The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1934, p. 4

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& March 1s o . AMENDMENT MAKES : DEER Docs _ mummumcmamanms t t ns '| "Squander" Ruled Out. 66 im rm" f f _ | The member qualified the original [ Ambulance Chasing" by | Sinclair, Tweed and Sang-- | on of his remarks, but stood be-- ' % & n atement 0O [ Auto Insurance Adjusters ster Vote With Govern-- \ tist, in 'rorty years, tst?,ogg had ' "PI¢" | i n squander North. De-- } to Be Eliminated ment Against Measure clfa,ringq that "I nesent this, on behalf # * of my predecessors as much as on my ' of Progressive Whip own behalf," Mr. Finlayson demanded ; LICENSING IS REQUIRED | > PE Aipihears mlare ty ts | . Mc 's reminder t he i weamms RENFREW MEMBER, 522 SESts Teoouns The main facle Traflicking in life--insurance policies | o sth i c accounts. main fac f o argument were reiterated with , becomes an offense and "ambulance-- . | FINLAYS oN CLASH heat before Premier Henry cut short chasine" by aute, insurance adjusters . | se e Moomitiburs attempt io snter B t e a under amendments enate, an e Epeaker ru C un Mepme Lrtmargore | . ing pol dotone io po" ao) ipe gad 'nquandbs" Snlelcbe fls terday to the Legislature by Attorney-- _ |to the Speech from the Throne, doom-- arax®. __, General W. H. Price. ed the hopss of the proponents of Returning to the charge a second The policy--purchase racket, report-- 'deer hounds in the Ontario Legisia-- time, Mr. Finlayson demanded with-- edly practiced widely throughout On-- | tyre yostorday. By a division of 50--12 drawal of ansther charge, contending mm by advertising of offers for life marked by the concurrence of W. : that Mr. Murray had referred to a urance holdings, is covered by & | N. Sinclair (Liberal, Ontario, South). | $100,000 handout in Lyle Township. clause which says: '"Any person other 8' °C. Tuwced, (Liberal, Waterlo® The Premicr again demanded a rul-- than an insurer (a life insurance com-- North) and J. A. Sangster _ (Liberal, | i * -'liqm'(l;l"azl\'im""w.:"\i:s speaking pany) or its duly authorized agent, Glen },. with th e« glid COnserva-:' m.,d 't'lj '}-b" al uge with(fi'ew the who advertises or holds himself out tive gi}lgfi,nx the b:]el ?,y which J. D fig»mff.p{l ae:zilm%?i?h rrotest : as a purchaser of life--insurance pol-- Tavior, Prog--essive 'Whip pmpose& w'- gumcaraarey : > o P T {clegi or bteneflts thereunder, or who permit again the chase 'of the deer, Information on K.C.'s. j {gi'es Cfogrm?d;:mi&;ugf- igsrgcr:'fl";fg'&l; was rcjected at second reading. A serics of Opposition questions sale, surrender, transfer, assignment, _ Challies Asks Withdrawal, Soofetion revendsd 3 ons us fact pledge or hypothecation thereof, to Mr. Taylor, before the vote, urged thuy 166 n arrisLss T ore hanmd as himself or any other person, shall be that the legislation be considered as i eipt y s xsK C. y i Snts dur-- guilty of an offense." "non--political" and no Government (ixilé;Akl)eristoarxx'&cce)liVih;s'nh:rrx,ge; 131 had "Beyond the Law." expressicx} %' pclgy. Om'é';l:{}fn tttxr:;i complied with all requirements. "The 4 'The practice of the individuals at {g(éuegitilobe :rr;fhdx?ao\!r:'grf wWAS ;fmlicly | M.n'ster couldn't te'l me offhand how 9 whom the legislation is aimed has made. Hon. Charles McCrea, long-- | 'n®"" paid up since th's question went ' been to secure policies on which the time deer--dog antagonist was paired | on the ordrr paper? w, E. N, Smn-- -- insured has been unable to meet a with Liberal Leader Dr 'McQuibban ! clair, sponsor of tae 'query, asked premium, but which would have a and T. H. Bell 'Conw}va't've Ben: 'Hf}ll. w. H.'Pr'cc. a'qd the latter ans-- a substantial cash--surrender value if a _ good)s, strong advocate of the hounds, | "~ sls edigre nds ds ) little more money was paid on them. was not present at the division or | _ Ansther answer revealod that ap-- <@ The Government is classing this racket mention*dp in the pairings * | proximately 1,100 appointments wWere & as beyond the law. t The vote was pregeded by Mr. Tay-- \mads on the Civ.l Servics Comms-- Mctor insurance, 'one of the most : lor's argument for the bill and com-- s'onor's recommondation in 1930 and important of the session's minor is-- | ments from both sides of 'the House. |1931;: a little more than 600 in 1932 ing licensing of adjusters. Hitlnrw,| was in great part a repetition of the | annually from & _mgh of mors than A the licensing clause has applied only | arguments heard during the Fish and . 890 to a low of 5300. Premisr Honry A } to fire imsurance adjusters, but now | Game Commiittee hearings, with an. ac:m_zb'wd that casual and ssasonal 3 those employed on traffic accident additional phase introduced by Mr.] employment did not a cer-- A;«r claims will be brought under depart-- Sangster and J. A. Craig, (Conserva~ | tificate. . wa 14. m mental regulation. A bill alrem- tive, Lanark North), who in arguing|! The Ontario Savings Bank paid no ceiving committse attention is -- against the bill stressed the rights of| amount to the Province in 1933, the ed agoinst collusion between passen-- the great majority of citizens "who . Premicr said in ansWer, to a third ger and driver for collection of in-- never hunt deer or think about 1t." ; Gue~y, and showsd profits of $26,135. surance. Colonel Price's measure _ ; paw Should Be Tricd. |\Hon. Harry C. Nixon objected twice would restrict activitiee of adjusters Mr. Taylor claimed that the p'.'es-i to Government add.tions to the ans-- vrhq press their services on accident ent iegisl{mon was far more detri-- wers, put, the Speaker rulad these as violits, mental to the interests of comserva« COTCC@_________..__._.._.. Twisting'" Prohibited. tion, mentioning the dogs' alleged Life insurance is affected also by a prefersnce for bucks, the present loss ue en es t o esns cths ts "tw »# F : . '1_ older u g a legedly have br:;?l attempting to in-- public support. Mr. Challies, speak-- ' iduoe insured persons to drop the in-- | ing at the end of the G@ebate, de * suranze they carry with one company | clined to join in the hunting argu-- to give their business to another firm \ ments, but mentioned the return of * ' d--er, the comparatively healthy situa:-- Such malpractices said the bill's ex-- | Cl . p s planation, "have grown up in hte lite tion revealed by statistics now com insurance' ing in, and contended that there was . es oo ths best Intorests ing in public opinion against deemed inimical to the best interests a great swing in puDHC on f holders and repeal of the act, particularly _ by i sthance." Ungd oo . ced 4. thos> who felt that the present law insurance." Under the same amend: should be given a chance to prove ment agents are hbeld guilty of an | its effects offense under the act if they make _ | "p.ior to the debate on the hounds, 'faise and misleading statements ot the House witnessed a sharp and pro-- representations "in the solicitation or lorged interchange between T. P. Mur-- negotiation of insurance, or propose ray (Liberal, Renfrew) and the Hon. directly or indirectly to coerce & William Finlayson, Minister of Lands prospective buyer of insurance and Forests, aftermath of the Minis-- through the influence of a business ter's two and a half hour speech on ; or professional relationship, or other-- Tuesday night. The argument was wise.'" initiated by Mr. Murray and taken Other amendments facilitate rein-- \ver by Mr. Finlayson, the latter, surance of fraternal societies' con-- 'a!ter twice making recourse to Speak-- tracts with another insurer, by per-- | er's rulings, forcing the Liberal mem-- ( mitting establishment of reserves for '\ber to make a limited and protested ' such contracts on a lower bas's than withdrawal of the charges which :ge is at present authorized, and prevent Minister had attacked on the preced-- "rebative." ing evening. --,--_'---------_~ h & $ \ A----------------é

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