The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1935, p. 3

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Www O . v'. P '--vw-'vm WW.VW * C M * T P February 2% w# s & tion," put in Alderman J. J. Glass, | ' $ uum. ' *# ' ve ' s "I am sorry," Mr. Roebuck replied. "if my honorable friend's eyes are: growing weak from old age." | "I guarantee I can see more on that ; map than can the Attorney--General,"| answered Mr., Macaulay. ) x The speech of the Attorney--General BV'e u" [0 concerned the production and sale ol = electrical energy, but the question of gas was introduced to the amusement ; \ ns of meinbers and crowded galleriecs, ; * The Attorney--General referred to| Attor ney-Genel'al A pp e a B i the purchase some years ago of twen-- i i ty--one companiecs from the Sun Life Against Persistent Inter-- Compaiy, wih a combined capscity , i » of 22,500 horsepower. This was in rth'ons by Macaulay connmection with the Eastern Ontario = Mn nttomntneientenmite .systcm. CAUST'C E x c H A N G E s "There were also included in that' purchase three gas plants." Laughter Sismom mm nom mm followed. 5e f' ; & "I didn't know that the members o |° The searching and serious review the Opposition were in need of any 4 and forecast of Ontario Hydro af-- gas," Mr. Roebuck said. 'Ialrs, commenced in the Ontario Leg--. Tl\§s remark aroused Hon. G. H. | islature yesterday, by Hon. Arthur W.' ((i:;la)llxcs (Conservative, Grenville--Dun-- | F * I # & | Roebuck, Attorney--General and 3& "You didn't do so well in the East | member of the Hydro Commission,| --what about Prince Edward?" he | was not without its mcoments ot; asked, t.and there was considerable _ humor and entcrtaining tilts between c°.'?'"'° 13n. Government and Opposition membcr.s.! cralw elit ?sm."lgfd theib?: u}';'n:ty 'gi?; Tlie Attorney--General's address was t.hree AS lzint so asphyxiated u;e a lengthy one--requiring over two and , ek'ct.or: mapt t,hc; did elect some Con-- a half hours yesterday to reach the' servatives down there." (Applause and :xalf-way po'int. It was, he told the| iaughtcr) 3 « HMHouse, an address very carefully pre-- ky Ctk 'hen parea and thoroughl'y up~to-the-mln-! mghg;r;;s :O:'xe\:ly ptx';f:g';ggse ':n'ere ute The balance will be delivered in mentioned. '"There's where Johnnic 'hghfl':');?"a","c'x'f'im ustt Hol. Les got his $50,000," put in the Attorney-- Io MaceWiay Minister i oans l General referring to the $50,00 pay-- pold Macaulay, Minister of Highways, ment to John Aird Jr., for his part in the Hoenry Administration, showed | in negotiation of this :ica.l an inclination to interrupt. Mr. Roe-- The Galette plant had béen closed buck appealed for an unbroken hear-- Mr. Roepuck explained. 'This was one ing, but the Conservative member from 'of .thn com n[i)es ux.'clmsed in the South York persisted in interruption. O'Bx"io' dealpa P "If my honorable friends on the "#It ?ooks .like a grist mill," was Opposition benches had listenecd more Premier Hepburn's cgnment"' T C bhkt and had less Io say they "Yes, indeed, like a grist mill," the | o would have beon better off," remark-- Attom; -Cvene;'al agreed * * ed the Attorney--General, amid laugh-- ;'It's?; cemetery," some one put ini ' ter. * I . ,}":fl' !\ralacaula.y was the object of an-- fr?_x;a{e:hemgoomr oo mznl;.("}lsffie Attor-- i (f). er th rust \}hen a map was ETe | ncy--General said with a broad smile, | cnly he was unable ty ecocieany. ". | "lt is a cometery--the last] resting-- | ie uxt Ts s +--z--" '- 15 this deal took care of a at many !at..¥§§ ;:ag'n economy Administra-- | more people than Johnnie gAr:;d There * & were others who hid behind the skirts of poor Johnnie."

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