The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Mar 1934, p. 1

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f e March 2 3 % OPPOSITION QUERIES | ' _ _ rs Searrmeng \ To Resurfacing Query: An answer to the question whlchl N. O. Hipel (Liberal, 'Waterloo South) made a matter of privilege on Wed-- e nesday, was tabled by the Prime Min-- .__-_' k ' , slit:s? at the beginning of yesterday's Lumber, Provincial Loan ; AT PRESENT TIME io the query which nsktd if the oog % * | * e cost _ and Cross--Entries Com-- of any resurfacing, or repairs, had. 6 | ie ie cearcerres varmeddants en raised by borrowing monsy and o pose Subjects | ALoaisist onl hn 3'; capital account on wmmmmmmemmmemanssmmmsemmmes i nal cap charges 5 Lumber, the recent Provincial loan,| eglsa. e Commltte.e Is ?tidté ozhbteen * Trathe necesmatediny ; and cross--entries, form the subject Advised to Study Joint top had been i n eg on unneaia minee matier of a nsw set of Opposition s of -- m adeen placed on about 800 miles quzstions, sponsored by D. M. Camp--| Permit 1920 agmamized road taken over in bell (Liberal, Kent East), "Earl Hulch--] d the 'aciusl com of tns rouds and| _ ixisi:bn (Labar, Kenora), N. O. Hipek: e was C%atcg;l:lalmcoithedc:&ia ;'oads tng (Liberal, Waterloo South), and W. J.| . Pes account, Mr. Bragg asks by what amoumi Nmmrermremerinsnionn the revenue and expenditure state--| A * _ ments for the last fiscal year have | Queen's Park is not considering been reduced by the adjustment ori Airect rod license at the present time, elimination of cross--sontries. Mr. Hipnel,| Hon. Gcorge H. Challics, Provincial ; returning to his attack on the $40,.--| -- Becretary, told mcombers of the Legis-- 600.000 loan, is asking on what date| -- lature's Fish and Game Commitiee at : the Official Advisory Committee was) & meeting yesterday. The Minister, > engaged or first consulted. | . who is in chargs of the Fish and The timber inquiries relate to the Game Department, did advise a study number of tondars received in the sale of the possibilitiese of a combined rod of certain arcas:; the number of square and gun license, although indicating milss of timber lands licensed, lsased that such a matter was for future. > or sold to J. A. Mathicu Limited, since retiier than immediate action. * 1926, for which no other tondor was Members of the committes objected rsccived: and a sories of dealings be-- to any licensing which would curtatl tween the Crown Timber Agont and . the rights and privileges of youthful E F. Wallace in regard to Beorth anglers. Willlam Newman (Liberal, ATW 3A. Kenora District and Victoria South) and other legislators RBorth N.L93 in the same d'strict. both urged special privileges for fish-- ermen still in short pants. The com-- mittee also recommended that the deo-- partment should consicer a non--resi-- dent family license which would per-- h mit the tourist's wife and children to 3 go angling without paymont of an individual license fee. Must Treat All Alike. * * In answer to a qusstion raised by D. J. Taylor (Progressive, Grey Morth) Mr. Challies explained a state-- ment which he said had b:en mis-- construed when first mads in con-- nection with the restocking of pheas-- > ants by the Province. The department has no right to forbid the owner of lands restocked under Provincial aus-- m to charge a fee for hunting, the ter said, but is working on the »rinciple that the owner of such prop-- 4 erty must treat every individual alike, mot limiting the hunting to privileged parties. , Strong protest was entered by T. P. Lancaster --(Conservative, Peterboro') and by Mr. Newman in the matter of the low--water levels in the Trent Sys-- * tenf. Especially in spawning season, the decreased level results in a terrible loss of fish, they said. The committse went on record with a resolution ask-- ing the co--operation of the Fedcral f Government and Hydro in an effort * to preserve water levels. Clash Over Pickerel Ban. __Mr. Lancaster and F. J. McArthur (Northumberland) joined battle over special restrictions on pickerel, pre-- vailing in Northumberland, Durham, Peterboro' and Victoria Counties. Mr. 4 McArthur charged that the legislation, which was barring neighboring farm-- ers from Rice Lake pickerel, was the wesult of a "paternal care" exercised y tg:creople of Peterboro'. The mem-- ber ared that he could not go back home and admit that the Peterboro' * people put it over him. The matter was finally settled in the interest of the Rice Lake communities. A lengthy list of petitions for & wariety of minor changes in the con-- servation legislation was considered by the comntittee. Much of the matter was referred to a later date as falling w under the proposed zoning enactment. * On a number of other matters the committee voted to preserve the pres-- -- g ent arrangements.

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