The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Mar 1934, p. 1

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, March 27 s r Passing of the annual automobile t acts through committee of the Ontario | House last night provoked comment' [ which finally resuited in one amend-- ment limiting to commercial vehicleo! a the application of the new law requir. I ing cars stalled on the highway to| light a lantern or flare. | Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Minister of Highway>, sponsored the Highway , Traffic and Commercial Vehicle Acts through committee, and was forced to -- w nnmmmmmmmce gmte his htilrst gqcflana.uon when W. E. 7 . Sinclair, .C. (Liberal, Ontario c00ke | South), reopenesd the qusstioning of Look Says f information | | Boeh) eecnereinine ectiighie of Given Hannigan "Be-- higher candlepower. The Minister 55 pointed out that tourists and motorists cause He Asked from other Provinces were entitled to the brighter lights, adding that "driv-- * etx;se awang their cars fa;ter than » they " and more light is ac-- R Too Hard to Enforce. 4 sege aough "the" begisiature 'qy,| _ Mr. Sinclair and Hon. Hany Nison | , night, with Progressive Leador Harry asked about some form of inspection Nixon wrmmg as "the g'eat,és: insult which would insure proper focusing of ever extended to a ;rxnx;lber of this the lights, but Mr. Macaulay pointed House," the publication of h'gh ofi-- -- °U that a burcaucracy would be re-- cials' salaries while a question de-- Quited to provide enforcerge?& ?J['d manding this information stooti un-- we're hardly ready for Mn J answered on the House order paper Sinclair commented: "I can see that Ikin. J. L. Cooke CémmLssioh if we are goinz to cut down the ex-- Chairman, told Mr. Nixon that he}! RenSes 50 per cont., we can hardly had supplied the information to T. J.| focus the headlights. Hannigan, Secretary of the Ontario| The Minishe AMeosd Hof corited Municipal Electric Association, "be.| Tequiring trailets to be doubly affixed f cause he asked for it." t to the truck with an exception in favor $ of trailers resting on the fore part of Refused to Pay Exchange. the vemcll:;iz a % i' Ai m imeo acktL. | When t minimum wage amend-- oc ie uon in toreres | ment was brought before: the. com-- ( * o & ep: | mmeame balgedr eap:| im it dn voon cfi earnings woere running ar i rep2" A€ _ ahead of expectations and that the ,';;:; I-ngisryw;ng;'eyeg tli'f;'te the l\fgfi. Toronto Hydro Commission got a | ister (Hon. Dr. Robb) had spoken for l' debit thi:'ceem.g b:ll instead of 37%008 himself. "That's the history of most & credit one, because it, alone of a of these cases," the Premier went on. g"p:l';°umuf('~§]'~£ag"°§-v had refused| when facts are run dowxi\.e(llle s%fil,~ 3 CXChang? a44. t j orma 5 s '"How did you happen to give the | '!;Mmthnfi?:d ima?bi? Mt, Laver salary list to Hannigan?" asked Mr.! had further investigated his cases he | (!;lflxon. Is t.hg'..;,?:our roundabout '8}" Whengtid h'?vct;t given the evidence, doing things? tha a tawa. | Mr. Cocoke replied that when Mr. | Hannigan had asked for the list, he' Girls Hidden in Garret. s | had taken the happy opportunity to Instancing a case illustrating the| supply the information. difficulty of obtaining information, the "Is Mr. Gaby's salary before de-- Premier said that a Governmeont in-- ductions $35.000?" next asked Mr.| spection of a factory had disclosed Nixon. Mr. Cooke reforred the Pro--| absolutely no breaking of the law.l gressive Leader to The Globe, "which| Later it was reported that half a dozen is generally so reliable." The 8"135' girlk had been hidden in a garret and list as reported in The Globe | that a perfectly 1 cheque had > made the situation clear. i .been split by sev% %'o','whfi," | Mr. Nixon was unshaken in his con-- A drop from $11,000 allotted in tention that the Legislature's right to! 1932 for typewriter inspection and the information was the prior one. .. | gepaitrfie to <an expendltufi: egf 135'000 t or same purpose t the j $1,638,150 Revenue Expected. ! _ current estimates for 1935, aroused Mr. Cooke reviewed the details of. the attention of Liberal Whip C. A. the Abitibi purchase. Hydro's total _ Robertson last night. Hon. Leopold investment in Northern properties Macaulay explained that the type-- _ was $24,687.304, but estimated ex-- _ WTiters had formerly been inspected penditure necessary to pay off cred-- monthly, and under the reduced sum 4 itors and build distant lines would allotted for 1934 and 1935, were over-- result in a total capital expenditure _ hauled only in case of a demand for of $29.261.271. Revenues expected this . SUuch attention. The Minister said year were $1,638,750. A surplus of * that there had been objections from $6,000 was expected for the noxt fiscal . Government employses, but the step year after charges on every dollar had _ NAd saved $7,000. been taken care of. The new con-- The Liberal Whip then asked if tracts for power delivery to Smooth Mr. Macaula.y would admit that the Rock Falls, site of Abitibi Paper Mill, . COSt of the former service had been within ten days. Before the year was do so, and stated that the job had ended, the expectation was, the rev-- always been let by tender, greater would be up to $250,000. In re. . | Post resulting in increased service. AL "'"'w ostion by IL A. Baxter the present time, he said, "every de-- i iperai. Oxford South), Mr. Cooke) | Pattment thinks the fynewrllers ate ;nid the water heater rental plan had beg'ng Stazvb?rt.s(gn "edcfd'"'mtym;:fi'he not come up to em'w"'"ab:':'&f matter drop, claimng th> contfoanies 1y U Secieiat td hets harde to | | Rae en io ood e tard 4t hag * e '"'Trake--off." In A R install electric stoves on the same cost $11,000 to take care of about basis. tms | 800 machines, and with reduced ex-- Before the consideration _ of {a2 _ penses in 1933 it had still amounted Hydro estimates, Premier Henty 06" _ to about $10 a typewriter. It was no livered a defense of the work o' ag socret, the Liberal Whip claimed, that cultural education. Agriculturs MUSt _ certain people felt that the compan-- succeed, he declared, adding that the _ j~s involved had held a ménopoly and more training @And encouragement _ were receiving too much money. given to boys and girls the better the : Machines in downtown Toronto, he result would be. The Premier said in said, had been serviced in units of nesponse to Opposition criticism of _ one or two at lower prices per machin> Royal York accommodations for the: than the Government had paid for boys and girls visiting the Winter FPair, ' the care of hundreds. that he had been responsible for the | move in the first place and had Zeen determined that the visitors shouldi ; get the best that the city had. h * * * j P

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