The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1934, p. 5

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March 23 € sary to increase the rates to CON"| |_ Hydro was invoived in questions in | sumers in general, and indeed, :':' the House yesterday, asking if the | average cost per kilowatt hour to ie Commissioners were permitted to carry | mestic consumers . throughout on private business in addition to their | Province has continued '0! d'"'":' public duties Mr. Cocoke answered in The reduction in the last gy&n the affirmative. Officials of Hydro are | °_ from domestic consumption THowatt not permitted to carry on private busi-- | from 117 to 1.57 cents per is ness "during the time paid for by the hour. After all wmm'{mwudre' Commission." but a note exolainedl ing the special wm'l:ion nere that under existing conditions hours serves for cost '&*&e"m of of certain emuloyees have been reduc-- was a net increase in $3,000,000 ed so that the greatest number pos-- the Commission of over uisker ' the sible could be kept employed. "The| Such a result, achieved of Commission has no information as to' difficult economic mckcllnsuc:l:mlfltl the| | the use such employees make of their | ; 1933, tocefll':f!:'iglm w' time when free of duty," Mr. Cooke' Commission now stated. & a total of $69,434,246.51, as mtg A long and detailed answer itemized , $66,145,486.61 for 1932, m'mmm' the circumstances of payments made | it is beltieved, & SUonfcausfaction (0 Stratchan Johnston. K.C.. and to , position which is cause for sa VeiTAre W. N. Tilley, K.C., their firms, or ; to all interested in onm'rves 75,.; members of their firms, by the Gov-- «The CommIssION BOY oi cities, 96 Crument and Hydro from 1928 to 1933. munioPeities IXCkn hiua police 'vil-- Accounts were certified by the Legis-- towns, 269 villages a lative Accountant, the Deputy Attor-- and 365 ?:'"'lwmc' ommission's ney--General, the Surveyor--General, | ie dwtg't?'even under the mosy the Deputy Minister of Education, and T o nerse ol fances, has continued: P@id in one instance on the recom-- ::vem d year by year without inter--| mendation of the Minister of Educa-- mem is the distribution of rural . tion. Most of these payments were | electrical service. During the fiscal) labelled "not taxed by the taxing of--| year 1932--33, there was constructed,| _ ficor." _ ue ind * I or under construction, some 326 miles| An answer under the same ques :on,' of primary transmission line in the _ Lheaded "Payments by the Hydro--Elec-- rural ta})ower districts of Ontario, wigh tric Pow;r Commit;sign'rqlf' Orf,tgtrlioé j & ction of 9,245 mentioned paymen > Tilley, ns-- l'nitl: facregate consiruct ton. Thomson and Parmenter of $600 i in 1928; $1,800 in 1929; $64.946.09 in More Consumers. 4 i ©1930, of which $60,000 was "for sorv-- "Rlectrical service is given to @n; _ jees in connection with the acquisition additional 2,300 consumers, and }.he of the asséts of the Dominion Power capital expenditure approved for con-- and Trarsbort Comnanyv. Limited"; mun{x"work w serve them was $2.100 in 1931; $400 in 1932. and $12,-- f $590,861.94. 607 in 1933. _ "The total, capital expentgmu'e tl.o The bass rate per hors>power to cus-- date of the Commission in e(u:'tfrplpti tomers was sot out in a table presented of power to rural 87p5°wilerof whfi:h by Mr. Cooke in answer to a final amounts to $17,693,875.11, C in-- Hydro ouery. Thess rates, ranging * Ae o n r00 109 10. " suiog lyifg some . from $21 in Toronto. to $20 in Hamil-- :id of "-793-108'3*1:';"' segvif'e to ton and Ottawa,. and $18 in London 842 cona:rales'&.) t 'The x;mxi- and Petsrbors'. woere contrasted with more than té "mm in rural dls-' the cost of nawer nor b--rssvower to 'mmedm"m 1932 'w" main-- the municipality for 1932. which was tained throughout the year 1933 more than $32 in Pterboro'. nsarly e $26 in Lor@3n ond Toronto, a cent m t:u;?g? t'l'?a%_as'%or?eh%';;] }>ss than $25 in Hamilton,. and $14.77 > revenue of the rural powoer districts in Ottawa. amounted to $2,796,023.49; after main-- temance, operation, administration and interest expenses, and the seiting up o reserves to an amount of $622,-- 880.13, there was a net deficit of $107,-- 705.178 in 171 rural power districts. -- "One of the most important studies made by the Commission, that is, under--earth heaugf shows from ex-- periments made within the last few ;:rs the feasibility of under--earth ting by electricity and demon-- strates the advantages of its use as « compared with other under--earth _ hea systems. The Commission, ree&dm the necessity of this type of service to the farming industry, has ig;-cuc'ny completed their rate studies I which the farming industry will| f 'obtain this service at a rate which, | will be sufficiently low to enable its | | use on an economical basis." }

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