*,.'{ % y« & 'u" * 17"' B ty 09. 8 i '"?'*:YW v..'.,. HEn® 7. ®! f * ow' k\ & J € * a am ~ Rb\'ua.q Fes + m . ' . I I + ----j m '.'o- valentis d is M > 1' ' "' ud Whiks en -o- > The Conservative Leader interrupted The Premier drew attention to the _ ister Of Agricuiture, heatedly. with bitterness. "I'm not going to || §8YiN@ in the departmental audits,and . _ Mr. Macaulay appcaled to the * s allow the glib tongue of a Prime Min-- stated that since 1918 one prominent Speaker and"demleded a retraction ister to put words in my mouth that | firm in Toronto had received $744,000 . Of the word "lying. nhaise s, d were not uttered," he said. The in-- _ | from the Government for services ren-- I will retract the word "lying" be-- cident passed. ___| dered. The sum of $49,000 a year has cause it's not strong enough," retort-- Because this man was a good Tory., | P@Ch saved in Hydro auditing, and _ ¢4 the Minister, s . "the Premier said as he went back to: |S°V°"@! thousands in other depart-- And I ask him to take that back, his Treasury official mcidenb---"ap-; ments--amounting in all to about -- Mr. Macaulay said, in addressing the pointed on the recommendation of| | $52:000 a year. Speaker. the former Attorney--General, there| | The Premier pointed out also that . "I say that the statements were was a premium put on his dishonesty. _ | the sum of $268,000 had been paid untrue and that he knew they were Is that in the public interest?" to the prominent legal firm headed untrue when he made them," re-- The Board of Censors was reviewed,' | PY_W. N. Tilley, from 1930 to 1934. sponded Mr. Marshall and Mr. Hepburn stressed the poli-- | .\ Th¢ Henry Administration . was Mr. Macaulay's voice rose when he tical affiliations. Mrs. Moran, he chargefil with being "asleep at the _ said 'I ask him also to retract that ' charged, was a delegate to the Con-- l switch" when the Federal Govern-- statement." | * servative convention which nominated _ | Im@nt imposed the gold tax--a tax ; wilfrid Heighington produced the' Right Hon. R. B. Bennett. | which has withdrawn from Ontaric |rules of procedure and pointed out| "Mrs. Moran," the Opposition | Approximately $4,800,000, Rule 15 to Mr. Macaulay. | °_ Leader interrupted, "went to Winni-- . The Premier assailed certain loans "I'm glad he got the rules from peg as a delegate to the convention, | mMade by the former Administration |the leader of the fourth party," put and was not a member of the service to farmers, citing one instance where | in Mr, Marshall. % at that time." &A loap was made when the farmer in The Minister of Agriculture finally "She said," the Premier fired back, | question was in debt to the banks to, |restracted the statements annoying "that she was permitted to attend the extent of some $42,000. i the convention in spite of the fact "The former Administration," the Mr. Macaulay, but the latter said it thas she was a member of the Civil Premier charged, "attempted to con-- was not a very '"graceful" retraction. Service." ceal the true financial picture of the In adjourning debate, Hon. Arthur . Mr. Hepburn stated that expenses Province." Roebuck capped the Civil Service dis-- t "Does the Leader of the Opposition cussion with the statement that of-- of the Consor Board had been cut by still say the last Government showed ficoe--holders were still safe. 57 per cent., and Mr. Henry asked a surplus?" the Premier asked. "The civil servant," he declared, why the department--in accordance "I certainly do," replied Mr. Henry, "who refrains from taking part in with moving--picture interests--should stating that the Premier was putting political warfare and is efficient and -- | not be cut out altogether. a wrong construction on the financial is required is as safe in this Adminis-- '"There have been no complaints," picture presented by his Administra-- tration as others." he was informed from the Govern-- tion, It was the duty of a Government, |men;, benches. "Capital account." the Premier the Attorney--General strossed, to see went on, "should show expenditures that the public service was not re-- !N" Referendum. for which value is received." He | Guced to a soft place. "When service | Premier Hepburn coniinued his re-- assailed the previous method of charg-- is not given, or is not required, it is 'ply to charges against the adminis-- ing reliet to capital account. a duty to let them out of office." The \tration of the Liquor Control Act by "The whole truth is that the Herry Whitney Government, Mr. Roebuck "9'19""1""8 that there will be no Government did not dare to reveal charged, had had its quota of dis-- 'reterendum on the question of the the true financial picture to the missals. | sale of beer and wine in Ontario. people." he declared. "I admit," the Premier said, "that Prolonged applause greeted Mr. there were abuses last year. But theso Hepburn as he took his seat. abuses have been corrected." | The Promier then held aloft a form uacamy Clashes | printed during the Honry Adminis-- | n i & L }uatwn headed "Application for an . | e was followed immediately b)" suthority under the Liquor Control Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Conservative, | IA:-: of Ontario to sell beor and wine., 15'?"""' York, and former Minister of or beer only, in a reostaurant." Highways. Mr. Macaulay told the | _"Two thcusand such coples were H.Jb(-ral forces that they should not be 'distributed among restaurants," the | C self--assured, as a swing of 3 per s \Premior doclared. "Only this after. | C°nt. of the popular vote would put | ncon the Leader of the Opposition de. _ | th¢ Conservatives back in power. 'clared it was the intention of the' It has shifted 30 per cent. in my Tory Government, had it been eloct-- l'l(?ng. h}' declared. e ed, to provide for the sale of beverages If you're-- so sure why don't you in standard hotels only. Before the . , PUt 2 man in the by--election in Nipis-- election Conservatives went around sing?" the Premier put in. Mr. to the back doors of these restaurants Macaulay said candidatss would be and whispered that if the Govern-- out in the proper place and at the | ment was elected they would get their proper time. Mlicensos. This is just more evidence Credit for the low interest rate se-- of your temerity in trying to fool ths | Cured in connection with recent Pro-- * _ | people." ' vincial bond issues could not be taken . The appointment of Liquor Com-- _ | DY the Premier. said Mr. Macaulay,| missioner E. G. Odette was stoutty | Who pointed out that the tendency| éefended by the Premier, who statca t?ward lower interest rates was a he had been Pres'dent of a highly | WOTNG--wide one., | important manufacturing concern ard You're going to find it pretty hard + a man of outsianding ability. :« __ to peg the debt," the speaker said.| "Since his appointment," the Pre-- looking toward the Premier. "That| «+ | mier explained, "he had saved nearly was one of the things you promised $400,000 in t!» administration costs before the election--work for all and of the Liquer Commission. pegging th(;l id;.;bt.. t'I'lwsej w;re the | ho ap promises which put you in the seats: Drayton's Vote. of the mighty." "The Honorable Leader of the Op-- | He charged that the Liberals had position has named the great admints-- already _ "juggled accounts," and ; trators of the Liquor Control Act-- stated that in one hospital enough { he mentions the great man Drayton," supplies had been purchased for 'three] * 1the Premier went on. "He is the| , years, but would be charged to one | man who received one vote at the lmonth. | convention at Winnipeg." "What hospital?" he was asked. , | In quick succession the Premier | ' "We'll find out in due time," was . outlined some savings the Liberal the reply. ' Administration had put into effect. ' HMe stated that the Minister of | He declared that, in doing away with | | Agriculture had advised road workers 'the Minister's cars, the Government before the June election in Psel had relieved the taxpayers. County their wages would be in-- "A relief for the overburdened tax--| creased from 35 to 50 cents an hour. payers and the people of the back| . "I did nothing of the kind," de-- concessions," he said, anticipating a | clared Mr. Marshall. "The man who reaction from the Opposition. It came' ' says that is not telling the truth." when Mr. Henry said: "The people | Mr. Macaulay reiterated the state-- in the back concessions can't afford ment. to drive cars." |, "That is something like the stupid, "If you had stayed in no one !lying statements you made about me would be driving a car," the Premier | before the election," put in the Min-- | Government cars, the Premier ex-- j plained, had travelled some 5.820,000 miles, and, at seven cents a mile, the : cost could be placed at about $366,000. . f fetortheanmntaliiiiien e s s e o O O P cE S ce oo on ced l 1 e ie on es uro oh. x oi dn oo Nt 3+ . .. > ¢ Jufij