' March 15 CITY GOVERNMENT BILL BATTLE IN HOUSE f RNM. f % ' _ Extension of Voting Privileges of Blind in Municipal A,-' 4 ' Elections Approved -- Absentee OF AV EN U E RO AD | S \ Clause Deleted en ematieratcainnead i "a Legislation by which Argue Martin| The legislation affecting police vil-- Legislation Goes to Commit-- (Comservative, Hamiton West) NAG | papos esigned to relleve ks , + bxs proposed to permit a gereral recon-- | lag and(,,d pys 4 l iy ib tee W|th0Ut PEtltlon, struction of city govornment, was imum'ks situated in more than ons NOW Required ¥ consigned to the scrapheap in com-- | township or county, was dropped be-- q f':_~ pany with other measures at a meet-- | cause of its q(nc;al a-ppll'ca.tion.' Mr% soomenomsntvit es oommecencvittmeess e ing of the Municipal Law Comumnittee | Pinlayson summed up tly> opinion oi 4 in Queen's Park yesterday. Although | the committcs as opposed to a chango INTRODUCED BY LYONS --< Mr. Martin's enactmont was describ-- | involving 180 police villages because e nrermelnmnsnprmininee *) by Hon. W.lliam Finlayson, Chair. |of one village's Cifficulties, bug sug-- t ul nan of the committee, as "a very in-- ; gested {'d;uml Somtt;filll poss.bly by 'The Avenue Road widening, north % 'teresting bill," comment was unani-- | mcans of a private . i1 .. mull;ghcsruo or humorous, and the| Extension of the voting privileges 6 S% Cll:ér t,:, Ngius Wlllbe(f,ome Te 3 measure was dropped with the sug-- |of the blind in municipal elections for consideration t,oda' Y¥ ore thne ; & gestion that Mr. Martin should be lwas sponsored by J. P. Moore (Con-- Municipal Law Committee of the On--| given further opportunity to educate | servative, London North) and re-- tario Legislature. The legislation goes ~A the public. |celved approval, The comm'ttee ob-- to the committee without the petition | J The bill, which would permit four-- | jeoted strenuously to Mr. Moore's required under the present law, The: 4 year terms for Aldermen, biennial | suggested legislation extending the bill, allegedly presented more or less | < elections, continuity of Council, and |right of absentee voling to the gen-- under cover, was introduced by Hon.! election of Mayor and Bsard of Con-- eral public Mr. Finlayson pointed James Lyons, Conservative member| a 35 trol from and by the Aldermen, was out that the privilege was open to for Sault Ste. Marie. There was no s d@escribed by F. G. McBricn (Con. sabus» and other members mentioned suggestion made as to why the bill | 3 servative, Brocktsn) as a "rehash" its possible use as political campaign was not introduped by a Toronto | of English and some American law. | material. The clauses of Mr. Moore's member, rather tan by the North--| Mr. McBrien objected to the measure | bill, transferring the pesert regula-- emmer. y \| @ as 'nimical to Legislative simplicity |tion giving the right to railwaymen Protest against the work was a.c-] l and uniformity. The clause prohibit-- and certain commercial travellers to cepted by the Municipal Board, after | 3 ing Aldeormen to run for a re--eleciion |the Municipal Act, was carried, but backing had been given to the objec-- aroused comment, Mr. Martin repeat-- |the extengion clauses were dropped. tion by Avenue Road residents who j ing his argument that the pressure| Pending further reactions from the included Commissioner G. Howard ing t > iGor-- municipalitiss the proposed legisia-- Ferguson. The claim that the wicen-- < of a coming clection affected Alder-- n pa propose # 4 manic action, and othor members ob-- |tion sctting a max mum weighing-- ing should be undertaken "on petition coti that such a feature would | machine fee on coal and coke loads only," finds no response in the Liyons | jecting AJ" i out Oof oif ce Was carried over bill, since that psrase is removed. k force good men out of oif.ce. It is explained in the bill which | 4 Mr, Lyons will introduce that "it may | ; | | dn dgris hi ns naiGerie nenare Poky be more eozgomuic:'. % wigen the & [ pavement at the time when the origi-- | !NEW LE GlSLATION Gets $1,750 Allowance nal pavement is renewed. Such work | , After Eleven Years' Service _ Tolly whwh wle mmreasonabic If a | I;\ & GoivL'rmt:llglnetd a-gsrwje'r to m: I;i;- petition is requisite." d \ eral question J ing = * * SE UELS COMPL AlNT sicn of the Legislature yesterday the » details of an individual supex:.;uma- $ tion case were disclosed. T &An-- 4 OF CAMP WORKERS swer, made in reply to a query from 'B"-LS IN LEGISLATURE «l W. J, Bragg (Liberal, Durham), stated | f that F. E. Titus entered the Govern-- | GET SECOND READING : | Sm mm smm smm ment service in 1920, receiving a salary z Sinclair Dr p Div M 4 4; of $3,500 while in the service. Mr. | I ops DPivorce Meas-- s 'Lumber Camp Conditions t0 . Ticgs went into retirement in 1931, wre: on Assurdnce '. | B St d M p ln and reseives superannuation or a re-- o E. |_ 1 be Stu ied--More In-- tiring allowance of $1,750 a year. by Price d | i mzomnn omm mm w E terventlon A lis; of bills, from private members , 646 5n | : 1: and from the Government, received Aug minster is ~swockeo" GQVERNMENT T0 Al) ss.sucn oys - en on imniremoarroncemcis 4 C * A Provincial investigation into On-- * :;N::o 'oée t::l I;glslahxre. the f tario lumber camp conditions is prom-- 4 migy + Aphraudd in o o htme, ; > amendment to the Pawnbrokers' Act, E ised. It is coming a little late in the } i 3 day to redress alleged wrongs of the J prchibiting pledging of medals and current season * n it onprevecteccas m'atioxf :t tlg;i amu;;xgmmem to the f w hox se tee Act, ng Ontario usage 3 Following the publication in yester-- into conformity wi 4 & f n s [ i y with that in Britain; 3 'ms Gml:;oiomoi;x;é?:fof]?mmldfln?;;: Kennedy |ntrOdUCeS Amend' and the amendment to the Convey-- i regarding # ancing Act, relative to joint ten-- ' treatment of men employed in certain ment to Co--operative Mar-- ancies. FProm Premier Hem:'y a bill camps, Hon. William Finlayson, Min-- ketinga L A respecting the _ Windsor--Walkerville ister of Forests, yesterday stated that cting LOoans ct Vocational School, correcting an error a bill would be introduced shortly bear-- YWe ie ied e e rieeareriteatiss made thirteen years ago, and only ing on the situation. ; recently discovered; from H. A. Clarke l It will make provision to:" a Gov-- Bubstantial assistance to the tobacco (Conservative, Brockville), providing ernment investigation to study condi-- industry will be given by the Pro-- lower assessments on residences which | tions pertaining to camps in Northern vincial Government through an contain _ business or professional Ontario, he said. € ayir 2 offices; from 8. J. Wilson (Conserva-- . _ He admitted that the proposed amendment to the Co--operative Mar-- tive, Lincoln), permitting citiee to . measure would be ineffective in so far keting Loans Act, introduced in the establish separae consolidated debt as redressing abuses that may have Legislature yvesterday by Hon. T. L. interest accounts, and all municipali-- occurred during the past season, sug--; Kennedy, Minister of Asriculture. The ties to deposit their sinking funds in gesting that the recourse for broken| _ act permits Provincial guarantee of single accounts; and from D. Pau! contracts was through the courts | loans to co--operative orzanizations in -- Munro (Liberal, Wellington South), Subsequently, in the course of diss| _ cases where no direct loan from the transferring appeals in certain assess-- ctssing a bill in the Legislature, Mr | -- Provincial Treasury is required. ment cases from the Municipal Board Finlayson remarked that changing | 'The understanding is that the act to _ the courts. s conditions required more and more will permit the Western Ontario to-- W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C. (Liberal,, Gmmmnt intervention in matters bacen CO-O}X'!'?."VC to hold the crop On.ario South), withdrew. on Govern-' hitherto regarded as private com-- for better prices, instead of floodin: ment suggestion, his amendment wi ' merce. He instanced the shock he had | the market in the mannoer which the Judicature Act restricting divorce | felt in the course of personal in--| -- tumbled quotations to a ridiculous actions to the county in which one of m of lumber camp conditions : level last year. A major compnlaint of : the ungants had established reference. last fall, and the forthcoming 19318-, the }glz;osevgarg is that the huge stocks: ' &legmefg tf:':fii r':fi;"':? him shock purc y manufacturers when the A en prac«= | lation which that had produced.| _ market is down are a factor in de-- |tite WOuld el'minate the difficulty of M pressing prices Guring subsequent :which he complained. . vears. If the farmor were not forced to sell, the situation, it is considered, would not arise. saam e uen mm Nee ie en n _ ammmmmmmcocrmmerrerrrrmrmmenrmnemneeeeneeent