> ~ February 28 s | } Im& l' ."l cks on llflflllmml | In the mm of § mm f > "%'cflthomhmmt.' mw.m&m Mr. Macaulay contended that the: nndreckonlntmm *:; | Tories were 'hmed for low prices, and Provincial stated that but that credit for ligh prices goes the &:-uon of the %"'tb' p'%g t> President Roosevelt. Quoting De-- by m""" i Allu::l partment of Agriculture figures for| .' PBL c oo en ds to 100a1 "AHMAROCDS ; last Saturday, the Minister showsed | tions were mb#ect to local tions | _ thst higher prices for butter, eggs.| In the last four years," Mr. M"; and hogs prevailed in Toronio and aulay stated, "there hasxbmeep speg s Montreal in comparison with Chi-- on roadwork, mx?d"d?:wnshiga rrga'ds- cago, and charged that "only a ways, county _A n¢ Toads and "h';l | fellow with a one--track mind, and Northern Developmfi » musa;'oom that track leading straight to Wash-- trans--Canada _ highway, $115,000,000. , ' y a including _ $30,000,000 _ for main-- ; ' ington, woule say that President " 'This expenditure, he de--| -- _ | Rooseveit is entitled to credit for im-- | _ | {SDANC® _ , Dasis of 200 days per | | proved prices in Canada." onl ner Taxt 'provided employmggti | _ Liberal promises to cut the cost of year per mMaAD. Ts moing | { j q i to over 45,000 men. "Road construc | administration in half were interpret-- tion and maintenance," he said, "has ed by Mr. Macaulay as a camouflaged to be one of the major indus-- '?ttl:erg&t toi ptlx't. the Cévu Service oln g,"';'f of Ontaric." e is of the United States "spo.is e f \| + ls,;stem." 'he member cited Sir Jameos nefihgfmix::fi:&ié? wfi"{,"@fig , Whitney's refusal to dismiss Liberal aid of & quotat.lim that the loss of| | appointees, and said: "Anyone who railway traffic to the trucks is dwarf-- | se--ks to chop off the heads of the ed by the loss due to the private auto-- | 'Clvil Servants because they are ap-- mobile. "In onwrio. notmmandmg' | pointed by an opposing Administra-- | the depression, the consumption of ; {tion is only digging his own political| _/ pasoline has gone up from 200,000,000 | | grave. ! | gallons in 1929 to 214,000,000 gallons Increase Indicated. | in 1933," he statiend. citing othcrmfic- ' _ Referr $ tions for the ures showing an increase in commer-- | future alilggat?oon o}mgsbinet. seats, Mr.: |cial vehicles and a decrease in the Macaulay directed fire on Liberal sug-- t registration of private passenger cars. gestions for a separate Minister for | Switching to the subject of Hydro, Porests and the Departmens of Edu--| . |the Minister detailed at length the cation. Such an increase, he pointed | general and rural statistics of the out, would bring the Cabinet mem-- enterprise, summing up with the bership up to eleven. "They have been Crclaration that "this public owner-- promising to reduce the number of the shin enterprise has been able to ac-- Cabinet, but apparently this promise . cumulate profits and reserves that has already been relegated to the [csm-pel }:he adm'ration of the whole limbo of forgo'iten things," the Min-- | country." He compared the rates in ister charged, contending that, ac--. | Ontario and the United States, the cording to reliable information, there. _ | latter averaging three and a half would have to be twenty--five Min-- times the former, and mentioned that _--listers in any Government formed by| | seventy--seven of the municipalities the Liberal Loader. | have their local properties free of Quoting from The Giobe, Mr. | debt. * Macaulay brought up a statement Touching on power development in + made by Mitchell Hepburn implying -- | Northern _ Ontario, Mr. Macaulay that the Minisier had enjoyed a free _ | stated: '"When the story of the Ab'ti'bi ride to England. Labelling the iim-- | development comes to be written in plication a "falschood," Mr. Macaulay . --the history books of this Province, it declared: "I had no free ride to Eng-- will be shown that that development land. Not one cent of my expenses was as momentous a start for elec-- ® _' was charged to the Province." "The _ trical development in Northern On-- * . 'Liboral Leader," he said, "has been | tario as the policy of Whitney and making false statements so often that 'Bec_k at Niagara for Southern On-- one more nsither surprises nor shocks tario." the Province." Mr. Macaulay went into detail in support of this accusa-- tion, concluding with the contention: "That is why he does not take a seat in this House." Swinging into non--political argu-- . ment, the Minister of Highways cited tables showing a decline in the amount of expenditure on ccounty roads, town-- % ship roads, and King's Highways. Fig-- * ures were introduced demonstrating a decline in expenses for the county s * roads from $9,200,000 in 1929 to > $2,800,000 in 1933, from $6,500,000 in 1929 lo $2,400,000 in 1933 in township road cost, and from a peak of $13,-- * 800,000 in 1930 to $5,200,000 in the case of the King's Highways. The i fizures did not include Northern On--: tario roads or the Trans--Canada High-- ' way. Mr. Macaulay pointed out <hat it *x \ was obviously the duty of road au-- | thorities to provide for adequate main-- tenance of the roads. "Maintenance | can be cut down to the point where : * .the capital investment is imperilled," * he staied. Outlining the Dominion and Provincial agreements, xiving' special assistance to roadwork involv-- ing unemployment relief, he said: "On n a typical township job, where the ' * | labor is 60 per cent. of the total cost, , | the distribution of costs works out as| * follows: Dominion, 20 per cent.;' + 'Provlnce, 44 per cemt.; township, 36| per cent." Other figures proved that., on the average, county expenses had' * been reduced by nearly half. |