The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Mar 1935, p. 4

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Mmcc\n & ' 1 Comparison Available. | oo 6 s "We are now in a position to make | A Sall d S P t in this instance a striking compari-- S e On lx O]Il S \ son between the respective policies. & l I hold in my haml!': suht;?\e;l't b{ iMx'l 6 R. T. Jeffery, t C unicipa ngureer of fin AyarocEioune conn Roebuck Summarizes Reasons .Wlly Power Commission, in which he states the Contracts Are Invahd entire annual cost of the Commis-- sion's operation of the Chats Falls Te ldevclopmcnt. It includes everything | Slx definite reasons are advanced another and extend beyond the ----interest on investment, renewals, » ie beundaries of a Province. | contingencies, obsolescence, operating | by Aflorney--tiencral Arthur W. 4. The Province of Quebec does not | and maintenance charges--everything Roebuck as to why, in his opinion» | possess power to create corporations i ;with the exception only of sinking three power contracts between three capaible of c;nstriucting works con-- | fund. ue e s necting the Provinces or extendin ! _'"This is not included for purposes 3 dbecfi:ompani;s ane ie 0';":. T beyond the limits of a Provim-eff.r | of comparison with the cost of the ydro--Electric Power Commission | Tnjs is a function of the Dominion \ power from the other side of the | are illegal and unenforceable. They | Parliament, and can be delegated | river, because the Commission will not | are, in brief: to a corporation only by the Domin. I'own the plant of the Ottawa Valley 1. Because the Gatincau, Beau-- ion Government. Power Company at the end of the harnois and Maclaren concerns are 5. The capacity of the Commission T{Ofty-.vear arrangement. But, figuring | creatures of the Provincial Legis-- to construct works linking Ontario in every cost, charge and expense for ' latures and are unable to do what | with Quebec or extending beyond | the construction and operation of the Legislatures themselves cannot un-- | the limits of this Province is sup. | Commission's plant, the Chief Munici-- 1 dertake. ject to the same limitations as apply ipal Engineer of the Hydro--Electric | 2. The acts in these agreements | to private companies, and the Com-- ;iner Commission states that the cost | _ are beyond the corporate powers of | mission is limited by its own act of | of power at the basis of 96,000 h p. is the three companics and the On-- | incorporation, | £6.86 per'h.p. We are paying $15 per | tario Hydro. | 6, Because, in his opinion, the | h.p. for the privately generated power 3. Because they involve the con-- l power of the Commission is to |delivered at the same point. This struction of works and undertakings | purchase power delivered within | makes a difference of $8.14 per h.p. which connect one Province with the Province, and not from without. | _ "If there are any who would argue j ' that sinking fund should be inJluded. 'I am ready to meet him in a com-- parison on this basis also. Were the !Commis.sion to include a charge | which, at the end of the forty years | would leave them with a plant com-- | pletely paid for and free of all en-- | cumbrances on the public ownership | basis, and without $1 of interest in l the privately owned plant -- across a | the way, the cost would, never-- i i | theless, be only $7.20 per horse-- $ |x0" I S ac power on a 96,000 horsspower basis, or just 20 cents mors por horsspower i than one--half the price paid the pri-- ec aras fle "c | c vate company. , "The cost of construction to the 'AS Prlce ASks Ottawa Valley Power Company, in-- Answers Macaulay Query | cluding the plant and the land, was o l $8.567,286.88, beimng uhe company's Regardmg Hydro T S half of the total cost. On the basis * 0 ee a e of the contract price for 96,000 horse-- Englneer S power for the forty--year term of the Wt en hm ie Gorcegeiar ons contract, the Commission will have f _ o | w tncmmennmmmmmrmmmmcecs paid to the Ottawa Valley Power Com-- _ Twice yesterday in the Ontario Le&-- _ | ies pany the sum of $56.349,438.67, oz _ islature the Opposition warred on |\Qpposition Asked for Years more than six and one--half times the Hon. Arthur Roebuck's Hydro prem-- | cost of the development." | _ ises. | -- to Have Contracts Once they took up the statoments of Hydro engineers denying any recol-- | Tabled laction of being asked for an opinion We thine ie ns rie romaeiavea on an Eastern power purchase. "When were these statements sign-- TILT IN _ LEGISLATURE ed?" asked Hon. Leopold Macaulay. Mr. Roebuck would not give him the s e ie month, but said it was after the Gov-- | Claiming a good deal of specula-- ernment had taken office in July. | tion in bonds had resulted from re-- After the men were given notice of 'marks of Attorney--General Roebuck dismissal, Mr. Macaulay suggested: | | concerning secret agreoments, Col. W "That is an unjust and unwarranted ; H. Price attempted to draw the Gov-- aspersion on the engineers," Mr. Roe--| ernment out as to its intentions on buck answered. | Quebec power contracts yesterday. Mr, Macaulay repeated his question.| | Hon. Harry Nixon, who was lead-- The Attorney--General said thst the| ) ing the Legislature in the sbsence of men were not given notice of dis'| the Premier, replied: "The policy of migsal and explained the technical--| |the Government will be announced ities. *"There has been no fear in the | soon enough to suit my honorable * minds of these men in regard to their| | friend." keeping their positions," he said. | _| _"If." continued Coloncl Price, "all 'At the same salaries?" he wWas) | the facts are laid before the House is asked. L : the Government ready to place these "At the samlc salaries. But 'they| | gocuments, these contracts, before Us are doing the work for $10.000 for| |so we can see them?" which Gaby was paid $30,000." | "Certainly we are," came back Mr. Later in the delivery of his opin-- Nixon. "We asked you people for iOn Mr. Rocbuck was asked if he those contracts for years, and I placed knew that Arthur Slaght, K.C., had motions before this House repeatedly & ® given an opinicn holding certain con-- asking that these returns be tabled. tracts legal in the issue of bonds. If you haa complied with my de-- . "I am glad my friends are so mands you would have had them two ready to defend these matters," he years ago." answered. '"What you have got was To similar urging by Hon. Leopoid an Opinion en the validity of bonds Macaulay for immediate return Of not of contracts." the documents Mr. Roshuck replicd: The Cony»rvatives pressed the mat-- "It is usual in court procedure to let ter lude his case before '"'Whatet x Mr. Slaght's opinion is, ggfi tmn':'gt (;:)(;.l;)cers out of his hands." and I valie it highly," said Mr. Roe-- And io Arthur Ellis (Ottawa buck, "this is my opinion and it has South), who asked if he agreed with been backed up." views recently expressed by T. Stewari Lyon, Chairman of the Ontani0 Hydro Commission, the Attorney-- General replied: "Under new, Lib-- eral, vigorous and honest manaS°~ ment. 1 believe we can return the R * Hydro enterprise to the PeoPl® for 4 whom it was intended." &------------_----.--; a

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