The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Mar 1934, p. 2

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PERMIT RULINCG FOR BEER AND WINE MAY BE RELAXED Right Is Given to Liquor Control Board to Amend Regulations LOCAL OPTION LAWS Purchases of beer and wins with-- out a permit are allowed at the Liquor Board's discretion under amendments to the Liquor Control Act presented to the Legislature yesterday . oy Attorney--General W. H. Price. The new measure, containing changes in the body of the act necessitated by the beer--by--glass clause, includes im-- portant provisions with respect to vot-- ing in loca! option areas, and increases peralties for infractions of the act. In the main yesterday's bill merely reovis>s individual clauses to meet new conditions, such as that by which Control Bsard powers are widely ex-- tended to cover issuance of "author-- ities" and supervision over sale. | Officials authorized by thz board to | issue authorities are permitted to take evidenze under oath, and may refuse, cancel or suspend authorities without giving reason or explanation. Delivery of bzer is facilitated, and expiration | cZ authoritiecs is set for Oct. 31 of each year. Local Option. In the matter of local option, the bill rules that there shall be no in-- terferense with districts where the Canada Temperance Act is effective. It is specifically provided that in those districts "no authority for the sale of beer--cr win> shall be issued under the act." Purthor, "except as provided by the regulatiors, no store shail be established by the board for the sale of liquor, and no authority for the sale of liqucr shall be issued under this act in any municipality or por-- tion of a municipality in which at the tim> of th> coming into force of the Ontario Temperance Act, a by--law passed under the Liquor License Act or under any other act, was in force prohibiting the sale of liquor by re-- tail unless and until a vots has been taken to establish Government stores or for the issuance of authorities for the sale of beer and wine in the man-- nor hereinafter provided.". -- However. "the : Council municipality in which such 44NEA EC S EC ECC ETTETETT TD & was ln?;xc';: may submit to a vote of th: persons qualified to be entered on the voters' lists, and to vote at elec-- tions to the Assemoly and to the municipality, one of the following in favor of authorities being issued for standard hotels and . other premises wherein beer or wine may be sold under the Liquor Control "4,. Are you in favor of authorities being issued for the sale of beer only in authorized premises under the Liquor Control Act?" In the event of reversal of public epinion, dry regulations can be re-- stored by vote on similar questions as to cancellation of the provisions. The clause requiring petition by at least 25 per cent. of the persons on the voters' list, before a vote is taken, is retained, and the three--fifths ma-- jJority is still required before a change can be made. "2, Are you in favor of authorities being -- issued for standard hotels wherein beer or wine may be sold under the Liquor Control Act? 3. Are you in favor of authorities being issued fcor premises other than standard hotels, wherein beer or wine may be sold under the Liquor Control Act? sell Advertisements on premises where sale is permitted under the act, will require Liquor Board approval. A clause relating to native wine is as follows: "Subject to the provisions of this act and the regulations, and to any restrictions which the board may impose, manufacturers of native wines may keep and offer for sale, sell and deliver in such quantitiee as may be ?ermltted by the board." Finas ar fvct Affamease amainect é+ka Fines for first offenses against the act. where no penalty has been specifi-- cally provided. are raised from a minimum of $10 and a maximum of #100 to a minimum of $10 and a maxi-- mum of $500. For second offenses the x;;agé:)num i raised from $500 to M ar ch 21 SUBURBS MAY USB CITY POLIGE SERVICGE Extension Arrangement Pro-- vided in Statute Law Amendment OTHER CHANGES MADE A clause permitting suburbs to ar-- range for the extension of the police service of the neighboring large city into the suburban community was included in the odds and ends of leg-- islation incorporated into the annual Statute Law Amendment, and intro-- duced on the floor of the Legislature yesterday by Hon. W. H. Price. 55 The make--up of the City Council section of the Exhibition Association is clarified by another clauss, which provides that the section "shall con-- sist of the Mayor of the City of To-- ronto, all other members of the Coun-- cil of said city, the Chief Constablie and all permanent heads of civic de-- partments appointed by said Council." Other Enactments. Other enactments included in the amendment provide: _ M Mothers' allowances in special cases shall be authorized by an Order--in-- Council, notwithstanding the pro-- visions of the act. British subjects only shall be can-- didates for admission to the Law Society. _ Embalming fluids and chemicals may be regulated by Order--in--Council to prohibit the use of certain types which may tend to defeat the ends of justice. Comparnies Act Aitered. Municipal liability and Provinciali aid legislation shall be extended to the recently appearing convalescent hospitals. esc m One phase of the amendment deals entirely with changes in the Compan-- ies Act. A repeal of Section 45 of this act places private companies on the same basis as public companies and dispenses with the necessity for a statutory meting shortly after in-- corporation. Another clause requires| a ton--day notice of shareholders' meet-- ings unless all shareholders dispense witkh this notice by a written waiver. It is also proposed no person shall be eligible to the directorship of a joint insurance company unless 21 years of age and absolute holder of a certtin paid--up portion of capital stxk. In another bill introduced yesterday, Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Ag- riculture, proposes to bring the pend.-- ing Dominion Fruit Act and the Do-- minion Root Vegetable Act into force in Ontario, and make it unnecessary for a commission dealer recognized Hon William Finlayson introduced a resolution giving Legislative approv.-- al to the Metropolitan Area Committee and providing for its extension and financing. A resolution moved by the Prime Minister permitted the Public Ac-- counts Committs, engaged in in-- vestigating the hignway charge to mest during the session. by the Federal authoritiee to take fi;x-t a second permit from the Prov-- ce.

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