/s Fopf . &, i * es No '-1 March | B i i ies i "This bill prohibits the exportation | &- justified further develop-- "We now turn u'; ";f,s 1';"1'.',"":: of Quebec power outside of Canada.| on the 'Miagara, the St. Law«, PAugan. HetWeen Lho y6 The Ontario Commission is selling the 1926. the Hull Electric Company ac-- % | rence, or Otrta wa. fer for $409,-- large blocks of export power. Never--| A shift of Lake Superior head water ?ulred mehaPa;E?in E'}'g&;;'c Company |theless, the Comunission had nothing | and full use that scenery would per-- 279.34. The Hu sdiary of |On record of the title documents of mit of the Falls, Mr. Roebuck Sa'di ";'3 3 ;:;nplewly owned subsidiary 0 the CGatineau Power Company, nor was | the C.P.R. ¥ y | would . atfora . 1000000 -- additional 89,07 Bo y . anus | aequired . toe| Uitte,®0) 1P Binion Aoire,or, 09 & f the St. Lawrence would pro-- Paugan power for $400,000. | rtm ,':othar :; u. {i;c Cd repbl htmom million: a large amount "In the light of these figures the . | AF to whether the compemued expore of | m ' & h %, f Dec. 15, 1925, of Magrath to power by the Commission subsequent was still undeveloped on the Ottawa _ letter 0 ols Wice--president and to delivery by Gatineau would consti-- and4 abundant throughout the Prov= . Gordon Gale, Vice--Pres: ~Flectri tute a breach of Quebec law." | Mmce. General Manfier gi. the Hull Electric 'The 'Contiust Application guso Company is interesting: 'he Conclusion. io Foreue0"-- " "Today I was told that your com-- The Attorney--General reached "the Sir Adam had said thal l:\ll"mc?"' pany 's asking $3,000,000 for its consummation of the deal." struction of auxfll:lry steam Pn 61' f'::;f Paugan power site.' . s | _ _"In the face of such a situation, on the only alternative apparently "On Dec. 21, 1925, Mr. Graustein |NMarch 29, 1926, Magrath : i-- immediate and sure way of n 4 , Magrath sent a pri nishing an y wrote Magrath that Beatty of the | yate wire to Graustein confirming a meeting the crisis impending in 1924 ypp was 'standing pat on his $3.-- |telephone conversation of that dite g' had mu:e :pg::'a'a':'bgla'g: ":,:2":%3: 000,000 price.' and stating that, subject to price and °°°'"i "cw Hon. G. Howard .Fergu- "As a matter of fact, when Grau-- terms being satisfactory, they were ;i;:sed & onl + s»tein of thellnt.ernat,icual l;apir. Cgm- F-i}uxl\(;gmuf) take from Ottawa district s I" ant * ctually came to make his bar-- _ | fuli or one transmission line, say "It is quite clear," said Mr. Roebuck, . PADY 3 1 tra , say, % > id " -- gain he found Mr. Beatty standing 350,000 h.p., distributed as follows: 'that Sir Adam's policy was to defe: the purchase price was actually Say, 140,000 h.p. from Chelsea, 110,000 any great Hydro development or pur-- g:tfio%soooe 9 ® h.p. from Pa.uggn and at least 100,000 mug'u 8n?$'1: Tg\r:f:. hsfd gtg:r: 'But, fi'mt is $4,000,000 among hp. from Chats Falls. They w\;uld plants." & s s friends? The next turn of the wheel require the supply to be available com-- Mr o Gaby had been in favor of is the sale of the three properties by mencing in the summer or autumn of ltelm. lants. It h:sd beén the con-- Mr. Graustein as President of the 1928, and extending foxj forty years. sldwedppolics; of boih men an<i their International Paper Company to M_x'. "'On the first of April, 1926, Grau-- In 1934 the accumulative Graustéin as President of the Gati-- stein sent for acceptance that day ci advisers. ting the cost difference . DeAU Power Company. an offer of 230,000 h.p. to 260,000 h.p. fieficit representing the cost dif{enAit delievered interprovincial boundary at between the steam plant policy (drop-- . Purchase Price. $15 per hp.; also 20,000 h.p., 60--cycle ped) and the purchases in the east 'This is where real financing is t0 _ gelivered interprovincial bazllxfidary near Back to 1925,. "On the 1 O° _ neau was $41.776.818. "This offer of from 230,000 hp. t Semember. 1925, Messrs. Magrat,P and "We're paying the price! The tax--' 260.000 ll.p. was acceptéd byp*uiz Maguire joined the Commission," said _ payers of Ontario are expected 10 / Chairman on the same day, subject to the Attorney--General. ,""d"'xE""g,' pay the price! _ j the working out of details." into complete political control. ol "This is how it was paid: The House buzzed a moment as the "ooaee faniicer Gaby was sill ad. | CASR cce n cc 6660000 00. .$17,001,818 ) _ date was noted. * gin ¥ vil 40* _ preferred SstoOck of Gati-- "April Fool Joke." veenting steaim. neau Company ........ 25,000,000 The Attorney--General resumed Picture Changes. Common stock of Gati-- "Was ever a greater or more disas-- "The requested authority," ¥§1 R?e-; neau Company ........ 2,000,000 trous April Fool's joke played on a buck noted, "was not given. e pic-- e n ies long--sufferi iY N fure changed." Detail by detail the! 'Tolsi ..................S440pigie| | MNFUASTNE public in the pominion Attorney--General sketched the nego-- "Included in this price was $2,225,-- There had been protest. he noted. tlations and purchase of Gatine@au] poo for a power site which does not "On April 3. 1926, Mr. Brandon for-- power. e f I enter into this picture. This leaves warded a memorandum to Mr. Gaby, "On the 25th of Octcber, 1935, W°! a net purchase price for the three pointing cut that on the assumption #ind Mr. C. Gordon Gale, representmg_ nowers of $41,776.818. that the price to be paid for horse-- certain C.P.R. and other mteresto.' "Pizzaro's Spanish freebooters," power at the Ontario--Quebec bound-- * wiring Mr. Magrath as follox®: .. _, | the \ Attorney--General | exclaimed, . ary was $15, and that money was| 'rw':;n%wiggc;u;e;o x:'heers'x'rtxac;xtlex? I fi:h "fouux:ed "°tm1 ng :0 hfal;ulous as this worth 4 1--2 per cent., the then present| ® o in temples of the Incas." value of all payments to be made over | w in n s n s ui nds The House rang with applause. a thirty--year period was $60.000,000."| agreement and wish to go into the "To put it in another way: The No report was obtained from the| whole question with you at your CON+) rnglish buccaneers who singed the _ | Engineering Committes of the HyGro| venience. 5 beard of the Spanish King never . | system as to the advisability of enter--| "On Nov, 20, 1925, J. W. McCo_n:| brought home a prize which equalled _ | ing into such a contract. nell, a well--known Montreal financie?| jno 'splendor cof the gift which | _ *What did they care for a. commit--| wrote Chairman Magrath stating that| yragrath, Maguire and Gaby -- and ' tee of engineers?" Mr. Roebuck asked.| he had told Graustein ofrtx};e I x'}ter;. the rest I won't name--presented to _ | "It was finance, not horsepower." | wl Pa;:'chr (v:mompany O w"&m?:;sf the financiers of St. James Street." _ | Nevertheless a warning was sounded Magra * 1'_'"' Ims to cover| __ There was loud applause. | by Mr. Don Carlos, th: Opcrating En-- | t'h':h w mmoxdmxoowo:)b fi';mw ;0%0030' Warnings. | gineer. Mr. Carlos advised that such | n.p.'P hase f ' ' _|-- On Feb. 22, 1926, the Attorney-- ns '"ct'";:afe in power ';'?"'d ebf Rua 4 Mr. Magrath a month later had| General pointed out, E. T. Brandon, . | 1] C mnar 1. requl{ied. s m.g 1". by | written to Mr. Graustein suggesting, Chief Electrical Engineer, had sub-- 'gm'apss fokp o wey _fi?".ca?'fic?t:ny; that if he must pay $3,000,000 for the| mitted a report showing estimates of . | NUYVNE DCA POWer----by compentantd) CPBR. reservoir, "I fear you will be! comparative costs between Hydzo | afge p:)\\e.r u"'er.'.s'io'f"f'l _.'), ' unable to make us a satisfactory offer.| schemes and steam power. IG¢ had _ |NCltase power during peak hours, ' As you know," the letter read, "we can shown i:}lstli'.)()()o.(}Ooc'cu.)ilal costs for the No Order--in--Council. t take care of ourselves for a few years| transmision of Gatineau powor, in-- Notwithstanding the fact that the | = through the introduction of stieam| Cluding step--up and step--down; and Gatineau contracghz;d noi been before | plants at figures less than we discuss--| & 1088 by leakage while in transit of the Commission, and that no Order--| * ed when in New York." _ £2,000 horsepower. i l in--Council had been paseed, as re--| d'l'he Attorney--General bacll:tracked quired by the Power Commission 1z)\cf..', x years to trace the growing sums 4 the Attorney--General explained, Pre--| associated with Gatineau: ('.r;)\fii;\"rcgn:it:éru. Hgf≫f a# mier Ferguson on April 14, 1926.| Cost of Gatineau. ' cFan. * issued a statement that, "upon the | Quecnston--Fcorebay storage scheme. I recommendati f the Commission €4 .lm tmk I s f m C A on .C le » To properly understand what An estimated capital expenditure O * the Government is pleased to author-- place we must now retrace our steps |$11,000,000 would provide a 170,000-- ive the completion of an sgreement to 1919, when the two powers, Farmers | lhhorsepower increase in the generating | 260,000 nd Chelsea iwhned by Messrs. | | for the delivery of 230,000 to 260, aA , were 0 Y¥ 5 | stations at Niagara Falls. | horsepower of -- hydro--electric energy Gilmour & Hughson Limited of QL- |__"Mr. Hogg suggested a study of | to the Commission ai the interprovin-- tawa, lumber operators. These powers | the comparative costs of this and [ cial boundary." were carried on the books at $18,-- 'othcr schemes for taking care of the | "Then' said Mr. Rocbuck,. "listen 915.03, and were sold, along with all | prospective growth in the peak de-- to what Premier Ferguson is reported other assets, for no apparent increase | mand, but no such studies appear to | M ement to the over that amount. They passed to the | have been made." odin tngivre thudesihe\ + eomnal ind * * 9 A % Canadian International Paper Com-- Apparently, he said, the scheme was it quSt o sn to i on at satis« " pany, the company of which Mt. | already set. factigl"tgl t.ll)lee ax')elg;lt:e ;fofh%rer;rovince. f Killam, dominating factor in the Mail | "That the scenes woere set for the as it is to the Government, that the f and Empire, was President. The In-- | Gatineau purchase would seem to be Hydro--Electric Power Commission o f ternational Paper Company then ac-- | indicated by the fact that on the 24th Ontario have succseded in securing a 3 quired certain lands and rights neces-- |of March, 1926, the Legislature of the | very substantial block of power to w to w mlment of the powers Province of Quebec med & mwtc,. augment our present Supply and take at $39,596. 16, George V., Chapter 26, 'Respecting care of our power requirements for the "In other words, in 1919 the value | the l.xportatlon of Hydro--Electric next five or six years. This is a most of 'h&'""':f :ll::m" t""'m Power. important achievement, and the Com-- \ with the cost % and rights mission is certainly to be congratulated o these 'f:: e "?"'l';':l;gg Bd | on the success of its efforts.' $39,596, a total of $58,511.93. | -- C