March 1w0« * Sttemmncemeom en mmmmee C . §0mee Qualifications, | Finlayson Asks Toronto| Another change in the Municipal | & |\ Aci in regard to municipal office Member to Wzthdraw : qualifications in towns in unorganized | c territory was sponsored by W. H.! Measure to License ®EWow (Conservative, Rainy River).i % c % > . Mr. Finlayson expressed doubts as to Libraries in View of|ths icasivility of requiring both can--| \didate and nominator to be qualified Control Propoged residemts of the one ward, but the 'bill was seont on to committee. t e t t.h: series of que.*st.iofx;l ahnzw%r;dc(:yt | |the Government revealed that : T AX EXEMP T'ONS iot (tih:h Hygr): uxquiryrlfil} msagrsds. | an at estate 0 % ce e l F OR F ORESTAT'ON had received $5,000 as remuneration. To Mr. Justice Riddell and to Mr. | * Justice Sedgeowick $1,500 was paid, and Rental of forbidden books, age r%ggfx:lllon was paid to Mr. Jus-- reported to be widely preva-- ]'lm :x':wj-ei to %r' tqtheuery mit.nai clude n{orma lent among lending libraries ' gc(:st. of d&w x;xgmo. hflt 'ween and Ta + } of the larger cities, will be ) $13,980. The drainage was part prevented under legislation otfm t: hwtmcgm. OmOn this sf-rgg stretc y owners receiv now in preparation by the pay of $75 bm't;'e aggv gxe road was' taken over by ce. Ontario Government. Yester--| n the absence of Premier Henry, . day in the Legislature Hon. g:gmwflg :gf;' led the Government William Finlayson suggested that F. G. McBrien, Toronto Conservative, withdraw his Municipal Act amendment, in * view of the forthcoming measure. Rental of forbidden books, reportel --e to be widely prevalent among lend:-- img libraries of the larger cities, will } be prevented under legislation row in preparation by the Onlario Govern.-- ment. Yesterday in the Legislature, (Wieve e achia ce in uenc Hon. William Finlayson suggested that % un k . men Rh Munoingt Att aemnt: Liberal Whip Queries Hydro ment in view of the forthcoming Contracts in Nipigon measure. a Dispensed Daily. Region Mr. F.nlayson said it wes common s n knowlcdgedfim& "°31':fu°mu 'ble" litera. Pursuing his investigation into For-- ow BB xo Aimien evippin o ue\ APagg rorde +o n ad ests Department matters, T. P. Mur-- rental libraries, and that leg.slation BB was required to check the practice. ray (Liberal, Renfrew North) at yes Mr. McBrien had proposed licensing terday's Legislature session called for all such lNbreries, nv;n&e &A Gfee of u&e;t a return showing all dismissals anc haps $2 a year, a overs . k hags some sxich control method in view. | supeumxnu:tlonls":t Ongmq'tnhr;r l:::;i F Subscquent inquiries revealed that :r';nsers tg: overnm e:tl.w The Tesi-- at many Toronto books of the | den mand occupation of H. S. Pierce ]for\bdddon class were kept off the ; ""wh%e received 'l,:urlal fees from Co-- | shelves, but were availlable to cus-- | bourg hospital." |tomers at triple the regular rate Of Liberal Whip C. A. Robertson in-- en even higher rental. quires of the Government what con-- |__A bill to clarify tax--exemption privi--| tracts for primary and secondary | Keotind for forestation purposes was Pn Sommaices fom Un nbels | wood!1 j | introduced w mnanme Ngdim b'x'q?r'fl?fi developments with the ~aper indus-- M. Ross (Progressive, Oxford * s | Mr. Ross sated that farmers of his mProgresdve Leader Nixon filed a | t w tbeydeonlled mn?t:' m&wu&' mmno:g'd' Hegwg, | tion o m * 'fi.refiwm and tapped the !mPk:p 3021 from the g:vernmqnt. mformlat:gfi Wi Finlayson expressed prov concerning board's personne sot the amendment, calling such dis-- their allowances. Further he asks, tinctions absurd, and promising to are the members full--or part--time support the !3;9139":'3 g}inmmxhu twh?i?"' ag. if what are amendmen * I occupa ? mgihp:uues right to assess and collect' A 'r:& of queries regarding ap-- income taxes in a single year was in-- pointment of the Lindsay Sheriff was troduced by Mr. McBrien, and, after a entered by William Newman (Liberal, mention of past obstacles, also ap--| Victoria North). W. J. Bragg, Dur-- proved in principle by Mr. Finlayson. ham County Liberal, sought infor-- The Minister remarked that the mu-- ' mation concerning F. E. Titus's serv-- nicipalities have lost a great deal of 'ice with the Government. money because taxpayers moved or became insolvent. v >