| ed to decreass after the loss or ds-- | parture of their pastor. At his '"8 !lestion. the motter was referred | the Legal Bil!s Committee. ARGUE MARTIN RAPS QOVERGOV ERNMENT laws of the Provincs. The privilege of marriage, by their own pastors, should be grant2d to both these groups, Mr. Martin contended. Wilfrid Heigh-- ington (Conservative, St. David's) also sooks in support of the measure, men-- tioning a Macedonian congregation in his riding in similar circumstances. He intimated he would introduce an amen<ment covering this matter when the bill reached committee. > The Onlario Legislaiure compen-- sated for Tuesday's prolonged sittings yesorday, when the House met for less than an hour. The session was featured by the debate occasioned by the second reading of the amend-- ments to the Municipal and Marriage Acts, which have been brought for-- ward by Argue Martin (Conservative, HMHamilton West), and by a sories of routine first and second readings. Speaking on only one section of his proposed amendmem. to the Municipal Act, Mr. Martin advanced the premise that the people were overgoverned by too many legislators, at too great ex-- ponse. 'The reduction of the number of Provincial ridings evidenced the c:;isd;sgce of this sentiment, he con-- '-en t « Describing his bill as one permit-- ting the cities to simplify their gov-- ernments, Mr. Martin stated that the : clauses providing for the election of| the Mayor from among and by <he! Aldermen were analagous to the Eng-- lish system. Commenting on tne section which would permit the elec-- tion of Aldermen for four--year terms, he saigd: "It cften happens that at the present .ime, when Aldermen are elected for only ons year, half the time is spent in preparing for the next, election." The act would also bar Aldermen from immediate re--election. Mr. Martin also spoke in support of his amendment to the Marriage Act permitting the pastors of the People's Church in Toronto, and the Open-- Door Evangelistic Association in Ham-- ilton, to solemnizs marriages among their members. In the first case, he remarked, the pastor had been authorized to contuct this office dur. ing many yvears of service in the Pres-l bytcrian denomination, while the s2¢--| ond body was incorporated under the ; Hon. George H. Chaliies, Provincial Secretary, explained that the Gov-- ernmeont had based recognition on the traditions and history of the group, claiming that many small bodies tend-- Municipal Act Amendment Would Effect Simplifica-- tion, He Claims Februarj _ _ On a third question, the Govern-- {ment stated that 3.415 loans had been whde to farmrs by the Agricullural Development Board Guring the last fiscal year. The loans totalled $6,-- "00,000, In response to ancther qu--stion as to payments by the Government to Clark E. Locke, Limited, advertising agency, amounts during four years were giv'n as follows: 1933, $20,103; 1932, $19,386; 1931, $24.821; 1930, $30,842. "This money," the Govern-- rient explained, "represents the ac-- tual standard advertising charges of the publications represnted by the agency, which is paid for its services by the publication, not by the Prov-- ince." To the Opposition's query regarding | the amount of the loan bought by the' Banks of Montreal and Nova Scotia,, and by the Korr company, Mr. Henry replied: "The Government has no par--| ticulars on which to base a reply to' this question, the matter for obvious reasons not being one for public in-- formation." At the time of the January flota-- tion, the Government called in three advisers on terms and details of the loan. Personnel of the Advisory Com-- mittee, Mr. Henry told Liberal ques-- tioners yesterday, consisted of A. J. L, Haskell of the Investment Depart-- ment, Bank of Montreal; H. J. Coon of the Investment Department, Bank of %ova Scotia, and F. W. Kerr of F. . Kerr & Company, investment bankers. As a fee they received 1--10 of 1 per cent. of the total flotation, or $40,000. Their expenses, for office disbursements and printing, amount-- ed to $2,834. FIGURES ON EXPENSES Liberals' quest for all particuiars of the Ontario Government's $40,000,000 financing struck a snag yesterday . in the Legislature, when Premier Henry ruled it against the public interest to reveal how much of the bond issue was taken up by financial organiza-- tions, from which he drew his expert Advisory Board. NO REPLY CIVEN ON DISTRIBUTION QF BOND ISSUE Matter Not One for Public Information, Henry Says in House