a o e in isA t .0 20 +0 * ® es o rony t 4 March 29 &( 'CHANGES INTRODUCED _ \GARNISHEE MEASURES | Cl | . _ GET DETAILED STUDy: | IN MARKETING ACT ' f EILAILELI : smm mmmmmmmmmmmee # U Macaulay's Measure Would Special Committee Named I * 3 Correct Bootleg Gaso-- | JUST SW]KE SCREEN ' for F ran'fl 4 Wilson's § .. line Situation | Bills _ Ontario The four bills by which Frank Wil-- Marketing Act ch.mcul A ' tm by the new Federal East Kent Member EXDlamSi son (Conservative, Windsor East) pro-- legislation were introduced in 'the' poses to improve the employee's posi-- m'w Partiament ie? n hew' | Why He Voted for |\__ tion in a Division Court garnishment Hon,. Kennedy, Minister of Agri-- Te n culture, They wore techni | action, and increase Vie exemption | character. 7 t 1n: Measure clauses of the Execution Act, will be The bootlg gasoline situation may |\__ studied by a special committee ap-- be corrected to some extent under a Explaining his vote in favor of the pointed at the instance of Hon. Macauiey Parorpicert oV ,f1CH. L€0PONd | beer bill in the Legislature last night, -- Gharics MoCrea at a meeting of the expiainedto the Howse n Reporss D. M. Campbell, the new Liberal " Teeleiing that ihe mseainees sequired to Opposition request, Mr. Macl:my member for Kent East, stated: detailed s%udy, Mr. McCrea appointed stated that a large number of gaso-- "In view of the tremendous maj-- W. E. N. Sinclair, ifi r?d (Ifibféfihl Ot,n_ line stations were springing up, nt it is utterl taria South), W eighington o ey »cotiecced it mn, pouet ge ardy my 8e 19. Sppeke this Si, iss flns Teomenmiine S9s¢ suue > gasol 4 + 4 mi nservative, Essex outh), just b:zalr': t.heyuwere dm? etzoat':;muiz matter what my personal convictions Argue Martin (Conservative, Hamil-- over to the Government, they "folded may be. I feel that the liquor ques-- ton West) and Mr. Wilson to the spe-- To oo Pon Aiminter held. .==s 82\ (tion is one which should be entirely cgke noived in the ampdssaine ':'m m'fi, the :5:.3. nies who removed from politics. It has been gh%efeg:: ved in y Sre Hon. William Finlayson presented _ made a political football on many oc-- Speaking on the enactment which an amendment to the Forest Pires casions. would prevent garnishment prior to Prevention Aot, empoworing the Pro-- "It is peculiar that a Government tlfle tf'lra.ut,lngi tg'f. & 'j;,xg.lg&nent ;{n favor vincial Forester to refuse a permit to which has for the last ten years had 0 e cr!;d 1 o m Ea.stomson any person comnvicted of an offense sufficient majority at all times to (Conservative, Hamilton ) pro-- tested that continual garnishees meant under the soction until such person _ carry out any policy it might desire. . (S! se of gus oys o on e Seriatactory 8 should amm:,st moment bring in member from Ha;flx:ill'ton chargt;d that bill of is CE . a "'There is only one answer, it is g';'i""e tfheums buy upeddgbtsA.agd S nl;liltek? being used as a smoke screen to cover e iung If!Mltrhaéggbni declarens, o4 up the record of an admlnlstratior; tmk lhe &!iwle principle <f pomi-- * that has not been in the interelst o ting garnishses to be served without "hf'lm'-:l" °f| lt.he :gligmgl'l'l p?%g' so |* Judgment is wrong." for :xhe p':xpr?)ose of remole'ug this is-- & sue from the realm of party politics."