The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1934, p. 2

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Marckh 16 # _|_ 'The Premier : $3 459 ~--_" Price's suggestion "of an ingqurey e 1 ln e fore committee and Mi-- mmuace"?., °C" Mr turn, stated tha . Munro, in re erai' had . been yery °o AWOney--Gen-- A he 1 very frank in sa s would facilitate ingq ying l that there seemed uiry, adding Or understandin to be complete r pertisamding, and | incidentally ' re-- that there u'agn;m:'cli and'digix course, M e m b D Li;'tnof Exhibits. "shonesi9 6 e importa 4 e r ec Ia res case include mgtram'};'uén the Henry M. Walker, Talbotville g&'fi # smm mm e nee e omm mm ammmemee mag $ Eith & | County, to ; 'e'rf Persons Who Did Nothing or Persons Who | ccuur: to Premier Heny, Dec. 4 # eclarati i P ere Dead Received Money, He Asserts--Sa £25,° ""on at London, Ont., Jan. 25, f 8 '"You, of 6 F remier Henry Had Received C j TS | by the Highway Depertisnt °op B§ Replied Investivars omplaint But Had ; éfamation away' Depaniment of the an Investigation Sh way Superintengent Ouein P Sth Names Mentioned in C owed No Fraud-- | »ysu. ent Gunning against & ln uTms case 5 es e Nee O Chatese hy Apesket . ooie care, ngs not reaghed in the M SU f and I felt is very keeniy at the ime, _. UMMARY OF QUESTIONS ASKED because"1s 'was 'evidens to me that rery pleased INDICATES SITUATION, HE CLAIMS aciay--thr Chvious reasons s CC $ 6e crentemyt pegrriur ecrmemiencien o » i , Since en so m © ' Detailed char lg'igfl;fifa Oftfix Fig rewerauey "flg:ll'l Gun-- | Hichw charges that funds had bee -- tenuon in a v8 have come to my a;-- , ighways Department employ n misused by & |I am more than picassd thkt the cage | Legislature last night b P DO) ee, shot across the floor of the | was not "fi%t;dmemm that the case sheaf of documents, dr & fr Paul Munro, and backed by & | ho. sc is U as 4 now see 1 and ta h promise of an imn'1edi§'t'e {l?g;sétttil.'neyi)General Price Tthe || paced in a yery fase aigny have been mittee. and br s igation by a Hous ) of the publi ght in the eyes . > ought Premier H e com--!| B uds Ni s oukh Shs oniy éon> in th § Chamber. enry hotfoot back to his seat | at as a resuthalti ;? ge&%t.'sleic cuai:lldb o thal s prlnging carefully | I was desirous of brin wo €, thfr, . .. Springing carefully collected and long--guarded Liberal | (s25®%0" foe people uf Western On. the following defini , M.P.P. for Wellington South, laid 1 B the fact that the Department That g definite Allegations: C i| Shat aoous the conaitone mnay eaane at $3,459 in pay cheques for highway work i o |! feoSSF as Cnmng 16 concement t County went either to ay work in Elgin | "On giving this matier very se s e or to persons who were gee; 301;8 c'lv?}? :\ad performed no labor . mnsigegggg tlhtsomlttt:rd K:rywwb?m % to a number , and that a set of cheques issued |%,P¢; T homke, he being of gur darig. o " Of persons were x 188sue and we disc § of our mrty' signature. all endorsed with the same l:ifitau. Mr.usvsvee%sttl;: maavisme:du;v:im Specifically re Minister of Highways, whi the job. as de e he named James R. Gunning, foreman on did. _ There does not seem to be an Certing G' eply inv olved in the matter. A complaint very in forthcoming, which I regrei 3 ing Gunning's activities had, Mr. Mun h h [ Phe pod M ' sent to Premier He 7 4 » * ro C arged, been ' 6 DOl.nt. as I see it, is that Gun-- nry in December of last CR |ning has involved n A Henry had i ast year, and Premier | includi umerous persons. R sA tigh a(l replied that: "The department held an investi l siga o fitt Pdence ie at ons # s x e # w | o', # ence | honestvam were satisfied there had been no fraud or di; o anas . o dxscog:gn at Bs f y. g it is therefore s . Suit Withdrawn. % ZUbsequgnuy, said Mr. Munro, Lhe.!m all of us that if this case is 332@3 3 NeverH _ action was settled at the point of a"w go on the result will be disas f mcnet\hesrublcerle&s. said Mr. Munro, two tll'ial in which twenty witnesses, em-- to our party; it looks to me as if ggxs Diaintif® an & Slapder Actiont conceris~ oo 1or the detenes. cennine had oile, wl UDtambtedit prnsepute Gun-- a ing this rery mar"tm'r ac(tllon concern=| said, in effect dti)feme' Gunuing had DOSigbl and others. and then be in' a Ing certain disclosure and, after Mmak--| vour costs agd * Walker: "We'll pay| J on to say that the department fln Jof atovery, hed with exanine | Th we won't have a trial"| Cl0S€d its eyes to this sort of thing ult And iscovery, had withdrawn his: '"*'*° the matter had ended. knowing of it for a period of over a it and paid the 'defendant's costs. . If Definite Charge. Pss thee the npscmnumm--arnranare 8 point of his rema: k.f. ..911.;1123? to the _ Attorney--General Price asked if M c%%t?i}xlb?avw%! o poseiiii on ic e f is the entproyment of the Departiniens on mm ressommitnit; a definite charge s enanale fhom uns "Covenmmen, of & of Highways, in Residency Nfif"'; ;" }}1'15 responsibility as a member.a rfi! depw"t«mentf:xgd gxxethjs way am?vt °§ * * * atatiamil. . L.+ .. 1. .. iannthe b:mpl'oy of the depaitgz':nbe(eox; be;lo?ohuog ITy reputation as a mem-i ways, upgnugemmmt °-'o¢m'tfi; "}lmh":.'v'o'bggr's'me a summary of| said Mr. Mung":)se' make 11¢ charge,"' ebaxfitglzgaction? I s coar 2 j g* h | % 4 «4 am mmiq'\'libu.iona asked and answers| fl'go ;mekhi'm replied: "Then we'1| mit all evidence in mmm% pem;a brer cating that during the| ¢ bef opportunity to prove your| Person) on being advised by you. at. 1954 tween Jan. 1, 1929, and Dec. thlwe 'ePubucor a special committee or The records of the Highways De-- pa"sd . the sum of $3,459.50 WAas| xfr. Mun c&:xnnts Committee." | glfi-rhmentmnprovewthe Government payro:?uv-hw persons shown in the| ttion with trg A expressed satisfac-- | la ared thew enomnee *A Oup. were ngn %xgfih?d dt;:d labot. nouncement C tmey.m's ans slmf?;er es dtheir W' J 4. s A * ¥ t *' He * s ng, road foreman on Nos, 3 and 4 ce w is Departmmens of Highrage. steil went Sut oys the Prime Mon-- Highways, London Division," s i e ce Wn; of Huhw".'s'!lster ie w inor the Prime Min-' o 'YO_U. the Hon. Prime Minister o:! The partment's cheques, he said.| an hour. called. the House within ONtario, I feel assured, will give this| 'm 4 3;:00 to persons who did no work:; | ine function in evening dress, from C23S¢ 0f complicated irregularities by! 1930t at ga'ta.ln cheques in the year' M ,'; he had been attending. 21 employee of a department your Th in yee mdoont bo teutims eonteming the eage privdunl Bd | w08 e taity. P : had the usual certificate of. y ereets| been raised by T. P. Murray and an | wrote as follows. to Hen:y. M. Walk ;xa.s, l{mfd by Gunning and the swf:ed last "1;:-!.' }zrvm Talbotville: "In reply to your Cm engineer. J hawd fl';'s a" the Pr:micr 3&"&? QZ;OI'I O\fvilghiiisfcourth instant let me ::':":o" M'u:;ce ¢ se 4 matter when he received a com-- .Hén- Mr. Macaulll;;"me Maboe id praciice," !"mld is l\: the "notorious plaint, asking for an investigation. On Dec. 16, a second leiter from| Td nou . Munro, complaints To this, he said, he had re-- | the Premier said: "In further reply| frp pis mssn tss esd ts |Ronthiicctnd Ni k A e of H m say I h : | | :nnbbe: § "':'L'l'c'ww n'x:%l:.lnts. whiich $ U::'NS (Hon. Ifl"%'g': (lx)uesbion ygu ra.isaéviri};cl?l;%% git,goh;:;; i eplies appea * secton let-- that action would taken || Department. There is | ter from the Premier stated that after read a letter Nok In" Macemey -- in i' ny ionrespondonce to ie Minislert " ' | investigation the Government was answer to the complaint \| from Mr. Webster. 'The department! , \satisfied there was no 'raud or dis--| 'The Premier suggested that he had || Bad an investigation and wore satis: 'g:nesty in the matter. That letter| apparently received a copy of this let-- j ied ore id oc oi aritiy deoly | d been dated Dec. 16, 1933, but two|ter and consequently answered with | honesty. Mr. Gunning apparently feels i months ea.rner'Gumung had consid--| the missive to which Mr. M T adll that you have slandered him and has | ered himself{ slandered by cortain originally referred. 4 || taken his case to the courts. In view | ist.uements of Henry M. Walker, Tal-- { of this I do not see how we could | \ botville, and had instituted a slander | intervee e o e w n Sinirdg ' | action in the courts. In October, Gun-- be thoroughly aired before the courts ' | ning had been subjected to an exam-- * and should take its course." | ination for discovery. Both letters were written after the \ t examination for discovery which * o raocapaiay s aieiripd y d -- Gunning had made on Oct. 31, 1933.

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