420 CEVEC 4 % a¥44 . acting for t] ecuted contr; tric Develop of Abitibi C: ind _ Panar ?: t*€ tate« atur uest Hon. J. R. Cooke, Chairman of the Ontario HMydro Commission, declined or the second time in a week to vulge the amount and price of power ntracts made by HMHydro, acting in North for the Government. "The on considers it would be a reach of confidence to give data on tters in which others are involved, lally and otherwise," Mr. Cooke tated yesterday in the Ontario Legis-- ature in answer to an Opposition uestion. The Chairman added that he contracts are subject to call, and pen to the Government auditors for private report. In earlier clauses of his answer nade to a question asked by Dr. keorge McQuibban, Libsral House eader, Mr. Cooke said that Hydro, acting for the Government, had ex-- ecuted contracts with the Abitibi Elee-- tric Development Company, Limited, of Abitibi Canyon; the Abitibi Power nd Paper Company, Limited, at fEspanola; the same company at Iro-- uois Falls and Smosth Rock Palls, Province of Ontario at Burwash arm, --PFalconbridge Nickel Mines ted, Howcy Gold Mines of Pat-- ricia District, Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mincs Limitecd, Young--Davidson ertiecs, and other companies. Money made availoble by special warrant, passed in October,' 1933, "to pay for losscs on the operation of Northern Ontario properties of the Mydro Commission" was used for all Northern properti~s operated by the OTHER ANSWERS GIVEN Delegate to Ottawa Be-- taking up landa in uie vaerameinirenrberemcage * & a parts of the Province. Hon. J. R. Cooke, Chairman of the fieves Inqulry will Be 't)l;:cqggttllfilmintjbo}r{ms ' ? ntario Hydro Commission, declined T h o r 0 u g h--"CaMOU-- tive, Timiskaming), . w or the second time in a week t iti | that people werc'beit givulge the amount and price ofc p':mc(:- flage Of Competltlon"' n'qcml leglslation_ fo ex *sontracts mado by Hydro, acting in Charged illlillncnt fadlitans. Qpposition Told Divulging In-- / formation Would Be _ Breach of Confidence properties, and oiner companies. Money made availoble by special warrant, passed in October,' 1933, "to pay for lossos on the operation of Northern Ontario properties of the HMydro Commission" was used for all Northern propertics operated by the Commission for the Government in Nipissing, Sudbury, Abitibi and Ear Falls district, Mr. Cooke said in an-- swer to ancother questign. The ex-- penditure was'placed in capital ac-- count because it is a capital advance to the Hydro in its capacity as trus-- tes for the Province, repayable to the Province with interest. i Replying to another of the thirteon Liberal questions receiving attention yesterday, the Prime Minister list:d the fees and travelling expenses paid by the Ontario Government to Peter White. K.C. These sums, from 19253 to 1933, totalled $47,522.79, and in 1930 and 198% amounted to more than $10,000 in each year. During the same vears, Hydro paid Mr. Whit: To a ouestion askinz what amount the Government has paid for insur-- ance to Russell & Russell Limited in the last four years, Premicr Henry stated nothing had been paid in 1930; $7,.000 in 1931. $13,519 in 1932, and $15,878 in 1933. a littie mor $12.146 was To anoth positions of TDROPRICEIAT _ Farmers' Plaints Y C0 " . .__ _ -- Ignored by Yards formatin woud se /_ States Jamieson €s Limi , and 0 made nassed i to be shipped to Toronto, and the charges were "astounding," the spread "terrific.'" On the hoof, the best cat-- tle were worth only 2% cents a pound, but when they came back as meat the price was 94 cents. The Govern-- ment had promised to lend 50 per | cent. of the cost of the abattoir. There had been an "indirect threat" from Toronto interests to put the new abattoir out of business, but, even if trey suceceded in killing the venture, either the consumer or the producer would be benefited. Working out of the Sault at present were three or four meat salesmen, putting up a show of independent competition, but ac-- tually all working for one firm. REPORT ON NORTH FAVORS BONUSES No effort is being made by the who shipped old cheese to Great Bri-- stock yards to mect farmers' griecyv-- tain. William Newman (Liberal, Vic-- ances, the Legislature's Committee on toria North), stated that the report Aqgiculture was told yesterday at its of the Egsgs and Poultry Subcom-- final mocting of the session. Chair-- mittee alrcady had been submitted man J. Edgar Jamieson said that @ to the Ministef, and W. J. Bragg stock yards' official had attended th0| (Liberal, Durham), for the Fruit Sub-- recent mecting of the Stevens Ccm-| committee, urged continuation -- of mitice in Ottawa, and had informed tha spraying service instituted on Mr. Jamicson that the yards were UN-- the committee's recommendation last budging in their detormination to ig-!year. Mr. Bragg reported a marked nore farmers' complaints. | improvement in the Old Country _J. A. Craig (Conservative, Lanark! apple market this year. No..A) reported on the Ontario dele: "mhe Tobacco Subcommittee, Whith calion's submission to the Stev@n$ aireagqy -- had presented its Teport, committee regardino live--st0ck MAY--) may send a representative to OttaWA, szo'ing, and expresseqa their belief tDat to appear with growers at & Stevens the Ottawa investigators would leave'Comm!ttee inquiry into the industry. ~o stone unturned in trieir study of c nditions. Fred J. McArthur (Con--| sorvative, Northumberland) held that 17 perm»&nent improvement was pos-- sible until the stock ya'«is came under pujlic ownership. Charges "Astounding." Emailler abvattoirs, in place of the prescnt great merger, would restore marketing to a competitive basis, said Hon. James Lyons (Conservative, Sault Ste. Maric). recounting an effort made in the North to establish a plant there. Under current conditions, cattle had Mr. McArthur charged a similar condition at the West Toronto stock vards, with the buyers providing only "a camouflage of competition," en-- tering the yards with the price al-- ready figured on the knowledge that the farmer had to get money for his stock immediately. k Hon. Dr. Paul Poisson, Chairman of the Colonization Subcommittee presented his report, which makes the important recommendation that administration of the North, now in the hands of the Northern Develop-- ment Department, be divided between the Ministries of Forests and Agri-- culture The report also proposed bonusing of settlement in the North, Dividend Administration. March and encouragement to unemployed taking up land in the older parts of the Province. Dissent from the settlement--bonus plan was ex-- prossed by A. J. Kennedy (Conserva-- tive, Timiskaming), who contended that people were being taught by social legislation to expect the Gov-- ornment to provide them with a liv-- ing. Roeporting for the Dairying Sub-- committee, J. A. Sanderson (Conser-- vative, Grenville), urged sale of butter on a quality basis; correction by the new Milk Control Board of the pres-- ont uneconomic system of gathering milk and cream, and cancellation of the licenses of those manufacturers who shipped old cheese to Great Bri-- tain. William Newman (Liberal, Vic-- toria North), stated that the report of the Esggs and Poultry Subcom-- mittee alrcady had been submitted to the Ministet, and W. J. Bragg (Liberal, Durham), for the Fruit Sub-- committee, urged continuation of The Tobacco Subcommittee, which alrsady had presented its report, may send a representative to Ottawa, to appear with growers at a Stevens Committee inauiry into the industry.