ao ~9M } e 0 0C T o s o W es k o n yc o e C ,'1'*"" w8 4* % * 4A * i 4 hn it A. 4 & C "ay t . ... March 5 it * ~ 0 Cz 'erchss abaa y > about Letter, "Mr. Lyon," said Colonel Price, "has ¢ \p,"agay to the Prime Minister and _ long been a friendly supporter of Hy-- # CMAWot hag o fildnm't they not _ dro. He was optimistic We want that my. giep 20 °CY LDQW more optimism of this kind. 1 am opinion >" Slaght given an gumhtlo--evie: with the present: vernment power." (Laughter.) n-?.°i.£"':'8.";h:'" Colonel Price, "Don't do anything to damage the Ociobet, and m"m Minister in -- _ credit of the country," Colonel Price Government mm tg"'mm of the warned. "That's all I want. You | Shortly before ,,g::m th;se bonds. . won't get any more three per cent. Mr. Sweesey was l wonderful cruise money if you do. We don't repudiate "The Prime Minister dia in British countries. We sit down e sent him over 10 Mr. 8y 'fi?{"nl and deal sanely with our problems. "I did nothing of the ki n:'" Py You can't fool with this situation or Minister Mitchell F. Hepburn amenda-- _ | °C IDGecisive. 'The words of T. Stew. 80. -- "Correction there."" end* _ / art Lyon have, in my opinion, taken _ The former Attorney--General con-- _ | the ©dse off the nine--hour address tinued. Every one, he s&id, was won. "t?ltx n;t.h}el Attorney-Gelt'xeral, delivered in d * * | ouse last week." gm about cancellation. Out of | Golonel Price continued his refer-- the blue came "Mr. Slaght's issue. "Why let an issue go?" he de-- _ei'r;%ento t}géfiggsfieclfigf ity'aogm%" manded. "This Government had been '& . eC eE it | in since July. We are down to this said, a compaflson between the cost... of production at Chats Falls shows ; point--why the Government allowed an lsue--with a hew | Securities that, on the Quebec site, power is pro-- Commissioner: with an Attom; om. duced for $15 a horsepower, while the eral saying v;'hat he thought&:- with product:%n T oo OIhm:s,??n hells ll;ly > the Prime Minister saying what he oo Oe PiNef '1€ per. nofge-- thought." dht y\ Pa "Mr. Lyon has placed the cost ai _.ugeL !o whimey and the Bermuda ;9.17ad and the Attorney--General, in ELE 44 it is address, says something about $G Minligtex]'mu: s:,or}t': ind g:;ietrh;lcl;&"r'r; and ALJ Colpnst Prive SA us | _ "If I were to take any one's word," grinned. | 4 a« T Te i % s | Colonel Price declared, "I would just in :hirl't): f n',?nhIQZ .';;edr:'rtr;hpl;x_;'vsgaix *\ | t log tt:ke Mr'uf 1y y "'5°"'°1 [ e * get togcther on these figures and ge! mcklfl%m"q%"°rk"°y;°"}'f';'l was éthv:m right, or at least make your Prank (g'bonnor iln & 'ho';" have seer _/ speeches on different days. ® 8. | Shorts and Piano Box. | . enc nine n o cpnini ce "I'd Hike to have seen you in the Certainly," continued Mr. Price, in & S s ! "things look brighter, according to | pilano box," shot back Premier Hep-- _ | Ghairman Lyon. The whole danger is burn. "I imagine the honorable gen-- | ; f 7 # y k $ | in loose talk. Loose talk gets to the | I.e?:sn"wu more uncomfortable than [Lor.gon mo?ely T:rkets' You'vettgot , | to be careful about money matters | _ "I hold the people haven't had All |ang figures. 'The Prime Ministet | the information the Government has 'knows that. His remarks were mis-- | on this policy," he continued. _ __ _ . | construed in London, and he Had to There was digr>ssion to montion |makc a correction in a report on lawyers and lawyers' fees and by -- | inlerst rates." name J. C. McRuer, K.C., and Major| | "My statement was misconstrued Lewis Duncan, K.C. ' | here, and not in London," the Premier '"Tilley," some one called out from| | Put in from across the House. the Government sice. i '"We're more optimistic now even "He got his," admitted caoncl' lwith the present Government in ; Price, "but Arthur Slaght is getting power," Mr, Price asserted. "More his. If Arthur goes on with that Icptxmis:sc even with the Bennett Gov-- l Niagara arbitration he will own the |crnmcn:, in power," he added with a | works. No wonder he'd do this liquor, | &mile which produced considerable | probe for a dollar. What a heaven-- 'mtrrlm:m in the House. | born man Arthur is!" be"}:g wonc;t. be there long," a mem-- | Both sides of the House were grin-- r shouted. | ning, chuckling, or laughing. &f | "On, hc'll_'be there for four or five | "That's ancther part of my speech," years more," Colonel Price opinecd. said Colonel Price. "That's several | Colonel Price then explained that days ahcad. 'lbcforc the purchase of power from "Hydro." Mr. Price explained, "is | Beauharnois the Ontario Commission paying about $2,000,000 a year on debt 0 tha masne t Haim c ona ons \retirement, and, according to Chair. _ Polled the users of Hydro, and the | né ,man Lyon, the debt will be retired in mumfi?atm:ehi advis;:g rf?eed (:omx;n.:- about forty years. I would like to . Si0on tha Aas: o nc iA \have seen the Province do that, too, ?'])';ticl{ "13'2"9' c;;x;t.s?igre 12;::; ¥rom |if the years of depression ockyd t * o ip | in." feers of depretsion had 106 "ti sumption had increased 11 per cent. ecach year, while the Commission had | Beck and Hydro. ' cnly calculated an increase of 7 per | The former Attorney--General then| _ cent. | spoke of the battle waged by Sir Adam "And in view of this steady increase ' Beck in the interests of Hydro. of 11 per cent.--4 per cent. more than |\ "He battled all the way. Had to the Commission figured on--the battle. He issued propaganda, but he Attorney--General bases his figures on jwa.s forced to when such men as Pro-- stationary consumption. Has there \fessor Mavor went to the extent of . been anything stationary about the 'wriung books in opposition to his great| / use of power in Ontarico? I don't | scheme. ' think so, and the basis of th> '"The Attorney--General speaks of | Attorney--General's argument is as-- the loans of Hydro and the saving ef-- _ ; tonishing," Colonel Price said. fected in the lowered interest rates," To Mr. Roebuck's figures of a defici> l;i(r. Price ucl:omtnued. "A drop from in 1938, Colonel Price responded with ' ve to ree per cent. Who is ppremrcran en M e enc entitled to the credit for that in tthc figures if power Comand should ~ the present money market? The lncrlt;ase annually by ;otoperdgexitd Dominicn of Canada must thank| | "If we are prepare a per Prime Minister Bennett for the able: |cent. for the next three years," he administration of finances of the Do--| | S&id, "we will not only pull the coun-- minion in the past five years. That's | try through, but have none of these | why we have low interest rates now in _ | Geficits." 5ns '!Canadl. Why shouldn't the Ontario, ;H'fchga fologel hsnt:lid that thte dehc:t | Hydro secure the same low rates when ; a made say: What an out-- the Provincial Government secured ll°°" it is for a man to have for our > them. Any one could have done that. country. There is no credit due nor is there Iba' what an outlook f°"h a man to discredit due." se a nine--hour speech on,." ne Reference was then made by| | 29G¢G. ' Colone! Price to recent reported pro-- | | hStem::h POWS{ ";Sic f ls*'fie%i; m nouncements of T. Stewart Lyon,| _ "hoary chestnut" w m Chairman of the present O"t";:'loi , considered as auxiliary or as a club P n Hydro--Electric Power commission.i me::'elp":g'"éo l°f 'l"flifrri m':l'i':- t:; He stated that Mr. Lyon's address @r en one ce pu before the Electrical glub.. o:: Feb. the statement that steam power was 28 of this year, expressed optimism a potential competitor. 'over the affairs of Hydro. :