The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1934, p. 2

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[R mm nrmmme in nimiinl mc csw s c tA , s # Februaryy 23. J * «mm mm omm anpmnmenmmn omm iitsneistnmimes. w w s wnmon x ______-----------""""_ es «® w v C ()Pl | 4 ky ' | DEBATE lnit uies e C uic cerire c yry ) [ | |Answers From Government R ICENSES ; | { * en nnieninaress, Sought by Durham, South f Ex i | Renfrew Liberals (*~ g%%cgtgag Pofo Vi:g:' tgrver ' Pros and Cons Are Thrash-- * T ' ' Pursuing subjects brought up in his Ed Out by TorontO Anglel's Centenary 'contribution to the debate on the Ad-- * '~ 4: dress in the Legislature, Earl Hutchin-- . Association P 'sm) {Labor, Kenora) yesterday filed a aondrromavens nnflirensteattvernetiiugs GRANT TO WESTERN U lsc::;s t;§ qu,("i:tions of t.hvf (t}}o\'cglgcntt. # Mr. Hutchinson asks if the art-- weee___zz_zzzZ_~ ment of Northern Development entered | D E C L A R E D A D R A w Toronto's municipal meoasure re-- intu a contract with Crawley & Mc--| . mm on e on omm e ; ctived unchallenged approval from the Cracken three years ago for tmding; FAtent > , a Legislature Committee on Private |men on Government work. Further, Heralded as "the big fight of the :m,s ytl-ggordu'.,-' but the most coniten-- |hrn \;islm.; tr; know if tenders wore' year," the debate over rod licenses lous 'clause of the Hamilton bill was < ) called, and, if so, who bid for the job. came to & j . summarily rejected. |He is interested in the pf'rs'mm-lj of !':Tu :')d pndingmitnnie Nt oo P( <) The Toronto bill provided for: An-- {thr firm, the situation of its head vight and was declared a draw when ' e nexation of a part of the westeriy |office, and in details of their arrange-- the mombers of the Toronto Anglers'| approach to the Lake Shore bridgo, |ment with the Government and with| Association, filling the auditorium of over the Humber: extension of the |their receipts to date, Did the GoY--| RMoresters Hall, divid o * : agreement whereby the cily pays thf lernment, he asks, guarantee a mini--| f" ts '.w ed evenly in the 'Toronto Transportation Commission |mum number of men at any t.imt'.' vyo'e on tne question. ' ésficit on ferry operation, last year |and what was this number? On what | Champions of the license bailed amounting to $36.000; exponditurs of }|date was the rate cut, and on what| their opponenits with taunt : not more than $180,000 for cclebration \date in 1933 incréeased? [+! paying a cent Lowarnds Aae a witbace of the Centenary, a spocial committee Renowed broadcasts of questions| ance of the fisni e i nran s | of ratepayers to supervise ali outlays; | were directed against the Government | | taric ind 'de rewe is wres wl + Th + Iumping of still unspcecificd granis in -- by Liberal members. Under the name | (,"" eciarea that if they did a sum not to exceed $753.000;: valida-- of W. J. Bragg (Durham) appears a| conliiiute to the revenie of the Pikh tion of tax sales: authorization to re-- set of queries concerning C. Kifrea [ EPS CMAt Department, they would be | duce frontage rates of properiies on Maguirs, Hydro--Electric Commissioner.| in a position to insist on action to-- main trafic' arterics. or excmpt such| |"Has the Hydro--Electric Commission | ward restocking access.ble waters and ; properties, the city to bear the amount, --of Ontario any property insured witn| Oihsrwise losking aiter tae interetis} of any special «assessment involved. Maguire & Cannon?" asks Mr, Bragg.j br'rlommu angiers. From the Hamilton bill was knocked |"If so, what is the amount"? Is the| _ nc negative anglers cast back out the clause whereby the Board of |Mr. Maguire of that firm C. Alfred with _ declarations that there was | Health was to gain authority over | Maguire of the Hvdro--Electric Com--. ©00°uU8h of taxing for this and that , schrool health services. This clause| |mission? Is C. Alfred Maguire the|--i2}®" that if une Government once| was opposed by the Board of Educa-- |Canadian representative of the Rovaj| 80% i's financial hooks into this new | tion because the city's measure would. | Insurance Company of Liverpool, Eng--| @CU®C° of revenue there was no telling make permanently binding an agree-- |land? _ Has the Hydro any property where it would end and that the * ment which the Trustces still regard | | insured with the Royal Insurance: WOncy raised probably would never as tentative only. "It's practically put--: | Company? If so, what amount?" be spent on fisaing, any-- ting the Board of Health over the In another question, Mr. Brage| *°"-- s public schools," said Attorney--General wished to know whether licenses of: Grezory Clark and PFrank C fx,';c:h ro:r.u?mcc Chairman, in oppos-- &m'.)rr limits are p>rmitted to use, &DP--ke for the aifirmative; Harvey ficf ¢ the clause. oir concessions as securi | Cool an 7 e r llam"rton's measure formed the oc-- | |or debts, Curity dort 10888 tive, and Dave for Shelteces casion for committse jollity, "What | T. P. Murray (Libor: frow n :!.:nn:ilrton wants today, ié:;' rest of us South) asks if the ;\Iy)g;;;ifl'pm?:?';;% Freée Public Fishing. > omorrow," remarked Mr. Price. Paper Company holds undevy The recent ru r ' T'.}'o clauses validated repayment of twat:-r powr-r'on the Long §§gp§ig?$ that '"'"?1'5rlligggbbiltfiftge?::msgf taxes which the city had had no au-- Abitibi River, and on what terms? _ lic fishing in restocked strea o id thority to collect: $6,369 in local im-- * Mr. Clark e ; io se xg:g'eér\rr::ara:'-s to the Separate &chool -- '(n-.' p'&b:\i.c l}lit;x;C:llgs e;&ndmea't:d baelgg rd a €78 to the Poerless Wirs mjoved _ 3 T. & Fem;g Company for non--existent water :l'lliosrkg'nfirbg? t?ggnngntArlo. ers service. Another clause authoriz« uid press nsts, anglers a'teration of sewer rates on Ens?r;;(j \c'm:l'('i' press their rights for the re-- teonth Street. i locking of public waters in access-- Kingston's blil received approval, :'blg'pl'acos and advocate with somes and provided for acquisition of prop-- rght that the Government leass banks ; erty from the Dominion Textile Com-- it streams stocked at the general ex-- | pany and validation of a $75,000 de-- s nense for public fishing. "Dollars," benture issue for the purpose. The he said "is the language Governments TLondon bill, as exnlained by City listen to." Late, in his reply, Mr Solicitor Meredith, authorizes a grant Clark declared that from one y."".'. of $25,000 to the University of Wost-- revenue from a rod license, the finest ern Ontario for construction of a bass hatchery on the cont'ment ccr.lld'| li:n;ahry éais |a rclg'f work: construction be _ established. ® of the Richkmond Street bridge, also : Stron . rnm relief work: creation of mdmgn;?n}, would E"g 0552?1 u::'fe:::li Gl:vem s 3 Pinds for Victoria Hospital and the terest of fishing was 5 i oC mt War Memorial Children's Hosuvita): and | Mr. McCoclb A'.'rr° C + a cx;)'re&& -b} payment of $13,.500 to defray expenses | ures to show "ih'at, in,r hi raut+ / of the General Hospital's building years hunters and esident ange camvaign. All received assent. A * lors had 'mnt i1 Ted 31 ion00n af on 'The Collingwood bill's main provis-- ' departmen ributed $1,100,000 to the rkas sromined by J E. Jamicson t;:p'a..'.hcm. Mr. Cooper explained MPP.. was concerned mainly with on',." 11{1,5 proposal would be to have n.;;urinzdo\asucity in the town's finan-- Ch'\ldref{??b t,fgmisay e "". inaludiag cing, and was unopposed. The Brant-- . care ford YM.C.A. gained approval for an "Iike Bribes to Children." act permitting it to acquire property The a 6 outside the city. ; eners S UOiE it Iavor of rod Ite T ioi e omm ur"'c:id"eff like the bribss peronts ts U Thaint tint oi [inent %'d nr. Reddick. The Govarn-- [Aohiar tA hot need the workingman's . | he said, i en ons M mm'l ; [ is was :ée the profits from tourists. i Fem a'ins o eptical that the tax would | v | * 'Phe dabt-hne dollar mark, ) | PPCS'deng 3L was conducled by Vice-- | ' | preciceny faimes McHardy, while the | Cl'r'etidem_ William Lang, occup.ed the hexgd lfl';r the other part of the most-- ~ g which was featured by a d C 4+ strati t i C<>"Dti3'n angfm 5!!1101; Thlag by Hrank ha y ire and the Yukog. e piCSute of M'

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