Tarot an 2'9 .eee, try more ways than one." "mum let by the former railway a: a"? He alao indulged in m": Premier, Ti', estimate: mistress. called t: 'e'udl', we! he said. the rice w about . enry . l ' Premier's 8M t300,000 over Jgl maggot: I"rdl', set 'lle'etrie 11g,1i'h1,1','-u",t,', e"', you out". There was a dead silence in Cot . ls! the original tender. In a second leather more? in tdit,' in patent' sorvative ranks in the O taxi Le L" instance, the final price exceeded the tt h wt and aning on a, fork. Iature yesterday ' whet; (Pram: original tender by $550,000. cm: lg. agar? J,hUet/','it/ M t - . Turning to the inquiry into the F' . "' mitt; ',',/tPgahntflN'lf $53: operation of the Niagara was Ms put them in the museum. them point-blank it they would give Commission. the Premier stated that Premier Answers Shim" . their support to the selection of Hon. marked savings had been made with With cold figures-uid down on George 8. Henry. former Premier. " the elimination ot the use of costly the floor of the Ontario Rouge-Prime permanent Leader of Tory forces m cars. and the like. leister Mitchell F. Hepburn gave Ontario. h :iwrvigea cosdsb the Premier said, gnaeevjktg '1ttit of his ewgm' Onlv . Oppoei. i a n uce y about $34,000 as i? e overnment epart- tion 91:321. Tt,',t'qg'fiaeed Price ' a result of a searching probe into the! Indus» one by o.ne, the Premier listed the first mm}. named by m; cperations of this branch of Govern- savmgs in salaries and reductions in Premier in his biting onslaught ment activity. personnel. The total ot his net re- "Wont d the Prime Minister poll itus Hydro, Mr. Hepburn declared, had ducticn was anannual figure of $1,- own crowd first?" was the remark of been under scrutiny. Operating costs 557,664--and this, the Prime Minister the former Attorney-tgeneral. had been reduced try '600,000, and noted, was only on salaries. 'Wm polling yours." the Premier carrying charges by $400,000,orBtotal " Pope Pt people of Ontario do shot back. c,' about '1,000.000. not biame us, he commented, "it on The onslaught to which the Tories Coats of Lotuttt. 1:32:23? we tet the mace clut- rgmagied ksilent camoi'edshgrtly alter Speaking of loans floated by the ', Treasury s1s1'ti'gi..'"itgg'orit",i',U t e em r common is speech former and present Administrations. . ' '. . AM, on, ft ttfr; reply; f tl , '2gr'leu7e111,r,'l pointed out that the 'EQOfggi'ssii-angmdowdihgnfinzmeg; . won r." to sat . "i re nonor- , enry vernment floated bonds to ' . abie member from Parkdale would the extent of about 865,000,000 at a i,2g'eifyregue.iflritet' "i'ttgt",,rg,e,f give his support. to the honorable cost of 3128.000. The present Admin- 'tions figured u t 2:17 in h uc- member for East York as permanent. Lstration, he said had floated issues {on - P, o t e Liquor Leader of the Conservative Party in 'ttmounting to so") 500 000 at no cost ', in": ol Boa rd: 83 in Game and Fish- Ontario." Jurt before this Mr Hep- to the Province Tii' was a cries. ff m the Attorney-General's . - . . .. t . pplauded oiikes, and a rand t tal t l ourn declared he was confident he from the galleries. prom IV n rec tho 1,149. could go before a Liberal convention i lie scored the action of the former subtracted increags in the NPrrigzier 'ee, 1:» gigging t'N,i..51rlinr,,.t'eJfiiJt l%%"cmén§:;o$ "wt-:03 of $25,- Development Departmente fl/ll Tl, it .e:. . r. e y A an ' toou e visors tor e . now carry a Conservative convention. advice of interest rates. 21;? A1rri11,eii.'itdt1"i,nt, ot Muni- The rame question as was directed "Even with this costly advice," he staff reduction: 'Ti/ net totals-- 'rn Colonel Price was hurled at Wil- said. "the interest rates were too ings r ear "1557 -salary sav- tyid Heighington. St. David. and then high." t ' pe It ' ' ' ,664. at A. H. Aetcs. Carleton. The average rate on the total of Refers to Dismissats. Allegedly Not Tamea. $76,000,000 floated by the present Ad- "It isn't, the easiest thing in the The Premier touched briefly on " ministration was 2.7. and as a result If?r.ld. to dismiss employees," he said. rettSoWi for changing the date ot the .of securing such an advantageous rate .Rig?) Hon. R. B. Bennett had done it fiscal year and stated that he had the province had been saved approxi- in ottara... It was the proud boast ot learned that payments ot the Hem! mately $i,250,000. some of his men that he dismissed Administration and receipts of such 1 The Premier. in rising tor the night 12.000 employees. A Conservative payments had not tallied and that sessions debate. back-tracked in a member said it was done without the Conservative Government was .rcvicw ot Commission results. t & 'heartache. . credited with approximately si.000.- ',N.O. inquiry had brought about reor- 'That cant be done," said Mr. Hep- 000 which should have been on the 'ganization resulting in a net revenue" burn. debit side. increase of $28,000 a month. Air-; .orvyva, he pointed out, had dis- Touching on the reference made by 'service economies totaued $64,000 p81" missed senior omeials and Deputy Mr. Henry to Hon. Vincent Massey. year. In Niagara parks, the post- Y.,?.?,:'?":?,-..- to make Iv/.ur, in one in- tiie Premier declared that Mr. Massey (Commission savings had been an an- "in" for a Conservative organizer. had been removed from Washington Inuai 312.000. . IMany of the people." the Premier by Premier Bennett for the purpose "Ihr Hydro Saving. $31: a? .119 st.11ni's. back to Queen's! ot making room tor his tBennet', " , . ' were dismissed because they. brother-in-law _ . l The Premier's Hydro economy fig- were appointed during the lame duetri "Prime Minister Bennett said at films ran into the hundreds of thou- session. .We gave them warning. We the time that he must hate some iie,ft The". he said. $600,000 had lure keeping, our word-something new one m sympathy with his own views." n saved in administration costsand in noiit.es. . . he said. 3322;?" in interest and earrsing hip/id',',','.""':? if" in"? dctail r231" " .. . es. . 'o ismissas.re a ' . What- has happen"! a? 'Prnt ot ' Mr. Henry was quoted by Mr. Hep- clashing with Hon. George S. 'lfe'rr',til the rsta,1gi'er,t, Conservatives'? Lie Pre" 'burn. "When I give a false state- sometimes in humor: sometimes when as: 1e,firggnt,en2gmucna2',f; I',",',',');,",,,', the new; 't1e,',t,e1 trill" the fdlo1'i' of the House nearly vi . ,pre to rom pu c e." nesse bitterness. in appointments. He named the. pres. Likewise, the former Prime Minister A returned soldier, said Mr. Hep- ent Parole Officer. Municipal Board was quoted as saying that expenditures burn. had been short in his accounts l Lead, Mothers Allowances zheedv tttr- had been reduced and no bills had There was no wish to tire a returned; tr." fy.i?P5l.? fel Registrar and been carried over the fiscal year. soldier. "Are you short in any more; the former Wate's Printer-tll staunch "I claim that that statement is de- accounts?" he was asked. He replied' Jgtitc't" had been trtven good liberately misleading." the Prime Min- in the negative, and later a shortage .p. . . ister charged. was found in two other a co n . . The Premier admitted tle?.?,' that In evidence he tendered figures tor was dismissed. c u ts He the Kings Film" had been .ft.ted past fiscal years. In 1931 Mr. Henry, "We are not putting a premium on ot his duties because ne was In- the Premier' charged. had given ex- 'dishonesty." said the Premier. "re- capable ot handling them. and thq pendttures as 343,000,000. Total dis- gardless of political affiliation." Printers "New was in the same bursements had been ti0T,649,000, J On the reverse of the picture, he. class. the latter also having been and there had been an increase in charged. a former senior official ot much Bl " tl . the public debt of "M95,000. In (the Treasury had been some 32000 e ve., ready. 7" Premie 1932, Mr. Henry's quoted expenditures short in his accounts. explained. etteeted a 3? mg od 'were given " 840,000,000. Total dis- "He stole the money." said the "iit,fue, that department. .bursements, the Premier charged, had lPremier. "There was no question Ment n "antral; {W39 of Right Ibeen $100,209,000. with a public debt iabout that." Jz',"ns,,a'it2'd'rd e gydpos Ttnet,',',', immense ot $53,751,000. I The money. Mr. Hepburn said, had '. "w; ___,,__ A,__ . _ l For 1933 and 1934 similar figures been taken from his superannuation conservative who had been looked !were provided. In the first year total l fund to make restitution. But a 1933 after. iexpenditures had been $83,464,000. Order-in-Council was passed giving "Never." continued Premier Hep- 'W the debt increase some 819.000: the man $2,000 for special services. burn. "has there been a Government l000. In 1934. the public debt increase Another warrant was passed for $500 which squandered money as did the, fluid been $61,632,551. The average in- payable to the same man. last Conservative Administration." ' crease in gross debt, the Premier I Mr. Henry questioned the date and The Premier dealt briefly with sev- charged, had been 845,000,000. 3 protested that it occurred during the eral investigations ordered by the , "He says," stated Premier Hep- interregnum before he took over the Liberal Government shortly after it ;burn. "that no unpaid bills were car- Treasury trom the late Hon. E. A. assumed power, and said matted sav- tied over." The Audit Department, Dunlop. , ms were effected by reason of such the Premier reported, had listed bills The premier pointed out that can; plates. the T & N o Railway "1tl1,iyL'1dl,"gtti-itt 3:513 up a get gracedure required signatures on named . . . ' e r er. probe first. concluding his remarks on surplus that never existed." Mr. Hep- "But he (Mr. Henry) signed in this inquiry by claiming that, as a burn commented, "the Prime Minister! order that paid to John Aird $50,000 result ot Changes effected. the net Odr. Henry) left debts ot ti,tH8,000.'" d the k th t elve m0 tht: eumingsotthelineto Nov Be d "H iht Rn ntoo oa w n . e e r em r an ongst Creme. with his stra tr later that he never heard about it 'lt') December of last year totalled 356.- furrow, was destined. Premier Hep- til h read it in the bile n 000 a sharp aln. bu at f e pu press I . . . 3 . 'li? t; d, to be classed With tang-rd "The taets--" protested Mr. Henry: o tb munch? John Bull and B itoa 'W11 bring the facts before the) Leader ot the Opposition tried to tool ' - I