The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1934, p. 1

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servatike, Woodbine) tiisiarihr. TGG gwhgt. charges would be made to the men ot avenue income. Dr DAM- The hospital in return will set aside twenty beds "tar atdigent persons suifering with cuwer or what any be cancer," and will provide the neces- sary equipment and keep full cue statistix and "tot1ow-up" information covering e per.od of five yum after the pgtignt's treatment. Hospital Agreement. The arrangement. to Be mutated by the act will require the Gavan. ment to provide 39.000 and a supply st rt1Ht1,to,_the, "ch Roam). P. J. Wilson (Conservative, Wind- sor East) at the close ot Dr. Robb's address. br'eily mentioned the drain made by sickness on the aerate pocketbook and expressed trust that the Minister would continue his st- tacks on diseases. "the costs of which are beyond so many pocketbooks." Sunnis Survey. Mr. Wilson suggested a canvas; ot all on relief to and who were sni- tering from diseases such as cancer. ans! testified tttakin the power Cities In answer to press eritieistn, Dr. Robb detailed the Souroes irom which the Province had acquired approxi- mately a gram and a hat! ot Belgian Congo and Great Bear Lake radium, and then stated: 'an addition to this amount of radium we have imported what is known " a bomb of tour grams, a most, powerful chemical." Equal to Any in World. any in the world. After remarking that there had bcen criticism because the bomb was not bought from a Canadian ttrm, Dr. I Robb stated that he had discussed the , procuring ot a Camuran-made bomb, with the Eldorado Gold Mines early! in the year. Correspondence was: produced showing that local Produc-i tion would mean extended and Itl definite delay. A bomb had there-I tore been rented tor a year tram the i New York agency handan the Bel- gian Congo radium. Rent. Dr. Robb? stated. amounted to tt per cent. on the V bomb's value ot 8200.000. and in answer to a question by Program Leader Nixon. he said that the Prov- ince. it it kept the bomb for more than a year. was obligated to buy .htut.tyJrrynotitduriiueacttseir in which it was teucned. Limited Canadian supply has re- strieted the Ontario Government in patronizing radium producers. Hon. Dr. J. M. Robb. Minister of Health. stated yesterday when the bill validating the radium agreemcnt be- tween the Government. and the Vic- toria Hospital in London reached second reading " the legislative sessxon. The "bomb." he explained. would be placed m the Toronto General Hospital. where equipment. including a lead-Anal room. has been prepared. The Minister ot Health stated that. the acquisith ot the "tttmth" would make the haspltal's institute ot radiotherapy oqytpt in emciency to POT IN TORONTO GENERAL "the health ot the peopidNiio '63; fallen Aggddglfun .timta, has been well 11 ment." ONTARIO RENTS RADIUM "BOMB" Dr. Robb Says Purchase in Canada Would Mean Delay FROM Elll YORK I that people meter to . tees to mauve their 9:. s. 3 'lds (Gm. by MI MUCH OF LOAN BOUGHT BY FIRMS PROVIDING EXPERTS? OTHER ROAD QUESTIONS who had the road-building contract; whether the con-tract was let by ten- der, and. if so, what were the amounts of etch tender and the mamas of those Who tendered. A string ot Northern queries comes under the name of T. P. Murray tWentworth South). He asks: Cost of the ferry Jacqueline, in use trom ta Cloche Island to Little Current; cast of aunt-ions to the La Cloche Island terminal during 1933: cost of [use ere without Insurance. and who Ore the insurers and their agems. Dr. L. J. Slmpsm. Simcoe Centre, In concerned with winter highways out: between Barrie and orillia. He "he how much it has takcn during the past three years to keep the road in shepe. how many sections it has been divided into for this purpose. and how mmy men hare brTn employed. Weed South Query. A new but...' to: Lso...a Q¢.o..u.4~ tabied y.s.-.'(.ay in the Lsgislaturr delve still ueepJ into the handling OI the 840,000,000 Plonncial loan. .-rc- mier Henry already has and the Home that a. commission ct' omens, gram: lrom the bank's. was paid 840.000 10. tts advisory scrvicu; in ctrnncccion win) 'kiln' the lean. Now the Opposii,ion renders how mac.) of the loan each Gayloya' ct this: expats purchased. the t.pecitie questions. tutu-ed un- tg the name of N. o. Hlpcl, South atcrloo. follow: "Was any an: en- gaged by the Governmznt in an ad- visoxy capacity re the recent loan ct 'e,000,000? If 50, why mire they? With "amt mm is sand cf thss: The Norwood-Havelock Highway his the attention of R. A. Baxter (Oxford South). He wants to know vuoxy capacuy re me. recent loan ct '4'J,000,000? If so, why "are they? With want. mm is mm ct was: Inn employed G canncccd in any way? What mmuac Lt (Joints and cams Wu: they paid tor their scrvlcas? What amounts of tin $40,000,000 loan Vere purchased by the ttrms or cor- porations with "mom the-e men ar. employer"' Highway Fanatic»... Highway rimmed; fauns me ham.) for another pair of Mr. Hipel's ques- tions. He asks: "Has we cost ot any resurfacing. repairs replacements or Works ot any nature on the Provincial highways systcm been raised by bor- rowing moneys and charging same ta capiul account. on any sections "new the original capital charge had not been Retired before the second capital charge was made" If .23. "an: mounts?" In a third set or qucocions, Mr. Ripe! inquires as to the total insur- able value ot all Government buildings outside Toronto, with the total fire in- gunnee merged: That. it any, build- South Waierloo M.P.P. Also Curious About Highway Financing 'ebvuami IA- bers: haw much has been mud. direct- ly or indirectly. to W. B. Somerset. Commissioner, during the past three years: what are the board's definite accomplishments to date. and what, if anything, was the Government's t1naneial contribution to the Ontario; Growers' Markets Council during; 1932-33? ern Development Resident Engineer: and his assistant at Blind Riven! ownership of rental details of the Gov- ( ernnymt, office and storage buildings; at Blind River; and cost, and length, of operation of the Northern Develop-E ntznt omee at Blind River. f The Ontario Marketing Board en-T gages the attention of Liberal Whip Charles A. Robertson. He Wes in this connection: How much has been expropriated for or expended by the board; whp are the present mem- alterations to the Little Current dock, during £933; details ot Government? purchase of the land on which Per terminals are situated: details of ex-l propriation proceedings for the right of way for the 1bpanola-Little Current Highway, with compensation to own- ers; names and calaries of the North-

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