Fo.bfuzgq 0 . # Again Introduces Bill Re-- --_ garding Insurance Regulations HENRY ANSWERS QUERIES Hon. W. H. Price produced the only hbreak in yesterday's 16--minute Legis-- lative session by his second exposition in three days of Dominion and Pro-- vincial constitutional powers. Address-- a nearly em'myec chamber, the --Gencral ted his atten-- tion to Provincial insurance regula-- tion in connection with the second reading of the bill to amend the In-- surance Act. * To Maintain Rights. 'This bill, generally known as the Temporary l'rzvlslons Act, has been passed annually, the Attorney--Gen-- eral explained, so that the Provincial yights confirmed by the Privy Coun-- cil will not fall into abeyance. Iron-- ing out of definite jurisdictional rights has been delayed '"in order to co-- operate at a time when the stability of the insurance companies means so much," but Colonel Price stated that the Province had made headway, both at Ottawa and in co--operation with the other Provinces He summed up the bill as the "placing before the House agai nof the principle confirmed by the Privy Council that the House * has the right to regulate insurance." Four Opposition questions answered by Premier Henry aroused n»> com-- ment. The Civil Service Commission-- er's salary was named as $6,000, less deductions: the expense ol his de-- partment has approximated $15,000 annually and has been slightly re-- duced in recent years, and his juris-- diction includes Sheriffs and certain gquards, jailers and nurses. Expenses of Tour. & 'The tour of the Westerm Provinces made by the Budzeting Commiittee cost $804.64, and members received no extra remuneration, the Premier stated in answer to another query. Adver-- tising, pamphlets and publicity had cost the Tourist and Publicity Bureau sums ranging from $90,336 in 1929 to $37,156 in 1933, the Premier said in reference to a third question. The salary of the Director, C. C. Hele, is limited to the $4,000, less deductions, which he receives as General Secre-- tary of the department, and travelling expenses amounted to $100 or $200 . a P werepdduTll:erieam" &t tf'he 8240?)' ranging from $2,400 . downward. | In answer to a question regarding the amount of the Provincial highway > portion of the debt retirement sinking fund, Mr. Henry stated that the tem-- porarily suspended debt retirement scheme covered the Provincial debt as a whole, and is not earmarked accord-- ing to the nature of the capital. One new bill, an act to amend the Toans Act, was introduced by the Premier and Colonel Price. 'This bill involves the validation of technical-- ities encountered with Provincial # overdrafts. By another resolution, the Legal Bills (McCaughrin) Committee was granted permission to sit during f House sessions.