Star speakers tram both sides of Parliament came into action at con- clusion of the debate. For the opposi- tion, Dr. L. J. Simpson. Liberal from Centre Bimcoe. traversed every depart- ; ment ot Government. stamping on al- ileced extravagance and maladministra- tion; for the Government. Highway I Minister Macaulay ranged from satire against multiple Opposition leadership Ctr, denunciation of what he saw as s Hepburn alliance with anti-Hydro i, private interests. 3 Dr. Simpson's address reached its gpeak with the claim that Hon. o. *Howard Ferguson still was Tory dic- Itator of Ontario's Government. that 'indeed Ontario was governed by re- ,mote emtrol from England. Further. he saw destructive flaws in the ctitr. cational system. alarmingly ascendant costs tn administration of health ef- itttttp, _gnd something serious amiss ONTARIO BUDGET IS DUE 'IREM, Speech From Throne Adopt- . ed With Amendment by Premier PARTY LEADERS SPEAK Final Debate Brings Hot Criticism and Reply by Minister With the St. Lawrence seaway in- Jccted into its dying moments. the On- tario Legislature's Debate on the Ad- dress concluded late last night with 76-20 acceptance of Premier Henry's ttutr-amendment, and. on the same division, of the main Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne. The first major debate safely out ot the way, Premier Henry served formal notice on the House that the Budget would come down Thursday. He mov- ed. titer the recording ot the session's initial division. that on that day the gouge should so into Committee of tam he sold: "He knows that the St. Lame project ought to be approved, but he's got a halter round his neck: maybe he'll break loose from it yet." When the division came all mem- bers on the Opposition side voted min» Premier Henry's subamend- ment to the Address in Reply, ex- plain: ftyutka, tor economic im- Meet in the Province, and re- nnded by W. Ill. N. Sinclair. WG., ex- ubenl Leader, and others. as un- parliamentary. Premier Henry sug- ',et.tstCt1teyt., glam be something Mr. Macauley's hugs-minute coun- ter-attack depreca the "damp nabs" find by the Opposition "Board of Tragedy": accused Liberals and Progressives ot " cheap and mis- erable outlook on Provincial lite": charged an attempt to put the Civil Service on a "spoils system" like that prevailing in the United states. and accused Mitchell P. Hepburn, M.P., Provincial Liberal Leader. with con- spiring with Quebec private interests to prevent the great St. lawrence enterprise from getting under way." He quoted treely from The Globe re- ports of Mr. Hepbum's speeches to demonstrate that "not Bennett, but Hepburn, is serving the big interests." 1tur Bunk We. HENRY ANNOUNCES ' may Disamb- Dr. Simpson read from clippings ot the last decade in an effort to demon.. strate Conservative opposition to Hydro enterprise. Coming closer to today, ihe recalled a. magazine article on the "four-headed calf," aspirants for I Conservative leadership, Messrs. Henry, {Megrcm Price and Macaulay. had not been awareiixwmitll: 1iyilrty1.orgapiz1stioii existed beuftuGvTuin 1112" £13702: "Youra hasnt any hm." back Dr. Simpson. The Opposition, said Dr. Simpson. agreed with Mr. Ferguson that the unit In the matter ot labor and in- dustry could be allowed to continue. and he congratulated the Hamllton member on placing it before the House. But Mr. Morrison had men- tioned a. Liberal "Brain Trust"; he !el not 1ttrl,tsy.are uptll then that Launching, into his discussion ot Hydro, Dr. Simpson recalled that Sir Adam Beck had had good friends in both parties, and it, reflected poorly on Premier Henry that he had put Hydro into politics. He thought the Conservatives might abandon their claims to being the fathers of Hydro, which Slain: did them no great credit. astonished." said Dr. Simpson. "that they should have some one from England come over and dictate their policies." Raising then the beer and wine qua- tion. Dr. Simpson doubted that Prem- ier Henry knew his mind from day to day. Ccrtainly it had not taken Mr. chry lone to forget for a year the issuance ot " certain cheque tor $i'.0.000." Not that he ever had doubted the honesty of Premier Henry. But there Brcre things. like the honesty and ttr. tegrlty of Ontario's people, "that we don't talk much about." He recalled last summer's manoeuv- rings, which had brought Mr. Fer- guson back into the ring with orders tor an election and loosening of the Liquor Control Act. "t was very much netnnkhad" acid H. ea__--_ "u.-. "Can I answer now?" asked Mr. Morrison. He then remarked that. in his opinion, the payment was earned and Justified. The Speaker warned Dr. Simpson to refer to outer members only by their portfolios or tidings. The Lib- ertl eritWreplied. Dr. Simpson had been disappointed when Mr. Morrlson dodged the Ailes- tion of whether he considered pay- ment at $50,000 to John And Jr. fustitied. Annexes of n. "Fine." said Dr. Simpson. "that's Just, what , wanted to know." "Rather a backhand slap," said Mr. Morrison. Ganeral Price as calling Mitchell P. Hepburn, M.P., "an eluswe flea." He doubted that the Attorney-General. afterward, considered this remark be- fitting the dLgnity ot his ottiee. against. it. Automatically, Dr. o. A. Mtttltuibban's main amendment, ex- pressing want ot oonftdenee in Gov- emment. policies, was lost on the divi- don. Turning to Hydro. he wondered what cause tor congratulation could be derived from better power rates, in view of the universal scientific prog- rests, benefiting the average man. He recalled Wilfrid Heighington's re- marks regarding deputations. and he could recall notning so humiliating as the reception delegations received at Toronto. Invariabiy, he said, it was necessary that the Chairman ot the local Patronage Committee come along. "Something is radically wrong." said Dr. Simpson. The speaker congratulated WLmam Morrison (Conservative. Hamilton West) on his "splendid speech," dis- playing lungs as good as Premier Henry's. aria suggestmg the Opposi- tion was "just; a little deluded." Mr Morrison then had demonstrated his inttll mace by quoting Attorney: He chided the Premier tor the "green tys.grass" poem mth which Mr. Henry gave a unique welcome to a new member. Dr. Simpson, opening with rejoic- ing in improved farm produce prim. considered that improvement to be "in spite of, rather than on account of. Government etrorts." Critical of Poetry. , "l ' FebYucuxj The Minister twitted the "Board ot Tragedy" and quoted detailed critic- isms of the Liberal Party's platform and personnel The Liberal Party, he charged. could be likened to the rope in a tug-or-war, and. as leaders, he enumerated, "the outside leader, the House Leader. the ex-leader, and last, but not least, Warwick the king- maker, flitting from one to another, lagson officer, adjutant and what-not to .he other leaders, the membcr for Brant (Hon. Harry C. Nixon). Current Opposition questions arouS- 'ed Mr. MAeaulay's criticism. Charging 'that the recent query involving the I Hon. G. Howard Ferguson came from "a man or group or men who have a icheap and miserable outlook on life," he implied that the questioners had Icomxnitted lese-majeste. The member gtor Huron South. W. G. Medd, had l been forced to put the question on the larder paper. the Minister contended. Dr. Simpson then directed his at- tack on the Health Department. He noted that Health and Labor Depart- ment costs in 1921 were only $1,283,- 000; in 1931, health cost $6,000,000 and labor $5,062,000. Dr. Robb rose to point out that the 1931 health _ figures included mental hospital costs, i not until then listed with the Health t Department budget. i Dr. Simpson feared that insufficient [attention was being given to pupils' health in rural schools. and mentioned Iin this connection toxoiding of stu- dents in the city, but nat the country. Another matter that gave grave con- cern was the growing total and grow- ing cost of mental cases in Provincial institutions. ' Agriculture should receive more at.. tention in continuation schools, said Dr. Simpson. He suggested that more authority in this regard be conferred on district agricultural representatives. Further, from the farmer's point of View. he believed some provision should be made for distribution of seed grain. The Minister of Highways fired the final Government barrage by con- demning the Opposition "for a pro- nounced lack ot constructive critic- ism." Charging that big bombs had proved nothing but "damp squibs," Mr. Macaulay renewed the Tory ver- sion of the change in Liberal leader- ship, likening Mr. Sinclair to an old pilot thrown overboard 9nd predicting "that he may yet be signed to steer tltrLiberat ship.", _ -- - - - Reverting to the subamendment be.. fore the House, Dr. Simpson saw the pious rejoicing in better times as "just another trick" by the Conserva- tives. Against that every member of the Opposition could vote sincerely tor the Liberal House Leader's amendment voicing lack of confidence in the Gov- ernment. Dr. Simpson proceeded to suggest more consideration for returned men. In Simcoe County recently a Sheriff and jailer were appointed. The Pro- vincial Secretary's office had notified the veteran applicants that they were over the age limit, but when the ap- pointments were made the appointees were older than the veterans. "I repeat," said Dr. Simpson. "that plenty of money has been spent on reljcf, with no return for it." There had been a suggestion that the Province assume full cost of high- way construction. He himself would call for greater economies in high- way construction. As for the Lands and Forests Department, "a great amount of money had been spent without anything to show for it." "Are you serious in that?" asked Hon. William Finlayson, Minister of the department. "How about the Trans-Canada Highway?" Statement Reiterated. Embark" on his criticism of edu- cation, 11r1sinyssorvatr no mason for an advance in school costs from 85.500000 to $11,000,000 in ten years. He urged that public affairs be taught in the schools. childrpn ha raieorl mud- In passing, Dr. Simpson failed to understand why there should be such a. great discrepancy in the expense accounts of County School Inspectors. He objected to training of children "for university alone." Education Costs Higher. in the' schools. ariiGtiirrifi'erg',G' the new that some day they would be ruling the country