The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1934, p. 3

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-- March 21 > "'g"'"' by Speaker. _ -- 11R~1r~rwu roretota. ~ _ 'The «fireworks n f ._ McQuibban _ silenced caffirma c laged BB as gruffly as he attempted to dontind?! |big prrade, & charge that the surpius | HRORitnt, later, when N. ce con _ is remarks. The Minister's protest !5 CDtirely a myth, and a defense of | figures nat mio CooOuCt Of certain that some politeness was due him met PTury financing, were included in b'f'ms that Mr. Gaby's salary must a sharp retort from the Opposition HA!TY C. Nixon's contribution to the | jmegrrect in (nay .200 2C it Leader. There had been no polite= L@aders' summing up of the Budget incorrect in that statement," Mr. ness, said Dr. McQuibban, shown by Gebate. Speaking slowly and occa~) | you peine in on Anbko on Why won't Mr. Finlayson to Opposition mem-- S!0nally in biting tones, the Progres-- | you bring in an answer to the question bers during last week's long speech ®!%¢ Leader let his sarcasm loose on| concerning Hydro salaries?" the Pro-- when Liberal members had been raked !D¢ Government benches and in-- gressive Leader asked heatedly. K over the coals Further altercation' | cluded the , hes Going on with his indictment he was interrupted by the Speaker, who | jority in hismm Cousenauve" ma-- charged that a dozen Hydro officials notified Mr. Finlayson that the | session will f prediction that '"next | were receiving highor salaries than Leader of the Opposition wished no | H hos ind Mr. Hepburn in this | the Premier, while the Province more interruptions. : <>uslel at least 65 per &:nt. of || was suffering because of 'the ds-- The buik of Dr. McQuibban's ll:'ey onorable friends oppos not | pression. The Progressive Leader speech conformed with the pattern hemv}ii'indnolt will "ll;fil't&*e to say thai | waxed facetious over claims that an established by Liberals for _ Budget | sen eot;xg about "t,helr @ab--'| announcement of Hydro officials' criticism. Premicer Henry, he said, F';fl'sop"h" 1or about his. || salaries might lead to higher offers ind made a ~heroie effort to prove | snarges wiith have been emmpating }| lumites informabion had bren reresoon by the equation of figures that all | ; :hew Conservve o Dack benes ngi limited information had been released is well, and that once again the pen-- Aatee in the ative back benches|| las: year and there 'had been nG dulum swings true." Nevertheless gaixme » ddref:r:t few n}mmm"o f{ Mr.||signs of "kidnapping." h tire Premicr had been "skating over amon's a.m he'-'.,Tel'mmsG(l)t rather |.| Tory Appointments. rubbery ice." He noted that the hu-- merery B r certain Government!| A gencral view of C ; _ manitarian services of the Government __sz;:gortgrs "}ake what would PASS @5|| pointments was int,erjggtféva;gy: the repeatediy had been cited in Conser= | »ppay un mot mem to reaine now his|| Cliticiams of personnel, with the vative defense, with the implication reflwec pFiar'g. MA realize hOW this\| comment that many of the b . that Liberals might seck to curtail | ts against the administration Of | | Comnicc.ons. burcau e boards, woRp " mothers' their party, which has been in office ommissions, bureaus and depart-- payments for mothers' allowances and 1 '| ments are headed by "defeated C old--age pensions This he repu--~ NCW '2 eleven years. Certainly if in || coryayivce candidat 5; iss on= diated. "We, far from anything of Lhat. time they could not keep the | }iV Ds es, former Conserva-- this nature, would pledge our faith | YAmious contractors and subcontrac-- || |, i Sor vabive Conservative Senators, to the misfortunates in all branches, tors, stock yards, packing plants,; ygtxlx.'s'cr\a ive heelers, and what have * as far as Provincial aid can go," said cqnnefles and emplm. of _ labor ! Sixrel' he said ; > Dr. McQuibbhan. within the bounds of fair play and |,, 5'1 a . a new administra-- | _ On farm lmns' the Q)p"ltxon justm then indeed this Administra«-- ; on ""v}(':uc I'l:ot ct:e exm(x'ai 't:? carry Leader commented that it would be | tion should be turned out of offige.» || on with such a set, chargine "if here ' "a big proposition" for the Govern-- 'The Progressive Leader swung into |;$ A $D0,3 $YIICM 'D this Province my ' Wiorc 12 pooat the apcumoiated iL. | his description of the exodus / from [ ) Nantfable fMeDUs ols 16 [DlSNS . 26 D on no thas fact had been agmil. | Queen's Park by testifying that, «in | | WOUld seem that when a constituency ted by a Conservative high in the | the main I agree with the principles -- repudiates a Conservative candidate, party ranks, ';1'\1'!1"&011;8::':;"1 :?e ?}?g(:i;ms Ofbflgs the Government and the Civil Service ave ten | Commi i ; a has j weighing His Thamt. . . [1 dhoumen on in publie slatiornt of || qualificetions requsred to Hal AhSs The Premicr, he continued, had the | | this Province by Mr. Hepburn." Mr. || jobs " habit of "weighing his thumb" when | | Nixon pointed out that in Nova Sco-- Revertin in to definite he came to reckon Government as--| | tia and British Columbia there had | yrf Nixc'lg ag?.mOdH i 1ImB I::ases sets. Nevertheless "he has reneged | | been ample precedent for an outside l nc g e o m e n on Leal 1jee * is | AMAML «IHELT w . o While he has built up the Legal De-- on his dobt--retiring payments; he|| Leader, adding the comment that in | partment; within the HyQ A fues 2 red amenr orn the Laguor ton-- [| both imstaness the Leaders were suc. | || Sot! segring over $42.050, we Aina wat trol Board sheet because he robs the| | cessful in the ensuing general clec--| I;zon voonene o or se iee car Ao ohe till; he admits that he doesn't hanker | | tions. | | in answer to questions that if the for bills especially near Oct. 31; and | | | | slightest legal service is required they C nnlovment i 1s + \| White Horse for McCrea? | | must go out and engage our old | the unemployment item is not capital, l U m T and borrowcd money pays it and its|| . Picturing the exodus, and mention--| friend, W. N. Tilley, K.C., at fees and interest charges." Purther, he noted,' ing comparisons with a Twelfth of retainers running into large sums of i'the Premier "seems to be the only | July parade, he commented that '"cer--| | MONCY: he contended. ons who had the jitters as to On-- | tainly it would be headed by every Minimum Wages. tario's credit." member of the Cabinet, and that Members of the Minimum Wage Dr. McQuibban proceeded to plead, | would be a unique feature, as the Board also came in for mention as "in bohalf of the debt--burdened citi-- ! Minister of Mines will concede." Hon. possible members of the parade. "I zons of the Provincs, for a campaign | Charles McCrea smiled and asked: am sure the Province at large has I'(,f interest--reduction. It won't be | "Would they put me on the white been shocked and astounded by the popular with the banks and invest-- | horse?" revelations of conditions which have ment companies, but it will fit into A moment later the Progressive been permitted by this board," the thke niche of the times, and it will | Leader included all officials appoint-- Progressive Leader declared. + ' be popular with the life--blood of | ed since last Oct. 31, remarking that, _ Reference was made to the position Canada's masses." Mr. Hepburn's statement in that re-- which R. A. Stapells, Chairman of Beofore turning to his favorite sub-- | Spect was "very definite," and again the Minimum Wage Board, was said fect of Hydro, Dr. McQuibban ex-- bringing up the fifth session aues-- to hold as Vice--President of J. J. pressed his belief that recent de-- tion. A speech from Sir JarJes Whits Gibbons _ Limited, "an advertising | veloomerts in the mining fields | R°Y was introduced in which the late agoncy soliciting the employers of should havs eliminated the Timis-- | Conservative Prime Minister said of labor for advertising business.". The kaming & Northern Ontario Railway the similar legislation passed by the: Progressive Leader commented: "Sure-- deficit of last year. On Hydro' he Liberal Government of the early'_ 1)' .vo.'l .Can see that is not a proper protested the $50,000 payment to | YCATS of the century: '"'The act was a| association." When Mr. Nixon men-- John Aird Jr. _ Hydro officials, he | Gisgrace to the statute books of the' tioned H. G. Foster as a very strong claimed, must have "blushed with | Province, designed to stifle the pub--| Tory, the Conservative henches chuck1l-- | <ham~" when the news came that lic will and extend their own me."l ed, and he was told that Mr. Foster | the big sum was needed for the sery-- ' Turning back to his description of|| Was a Drury appointment. b«'| s c so ieciae maiviank mt fiy_|| ths exodus, the Progressive Leader [V . EWitoiing 4n Ti StCORI PASnSAGeS) InF & contract. "Is it any wonder." admitted, amid Conservative laugh--||Speeth to the Government finances, ho ingu »+d. "that I made the state-- ter, that the recently appointed offi--|| Mr. Nixon termed the alleged surplus mont that I was unwilling to entrus; | Plais having oulstanding qualuica-l a myth, and expressed agreement with the fuiure of the St. Lawrence o | Hons, might be pernfitted to stand for| the starement "that the balanced | m rrairmale whn AuT Hl reappointimicnt. | Budget and the surplus were reached thosse individua's who did not nego-- | 3 +4 Cvgy 17 » purely by arithmetical juggling. Al-- tats a 6.000--horsopowor deal without | Would Retire Gaby. 4 \_ legi jugoli 7 reqh t n leging that such juggling was unique this type of aid? What would they The return fire came from the Gov--| in the Provincial history, he pointed | -- d> in a milli~=n--horsspower proposi-- | ernment benches when Mr. Nixon: out that "had last year's policy of tion?" In regard to Hvdr» service to | ghifted from generalities to the predic--| Gealing with the unemployment re-| North::n Ontario mines, he prO' | tion of the departure of the Hyd@ro lief expenditures been continued there ! testsd that private interests were be-- | Commissioners, and Chief Enginser would have been a deficit of $2,409,-- ; ing pormitied to lap the cream of the || Gaby, "Are you in favor of letiing 569." The alleged surplus was not contracts. him go absolutely?" Hon. Dr. Robb only a myth, but a dangerous illusion, Turning to the live stock question.]) asked. "Absolutely," the Progressive | the Progressive Leader declared, con-- the Opposition Leador cited big divi-- | Leader said, with an immediate refer. | tending that the CGovernment was OM . dends paid by packers. "It demon--| ence to the Chief Engineer's addr%s! ploying it as justification in an elec-- strates." he continued, "just how tre-- i in which Mr. Hepburn was named. ' tion year to embark on a policy of mendcus is the influence of hus* Hon. J. R. Cooke, Chairman of the spending. combin:s in the well--being of OUr | Hydro Commission, then took up the Cross--Entries. | citizens. 'This ecmbins actually took | Government cudgels, asking to what The adjustment of -- cross--entries' over two of these companies which | particular remarks, objections were| next received attention, Mr. Nixon wore in bad shape, and the whole | made. Mr. Nixon picked up a copy of| charging that "the adjustment of concorn is prospercus because the | the speech, and referred to Mr. Gaby's | cross--entries conceals many millions farmer paid the price.' __. connection of the phrases "mislead-- of expenditure from the statements Dr. McQu'bban reviewed the Abitibi ing" and "gross exaggeration," with that are before us, and makes it utter-- n purchase, "a romance of financial Mitchell Hepburn's statements, and . !y impossible to give fair or intelligent myth, the villain in the play a Con' pointed out that the attack had been | comparison with the expenditures of soervative Administration. One is based on newspaper reports which Mr. || last year." Presenting a table to cover amazed on listening to speeches which Gaby used without going to the trouble |this feature, he cited figures showing soeek to reveal the pure industrial mo-- of finding out if the Liberal Leader : "that every yeaT the ordlng:ry ex-- tives of this Government as charitable had been correctly quoted. After an-- || DENSCS APDO3T to get lower," while ®*> gestures to the mining industry. other interchango, the Progressive |Amounis ranging from $17,000,000 in * Leader declared: "I say that, in my |1930 to $40,000,000 and $37,000,000 in * ininlan. it was verty imnronmer ftor Mr |1932 an'd-!.933 Yeré_l.a_l")_e 1.1?.?.::'3".'5"'1 «

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