March 6 "Marshall's Rejoinder =| Later in his vigorous address Mr. Hivd 'Murshlll roundly assailed the action s:gngd ro in u:entrintee}%---byT'u}l selc:lond of the Henry Administration of "de-- | ahd'R !:r Jn;;n t;)m . H. Hogg liberately" fjuggling the sum of $615,-- Sion of a eoh o N es o IPCONEDs 000 out of capital into current account a request for their approval Hor the express purpose of attempting | of Beauharnois or Maclaren--Quebec \to show a surplus on the last fiscal| | power purchases. | year of the Henry Government. One| | rfi'l:\hl's was. the gist of one bgn of lump sum, he said, of $400,000, which "fi":'gd 'H}f!m artillery fire delivered | had been paid in connection with farm | n Lhrray by Hon,. Duncan Marshall. mortgages, was switched to show in | h'I'..('.(' was an effort, Mr. Marshal) current account. | charged, to make the engineers the "If that waeen't dishonest bookkeep-- s | 2"»:':. «_ ing--if that didn't point to a poulticed | As a mnt"vr of fact _thcse eng!-- Budget--then I have a lot to learn,." | f'.nf-rs weore called in for window dros.y the Minister declared, amid applause. rf.r were a group of politi-- According to Mr. Marshall the only * clans wanting t'w put through a Hydro mistake that the former Premier madso -- :,"(lil'f'_"""h \'\;wtrd not :<'.tmd the lieh: was to substitute beer for a Highland r"r"': y and they brought in the engi-- Jig. "The stuff was too flat." With the engineers' statement, Mtr Clinging to Office. Marshall introduced the Gatineau As for a Ross Government clinging letter from C. A. Magrath to Hon to office--"there never was a Gov-- G. Howard Ferguson, submitting the ernment in the history of Canada first Quebec contract tor Government that hung on with its fingernails, toe-- approval--listing the "secret" clauses | nails, teeth and evelashes, like the --and suggesting one Order--in--Coun-- Government of which he was Leader." * cil for the principal agreement and 1, Lad had something to do with the another Order for the four separate, defcat. allegedly "secret," agreements As for beer Mr. Henry was "badly Why Gaby Was "Fired," He Says in a> 4 4B * S wl »a y 3. | *"I can't name his advisers," said "That's why Mr. Gaby was fired," | the Minister, "but hne turned to the the Minister declaimed. as he read in worst of all things, beer." And to the letter of the Chief Engineer's ap-- Mr, Marshall there had been a shift proval of the purchases. "Because he in Mr. HMHenry----from declarations of became a political tool to sell out this no change in the Liquor Control Act people t»> the Province of Quebec." until he was later issuing a warning "You'll believe Charlie Magrath," | that if you wanted beer you must said Mr. Marshall, as hbe introduced | vote for the Henry Government. the letter. "He was a decent fellow. "The more he got into the beer He was an easy mark for Howard Fer-- question, the madder he got," said guson." | Mr. Marshall. "A lot of people were easy marks | _Otherwise there used to be around T.k ns ym« | the country big limousines "with a for Mr. Femf»on Qn thf'- OPPOS"F side ' liverieq chauffeur in one corner and of the House," said Coloncel Price. | in the southeast corner the Minister "They were, but they found him of Highways (Mr. Macaulay) looking out," was the answer. "The red hot Xvk';'}a \fl' in a ';32 of rlI:Uk." Kied ; ' i P 1c Minister of Agriculture touche stoves he passed on burned out those on the question of Hydro, and declared of you who were left." that the late Sir Adam Beck was forc-- The letter from Mr. .\mgfa'\h arous= ed to "bludgeon" the whjtnpy Govern-- ed running comment from Mr. Mar-- ment to enact measures in the inter-- shall. The "secret" clause covering ests of the great power undertaking. apparatus was a harmless thing. "Any-- "Who was it that backed Hydro in body who was going to put a job over those days?" he asked. "I'll tell you. would put in a harmless thing like It was certain daily newspapers--The that." Toronto Globe, the Toronto Star, the O a letter by G. T. Clarkson declaring Telegram--they were for forces which that the agreements safeguarded the aided Sir Adam Beck." Commission: "The amount of money A good portion of the juggling of Clarkson got for auditing Hydro books accounts, the Minister declared, took would, I don't think, permit much place in connection with capital pay-- difficulity in getting him to agree to what Howard Ferguson wanted." ) ments in connection with the Agri-- Of the phrase "the interests of the cultural Development Board. Commission": "They don't say thesc | _ *"The action of the Government was reasonably protect the users of power fearfully and wonderfully taken," he and light, but that they reasonably | said, "but the Government got what | protect the Commission." | they deserved last June." Of the suggestion for two Orders-- "I want to say," continued Mr. Mar-- in--Council: "They did not want their shall, "that I absolve the former Min-- bargain public. Nobody could see ister of Agricuiture in any of this-- these things. They woere in the sa-- he (Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy) hasn't cred precinets of Hydro. That's where got that kind of a mind." the business was done." | Farm Loans. 5 5 $ : With Colonel Price the Minister de-- | Then followed a recital of various | bated the former's question: Was the farm loans made by the Farm Loan original Gatineau agreement made Board under the Henry Administra-- | | public? | tion,. which Mr. Marsmll described Continuing on general political is-- as "disgraceful." He m'vd_ an instance | sues, Mr. Marshall said of the June | where a $3,000 loan had been made| verdict: |to a farmer on one and Ihrcv-qunr-E "It waen't an election. It was a re-- ters of an acre of land. In another | bellion." instance the sum of 519{100 was paid | The Minister declined to stop with out of the Provincial Treasury, and| that. HMe enumerated causes for the s o9 rebellion--"pouter--pigeon attitudes, in | the Government received in return big limousines; a fifth year in office, | only a mortgage for $10,000. Later, and beer." s this particular farmer owed the De-- @ Withal it was good--humored, and {\'v'.npxm'm Board about $14,000. and Mr. Marshall in one breath called all on filty acres of land. Prime Minister Mitche!ll F. Hepburn | Another loan, the Minister said. of "@a gallant young Leader" and Hon. |about $12,000 was made to a farmer George S. Henry "a doughty old war-- | who was already in dobt with the rior," | banks to the extent of $41,000. | _ "It wasn't the captain of the ship | It was by reason of such cenditions | that brought that ship to destruction." discovered, the Minister declared, that he declared, while the Conservative farm loans had been discontinued for | benches grinned. "It was the crew a whilee----hoeld up until the books of that had mutinied below deck." the board had been audited and many of the doubtful loans :ieviewed. * "I am thoroughly in favor of loans 3 to farmers," the Minister declared, but at the same time he said that * % the taxpayers had to be protected, and in these instances the taxpayer p is the taxpayer of the Province.