The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1934, p. 6

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" * e ce K "" . ds s . / Bc m t iPiee 0 0 0 0 * s March 22 # ¥ en ie o SCceb thearraetiitsy * . a armmmmiemmmunmnnummmmmumunnnnmmmmmmenmmnmemannnmnemememmereemmememen. D C $ , _--_--_--__----_----_---------. shlights of New Bill | Joint Conference Highlights of New Cl & ghlg Of Oppositionists " ® Salient features of the Beer Bill; . Restriction on the number of fau Accepts New Act amend the uquor mntm] thorities w n any pa » (an act to at the board's discretion. e rcnierimnmentenes Act). introduced in the LegisI@tUr¢|" propipition against issuance 0' late yesterday by Attorney--General|"authorities" to any person who has T_he Opposition members of the Price, are as follows: s covenanted to sell the beer of any Legislature, at a joint conferenc» last Sales under authority of the L--quor | brewer or u:hi h:'u;,e :f rwo¥ mang- evening, went on record as plavring Control Board J rewe manu> » aars of beer and wine in dining-- | facturer nimsell, or to his agent, or . | UDON Premier Henry's Government re-- rooms of standard hotels, and, @At |to any person whose financial con-- sponsibility for the beer and win: option of board, in restaurants and | nections would lead him to pro> policy introduced in the House. § 4 clubs. mote the sale of any one product; | A statement issued declared that * Sale of beer alone in hotel refresh-- | or to any premiscs in which a brewer | 'prohibition is not and should not be ment rooms and in veterans and | op wine manufacturer has an interest. made a partisan political i $s labor union clubs. Prohibition against sale of beer or _ ] political issue." After Liquor Board "authority'" for sal¢ | wine to any one who is below 21 yeats . | reciting the issues on which the Gov-- will specify rooms or places in which |of ag>, is intoxicated, or to whom | ernment's tenure of office is chai-- h consumption of beer is permitted. the sale of intoxicants is prohibited ! lenged, the statement says: Issuance of "authorities" only to | by statute. Prohibition against serving These major issues are the ons ft and proper persons, bona fide| beer to a police officer on duty ; Pich 4n g owners of the businesses to which sale | against permitting gambling, drunk:-- upon which the electors of the Prov-- is permitted. Prohibition against is | enrmess or disorderly conduct on the ince of Ontario, in our opinion, de-- suance to any person who has been | premises; against permitting any OB¢ _ | sire to pass judgment in the coming convicted of specified offenses against | of notoriously bad character to re-- | general election. the law: if he is an individual, or is ' main there,; against slot mclm}nes of | _ We are, therefore, under the cir-- not a British subject; if a corpora-- | gambling deviccs on the premises. cumstances, prepared to acquiesce in tion or club not incorporated or or-- No bars to be permitted. the measure without discussion, re-- ganized as required by regulations;| Removal of beer from sale--prem:ses garding it as a Government respon-- or applied for in respect to premises| definitely forbidden. _ i sibility, _ _ which do not conform with the regu | _ Employees may be required to obtain & aL'Is'his.&k z;tmixtdew ::w:;:glaitxl:d p;'obltehn; > d'ml 'mm » KX 9 n § lations. | indivi . | belief that it offered the only way to remove the liquor question from | politics and make it an independent | | issue. | The view was expressed by some * members that under existing condi-- tions it is not possible to promots * temperance education throughout On-- tario, that the temperance movement + has been killed by a Government which reintroduced liquor with the profession that it favored tempsrance. The hope was expressed that in ac-- quiescing ir the measure without dis-- | cussion and placing responsibility on e the Government, a step might b> taken for the divorce of politics and * the liquor question. 'The statement A issued was as follows: '"The position of the Opposition of the Ontario Legislature is that pro-- * hibition is not and should not be made a partisan political issue. This * discredited Government, clinging to * * office by usurpation of power for a lfifth year and on the eve of a gen-- eral election, is now presenting a | measure obviously in an attempt to make liquor once again the major M y * ' 3 issue before the electors. "If further evidence of this were wanted it is afforded by the repeated announcements of Premier Henry that '_--be would never introduce a measure of this nature. "Our responsibility to the people of * Ontario is such that we are determin-- + _ ed to hold the Henry Government to ® a defense of its record of maladmin-- ® istration, increased debt and taxation, K * mismanagement of our great public-- / ly owned Hydro--Electric system, and s dissipation of our natural resources. % t "These major issues are the ones ' . upon which the electors of the Prov-- & ince of Ontario, in our opinion, desire to pass judgment in the coming gern-- eral election. "We are, therefore, under the cir-- cumstances, prepared to acquiesce in -- the measure without discussion, re-- 5 s . garding it as a Government responsi-- * bility." s |

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