March 13 < ) Annual Appropriation Not f "Blank Cheque," Fin-- layson Avers MILK -- BILL DISCUSSED Introduction of the annual Norther» Development resolution, second reading of the Public Vehicles Act, and passag through committee of the Milk Contrsl Bill, featured a quict session of the Legislature yesterday,. An additional group of amendments to the Asscss-- ment, Municipal and Public Parks Acis ~ were sponsored through second read-- ing by private members and reforred to committee. h The Northern Development resolu-- tion, which was carried through com-- mittee of the whole, provides an appropriation of $3,000,000 for the 3 wo:kmof at. (}';wwfipt dlxgr'mxg h e isarcd by the Boards of Trade, and explained 'the Northern development | Considered | lrgislation | which ' will C < | strengi} h> regulations without be-- work has been financed, since its in-- | Strengihen t ception, by this means. "It is not in {m's"mifc' lir;'it&f:ure alo gave 4 &m' blank chequf_. wre Min reading to the act which permits the , citing the detailed s:@t?-- | qn:ari» Council of Physicians and ments of expenditures and the check-- | Surzeqns to forego the holding Of gmmen.s";hmgh cuimenat©s |axaminations as long as Dominion on. year we A° |examinations are held in Ontario. ."m m for 33.000.000. a smaller iHon. LODr. J. M Robb Minister of sum than we have ever asked, exC@P) Hoaith, explained that, with the ma-- last year," he commented. |jority of students taking the Domin-- Surplus Carried Over. 1;1'1:;0 exqmmt:&h%ns. which re%tsfltcr t.hfem reures ghowing $63.000,000 . . nud [ S t ts oi ns ie io cce been voted for the Northern districts ;gxlet;gémg advantage of the Provin-- since 1912, and a few millions 165| mm pills sponsored by private mem-- than had been expended, were int?0-- | por, passed to committee with a mini-- duced by ¥rhe Finlayson in answer to | mum ' of comment, save in the case of :dq'.':'y ""mé"s' it was exg.aain- ths> amendment to the Assessment . is carried over from year to year. | Act sponsored by A. F. Kenning (Con-- The Minister detailed one fe@AtUr® |corvative Cochrane South). This of the Northern Development Bill piuy which would permit large town-- T which is to follow the resolution, c0OB-- | sning t, assess telephone and tole-- taining what he said might other-- prapn companies on the same basis wise be interpreted as a "joker." This as employed in cities and tOWns, Was clause gives legislative approval to described by Mr. Finlayson, after a the W& distribution of $4,000 mention of circulars sent around by 6 foreclosure sale receipts to all debtors independent telephone companies, as of the Cochrane Co--operative Dairies |a "contentious matter." It was re-- on a pro rata basis Describing the |ferred to committee. dairy's history as rather "checkered," Mr. Finlayson mentioned the details of the original Government loan, the foreclosure sale after the dairy had closed down, the present operation of the dairy under private control, and the distribution of the Govern: ment's $4,000 to all debtors. To a query from Hon. Harry C. Nixon, he stated the return had been only about 20 cents on a dollar. Milk Control Probabilities. * W. A. Baird (Conservative, High Park) asked about the protection available to consumers when the Milk Control Act was ushered through com-- mittee., Hon. T. L Kennedy, Minister of Agriculiture, stated that, in his opinion, the bill protected the con-- sumer as well as the producer. To & from Mr. Nixon, asking about the m&m of price--spread, Colonsl * _-- Kennedy stated: "We haven't the s power to do that." Mr. Nixon com-- mented: "Other Provinces are doing it." Further questions from Mr. N.xon brought out the chairman of the board will probably be a "full--time'" official, and at first, in the case of large com-- s panies, only a nominal fee will be charged. The min'imum penalty auth.~ orized in the bill was reduced from $25 to $5, the Minister explaining af-- s ter the session it was not desirable that too great a minimum penalty should discourage enforcement. Second reading was given the At-- h torney--General's ;mendme:'t;t' to mtah: Partnership on whic* Colonel W. um was spon-- s