart-- Defeating the hones F _ ment assxsmts a st 3 it 3 ones Of Chea'p ower HYDRO ATTACKED _ Wlsn o S BVE TT fime snn Adntisiation a [d system." pole U enc en etabion «and Jibe BY BOTH ydro advisers hav i CRIT[CS He protested two Conservaiiv Prov ve proved to this | pexmesmamesm | g't'l'g:",m;,}_nacnlcmhaum to treat the m- | to b"in:tf"}i?setierd i\rn":ilgl gzleafmti, o of the | Ce &A *./ | big now w 8 e fuvure C Premier H | cationg!_branch of the Publie | Policy | _ Iy, MeGubben c M o ties 0 'mer enry retorted on |folios' Neverthel essr ';'DO(!l'tant port= | Dr}; McQubban concentrated then t m(;om'tlon assailants at yes-- | that supervised the critical yea is of & i&','e"'g'ofi':'*;fii P s Aos purchase: "In terday's Lerislature: sescion, | Ti ie sdenanr en en |Pooul Bnk tomes,rom io € roiced an objecti 'hi * go askew and fakes over the Canmm caused "'ithdr:\?-fic(t;o: g:chr_)l:}(; | Educational System Claimed Obsolete ' :'5\"']?10?)31('!'.'3 aft',?';-'fi vi \, lifi-}}{?wsa:gg? . & o 8 | _ As a result, D j + j a huge power site-- n ~ aren I no--confidence motion directed "the educational ?uzM beoomxbban efggnd' | which deserves very severe %L&nl?gof against his Government. hy age: and s function e rolurion-- ) | areas at the mesoies o private onoghe Objections. fosdicle sysiem. '}'\s"""g'"n% & # | rations for an fime ametr gs aratn crs' cited « c e even the gods rebelled"" .. 0 ~ _ Adl:fi?;r? Day in the debate on the qlliflncheclfiffx}ee:ce&eeogdmm ho Slames | I siznice" Sgaid Drl.)ul\'nguibb « § &f tht Liberais and fHon. Heety Nixon, after high school entrance, althou@gh | tieally susrantecips the leate. pras-- * * * mos + | tically guaranteeing the s F | Progressi'.,\ each °C on Nixon. most of them (ll'(')md out immediatel | io veeing the bonds of On-- a o quipped with on attaining t «1 16 ely | tario Power Servics nati " nhont SOetip Semiam | arcun ho a m seriow ts | Anciean, ue i o ne uin oo P onems smock t the clzse of his op-- cial burden on the «axpayer to man-- | financial breakers hit it. and loudly es Mr. Henry rose with tain this anti 3 main: | | proclaiming the beon is is to mining, a demand that Speaker T. A. Kidd Dr \(cQuur)lbxquated rule," commented ; they become the fe:'vi": :i o mining, rule the two amendments so similar He recalle?ln' ; Northern Ontario Power Corporat Py (a'.;dtobgi repetition. This the Speaker George Rogers g;fie t"b'aill'_mrtlgr ofr Ecli)r, Only a baw mines, he Clgfgzxziatxon. + gave Mr. Nixon the right to cation f t cCmor of Biu--| would benefit by the sommewhs ever prepare a new and acceptabl in n for Ontario, that schools were| Guced rate--scal * n animemnat fes Just before the sittin ;dmotm. danger of departmentalization with| Of the purch o instiluted as a result Speaker unexpectedt c:u é ed the | mechanical precision, touching neither| revenue uL it You may get some Nixon for his new zm es on Mr. ; the character nor personality of teach--| from the s: it will be ground out fison protesied ihat ne fed nad mo | If and student. Dr. Rogers had stated| assist eost sureiw vow novemlt . that hundreds of sist, and most surely you hav himg 10 propare & hew Riopon." The | vers students at the uni--| true to form." you hve 148 Speaker regretted, but it cruld not || and "huan mebons 'comenlglmeny| Irotincial Financing AHtacked Ed hg';:'g & r%gdbsequemly Mr. Nixon PuUPils who should never have n;zxr\lz 'Turning his attack to eP: destaail iSshed. the matter as fin-- Ul'l]g!fwe-"aQuctthrlx'%d university statistics to fltr;ancing, Dr. McQuibban o ggfizckg}_; s wre sacrificeto the gods| _tP?, 8reat fi j lses . wi C /. Liberal Amendment. of university culture," Dr. MCQfiibban. which my hong?ar.llfllgl frg(x)ld EME The repeated his complaint that "nothing in floating loans," and oal they were p Liberal amendment climaxing * d°N®" € _ paying lower eregis on 'gq were' mr. McQuibban's speech was "that all Centralization policies, thought Dr. _ PUS St! demanch'né the ome rpareet i :':_O&d:vln b:hsi x.x'rlxolt'.lon after the first xfigllbban. sl}ackled the "fine and 'and security on loans Mm\slfi'er?g' For« ck out, and the fol-- e body of Ontari » produce t q C, SDC | lowing substituted therefor: %_l{gis advised revaluation ofo &%ch&x;séml{e falling {ml;:g fa°§d eppremnenenielihre is' ; 2%\;5;&;1"'; u;iith alarm the ever-- i;'\a"fr'x t::ddmon of responsibilities r,'fi "Mr. Prime Mirfigber ?}a;gau}lgad cr:l,-';é& easing, burden of taxation and -- ont,' o of of efficiency and ec in the di f C debt which the policies fiy,|| omy. | To po Bveve A > diggers and faced them with v of this Gov-- y. offset the surplus of teach-- YOur banker plutoc : in emm:ent have im ers, the department rou ho cce se nn,. Fanoee means fiigpl(t'r. t:lnd gndcmggs:,ge ':x':.(t,?r :fifif riqg}remexlng and reg:{:afilgttgs;g:gg: ifour méms&fi °?§ew§1'2$§5'§' made re ie Governmen * at Normal Schools. teachers i * n' and in a businetsllfiedgn;:, §t Normal were trel:etgga * unjugtigvs urlr;gr ux;(rieussetxfi{ ht;ghhg%' coud WAlive '"hkfh peopthe;: roblems of vital concern to df:?:?cd to cram more academic fod-- "This expansion dexfx;n?ifs mgg:g ho > + money. 'They have all Ned * The Progressive on t e all been crucified out, was as follows: m: tamremn(eid McQuibban Assails Hydro System. n'rtl?ee c(:}x;]c;sys 's)f)lfi(t)%gh D i Sn thoatioe aenmtene s | ecnonint c ereuliorenat |Efese toind yosse nereto t follo A 4 riarth ually, but surely, | Yhole ran inte . 'And this House respec u"'u'fi? ;&;(}Stsl ;1hc constricting coils of their busmei's Govemmegg ggnldx.lsw;fesx?é c{xtt S Cereat I hos snjoy 'the comiaence ~of * i P o Bs h d e ue and Toans t enjoy confiden ' f s C e Commis-- .. W i . | people; and that they hcfve &mu:; ihmef1 had conveniently delved into would follow suit. "Vast sums will; office for months after the end of 000 ;;'f';gi'b" is to convert a $2,500,-- ?;;'Ilm 233 refleased into the business' itge in nfif :'mch they were elected,| deficit? asked ux))r? i«fq?fh';ban'"" L,, cent. in. ?ar&mnig?géaggsdg?fngfwlrofis practice, and sho:ldo}"::) l(t:?t).'set{}tl\:et.lom.l trail, he found, led back to éuebe:, relieve the farmer of $2,250,000 24-- mitted to function o * ,, where increased purchases of power nually, and equalize more fairly the as a Government.'"}> had raised expenses 50 per cent. w equation of commodity and incid wg:e-a;nm Attacks, || leaying total power less in 1952 than adeck wik be balenced, will Fise, f | k udge i1 > a wir:!ee (f)l:!.;!";?:?lmd"m:flnmmcgumr Purchased power he pictured as an dtmg ° % ':3 gt?igu]aabednced' E'h * whole.i tion by the Government. Dr. M --' octopus, gradually strangiing produc-- In the January Provincial loan the| ban claimed that the Li . McQuib. . tion from the Niagara SYS':'P'l Into Province had been deprived of about was borrowing to build uguot{) Board : that system now flooded in .p0wer $1,000,000 in handling charges. Thei blance of a Government su rplu: m; g:lrl!'l g::ltineau. Beauharncis, Chats ';:?g :,;%stegd% at 97, and the bonds! the educational system, was outmoded With regara to the Throne Speech |he C which thoud fave sared wth strangling itsell " lt.:xmt Hydro _ was stattment that the Decemiper " e t / ie Coveinent e C td to hok uebes ~ Sis. Nanun ama it | Matooibhan remmcrned in ember pcat others. "It is gencrally understood Tith a More strictl Nixon struck out McQuibban remarked t ry, DY. that the Government could have at ewihg h m Gl:vcfly political address, mission hesitated to pul;?itc'xuziec?m: |least secured an additional point :n : verge of defeat, uxdel:ltep.lgflon the --that "Hydro users were obliged to :;; the $15,000,000 long--term loan." Cns menars t punamenmete uin Loo mas Replying. m e Quebec contracts and sg;hggw;t':o?l':?"' Drmfi?q'mfi%&np?vo.,'"mm bookkeeping: gela'jg] mood. Dunctuaungnrgg"s 2 mg Drob:.e;r; fi':gsustmiet }vyd diverting |Control Board borraavetclim fngggymg%: with frequent slaps at the Opposi ries, inducing the | the banks to turn over to the Treas He endeavored to meet the tion. public to instal hot--water heaters, and |'trer's Department to create fe e , s : p N C ble points of 'criticism offered byd)gsmm ?hoorflnz power to the United States. | financial reports. He saw noM;?ra * eason versaries, and had not concl ad-- e Decomber neak was established | Why the Liquor Board should uded his, by "throwing the vast bu!! estab» snsech when the House rose. | | Queenston plant of l\?;atgsg}}{&o qc;l ttg: lish a large surplus, but surely its | and fiooding the system 'from Qus--

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