# March 6 . Prm ® ' ip INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL : \ QUIBBAN QUERIES SANCTIONED BY BILL POWERGONTRA(,'I'S' R E "1 I E R I 4 ' O Asks Information on Hydro, C «e se memmemmenmmmme w -- * * egeassans | Tie--Ups With Northern _ | |\ . County Pupils Would Be Corporations | Admitted to New Insti-- i weemmmmmmmmmmzuzmess tutio is as Liberal House Leader Dr. George w{n on Same Basis eunthed is sies to High Schools tions at the Government yesterday. Dr. McQuibban is asking what con-- * i j tracts have been entered into between § | Boards of Education are permitted Hydro, acting for the Government, to establish "intermediate" schools and the Northern Ontario Power JA under -- Jegislation introduced at gcmt;mm%nNor%m qQue-- ) | % » e time of § Queen's Park yesterday by Premier delivery, the amount of power and €] | George S. Henry. The new institu-- tilrtle pur'lece &fbeconltmre also includeil Y | tions are intended to round off the ra er's query. i | similar question, with regard to power education of pupils not destined Ic?r' sold to any other companies, is asso-- & professional career, nor for a uni-- | clated with the first inquiry. versity education. It is expected that | Dr. McQuibban, in a third question, only the larger municipalities of the | asks what amount of interest was paid Province will avail themselves of the | to the Government by the T. & N.O. | enabling legislation. County pupils during the past four years, and what & | | would be admitted on the same basis is actually due each year. i ; 'as to high schools. Liberal questions are also being pre-- m | _ The student who attends the inter-- sented by C. A. Robertson, Liberal , mediate school will leave public school Whip; Dr. L. J. Simpson (Liberal, | without trying high school entrance | » Simcoe Centre ), the party's financial lexaminatlons. and his tuition subse--| critic, and R. A. Baxter (Liberal, Ox--| quently will be along the lines of the | ford South ). Mr. Robertson is ask-- |first two years' work in the present ing about the Ministers' individual | high schools. travelling> expenses during the five P |_ _ This legislation was the most im-- years. The questions presented by E3 portant item in a list of School Act Dr. Simpson ask what amount of f amendments which Mr. Henry pre-- money was paid to the oil companies w sented for Parliament's consideration. for collection of taxes in 1932 and 3 | Other clauses provided: That a School 1933, and what amount was paid to 5; | Board may prevent enrolment of ju-- the Province by the Ontario Savings E: nior pupils at any period other than Bank. The latter question also asks the beginning of the school year; dis-- what money is on deposit in the Pro-- ? continuance of lower school courses vincial Savings Bank, and what profits in a high school in the case of agree-- accrue to the bank after all expenses| ment by public and separate school are paid. | boards to establish an intermediate | _ _Mr. Baxter is asking what property school; purchase of textbooks for | owners between Woodstock and Tavi--. needy pupils with optional collection i stock on Highway No. 19 have re-- of the cost from parents or guardians | ceived pay since the road was taken at a rate not exceeding 25 cents per over by the Province. Ths member month; two--year terms for Trustees for South Oxford also is inquiring if so desired by the municipality, and what the total cost of drainage was | continuance of township grants in on the same stretch of highway and - 1935 at the same rate as this year. s the details of contracts and tenders |_ _ Two Toronto members introduced on that job. « })eghmion of interest to the city. A Liberal query also reopens the George Oakley (Conservative, River-- question of the relationship between !dale) submitted an amendment to the C. Alfred Maguire and the Royal In-- Factory, Shop and Office Building Act surance Company of Liverpool, Eng-- whereby provisions of the early--closing land. The -- Government -- recently ' by--law would apply to boot and shoe stated that Mr. Maguire was not Ca-- . repair shops. Mr. Oakley also had nadian representative of this firm, A | an amendment to the Municipal Act s but the renewed query asks if Mr. k giving Councils control over shops Maguire or the firm of Maguire & * f selling motor oil. W. A. Baird (Con-- Connon have any connection with the 1 servative, High Park) presented a Montreal office of the Royal Insur-- 4 'measure increasing municipal control ance Company. *A over junkyards and similar establish-- % . ments. '{\ Notice was given of Government 4 ie ' amendments to the Deserted Wives ) Act and the Trustees' Act. In the S absence of Attorney--General Price, no £ explanation of the measures was i available, t