The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1934, p. 3

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'{ % _ March 1. + § * » =-------- w 1 | great extent, but suggestrd the Pro-- ; | vince shculd by statute stand bshind f | such ventures, providing for uliimate ' > 3 lability in the event of loss in any l particular venture. _ \ % Prefacing his appeal with praise of -- the Government's relief work, the| % & * 'member for St. David's credited the | | Government with "quiet courage," and ; 4 , honesty of purpose and administration. ' Improvement in general conditions, he ' contended, had not as yet been suf-- \ meanie ce ficient to bring any extensive relief to Heighi tbe¢ml Oftbe aistributt o o7 unoem-- t lw mu onger t tion of unem=-- etlglh;ngBtonl S.ugge&s Cap' pmlzyme:nnreuet mlvlgr ';:m'»tmu'ii1 point-- ¢ l ou was a en to the tax-- al to Be Invited tO Take payers, and "one nsighbor is bsaring Over Properity the burdon of maintaining another." k o Gains Claimed as Result. Mr. Heighingt n advanced two im-- GARDEN AREAS V'S|ON ED mediate gains which he claimed would 1 frowaa result from his motion. "Labor is en-- tirely dependent on the building in-- Government approval of tue prin dustry," he said, contending an crgan-- ciple of sium abolition and r:building ized and extensive building boom Was mvoked on ths ficor of the On-- would end years of depression. He M mepnanlgarass bassd his second argumnt on the tario Legislature yesterday. Moving thesis that "we have made about all "that in the cpinion of this House. & demndt: tha;lg h:re polssib}e 'ontgur the Government should be authorize vernments." result of "further is making rssul '.\'L"r b aua o Te 4 financial whirls" by the Governments ing regulations for aistrroution in private or corporate fields would MA monsys undor the Unsmpl:oyin>nt stultify business and economic growth Relisf Act, to cconsidess an spo>zial and gdanger thehstall);llitmy;t gxedfl- tion fircm a municipal = nancial structure,. he c . He dc-- .ppléf' 0{ y _" '% 'l', P uk C"; plored the tendency to tie up money nors t"'é mc is Pothy Piik in Government bonds, declaring that l:olfm 0";'"-',"'"",,'I.",","A $ ..:.:u l.m until capital is released into private tion -.;.V':S.J.!fl areas and UIE1C ac= CMnsls recovery "9"1x m Meffi.itely velopment of thoss areas under new postponed housing schemss." Wilfrid Heighing-- f bon (Conseryvstive, St. David's) initi-- Public Works Detailed. ated a lengthy discussion almost The Premier, speaking on the mo-- unanimously :n lavor of his propos) zion just before it was put to the tion. The resoluiion, aftor rcco:ving House, detailed Government aciivity the Promic:'s qualificd blossing, was in the line of public works, and point-- carrisd unanimous'y. ed o;lt.. tllmiei Go;remmelx:st ga? asgistfed e municipalities in wor esigned for Bominion fnvolve«. municipal betterment until the spring Aiter the session, Mr. Heury ex-- of 1932, when direct relief, except for , plained that not only the Province the Northern road camps, WaAs| but the municipality and Dominion adopted. | were intimately concerned with the Referring to the recent program of | principle raised by Mr. Hoighington. Dominion and Provincial subsidies for | Any relief work of such a character public works, Mr. Henry stated that| required Federal contribution, while proposals involving between seven and | & Municipal Act amonidment would eight million dollars had already been | be necessary before such a proposai approved. It had also been agreed,| became p"sib:e of enactment. he explajm to extend the Dom nion-- t The detafls of the slum abolit.on Provincial agreement from the end of were only sketched by Mr. March «o the end of the year; it has ' g:igmngtcn. Referring to the unfor-- been intimated at Ottawa that any _ tunate subdividing activitiecs of Vic-- incomplete work begun before the torien landlords, he charged that year's end would qualify for the sub-- there existed in Toronto, and in the ; _ §H4Y-- | southern part of h's riding in par-- "In Accord With Motion." | ticular, arcas which wore "unpleasant, . "Outside the problem of railways, I| unsanitary, and insecure." Mr. Heigh. don't think there is anything of grea--. ington vbropossd that capital shou'd | er importance than something that be invited to take over whols blocks would stabilize the building trade," of these sium arcsas, lending sullici>mt the Prime Minister said. He declared | monsy or first mortgages to rebu"d that the stabilization of construction | them, substituting "attractive work-- would prove one of the biggest steps| ers' dwelling:, gardon areas, wider in general advance. "I am quite in | streets and modern sanitation." acucgjrg wllitl; the n}otion. b:gd't 1{ hfhf | m palitiecs are interested, nk Compensation for Landlords. some provision should be made so they Expropriation with adequat»r com-- can function," the Premier said, in pensation was suggested in cases of closing. s landlords' opposition. The member Members' Commenits. | proposed to relsgate full management Half a dozen members also added | ° "and control and a remunerat.y> :Ttum their comments to Mr. Heighington's to private captal, and to lim't as-- suggestion. T. P. Murray (Liberal, tivity to the Gove--r:ment superinten-- Renfrew South), said it was "the first dence of the scale of rents and the move to aid lumber since I have been retes of intersst and accompanying in the House," adding that such con-- would not be involved financially to a l othsr cities, "healthiecr and more re-- spectable places to live in." William k i Morrison -- (Conservative, Hamilton East), Harry Price (Conservative, York West), A. B. Smith (Conservative, Es-- sex South), F. W. Wilson (Conserva-- % tive, Windsor East), and T. A. Blake-- lock (Libsral, Halton), were also heard, approving the motion. . Criticism of the measure developed from three different sections of the | House. J. A. Sangster (Liberal, Glen. ' garry) advised the Houss not to be "overzealous," George Sh.e'ds (Con-- servative, Woodbine), although prom-- ising support to any scheme of indirect relief, pointed out obstacles. The ire of William Baird (Conservative, High Park), said: "We have always regarded Toronto as a city of homes," he con-- tended, submitting that slums were non--existent and suggesting construc. + tion on vacant property. |

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