The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Mar 1935, p. 4

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o uy > March 3 > [ n @ statements made at the same moment the Attorney--General was talking blue | Eleven Points. s m' ruin. Last month Mr. Lyon expressed Mr. Challies summed up his Hydro confidence in the stabilization fund platform in eleven points--given in P %, ; and the Hydro being ?blel.u'with ig- conclusion when he completed his creased revenue, to see it through the survey. i q toe 0ve r n II rc I' a s a lean years. Mr. Lyon also quite prop-- "I dispute," he said, "the blue ruin * * erly emphasized the huge renewal and pessimism of the Attorney--General.® reserve fund of the Hydro which alone "I believe his legal arguments are "e ec nwer produces an annual income of $2,-- just as far fetched and as wide of the 000,000. mark as his aob;urd economlxgsé «+ i ns « ronnieenrenzementrgreiiecys Compares Statements. | ges{mfiepffi:?w t,h:as igfi:pbgc pumilllflé l "Can there be any doubt as to who contracts can and should be cancelled, Former Henry Minister Urges is right regarding {hc real financial "I believe the repgdix;tion hcgf tihuel i h position of Hydro? The Attorncy--| Quebec contracts to be fraught W Nartmngl HOUSB Commlttee General, who speaks Tor political ef--| 1o:l'i.!sts\.st,rous consequences to this Prov-- | fect in an effort to hurt the late Ad-- nce. o Licar Up D'swte ministration; of the Chairman of| "I deny his claim that the Liberal o Hydro, who, in a calm,. considered Party can be credited for either the The frank admission by a member' statement and without regard for pol--'i aounding or the development of Hy-- > 5 itics or parties, was endeavoring very| ro. ; of the Opposition front benches in the properlypto inform the people of this: "I deny all the impptthons .and gntarlo Legislature yesterday Lihfit the province that their great Hydro sys--| | insinuations of 'near criminality' by Ontario Hydro Power Commission h@d' tem is not only soivent. but that it can| | any one who represented this Prov-- O\&ergmrch?scd noren !ro;"n QuebeC and will recover from the present| 'mce or Hydro in the purchase of fl;' Y "&?'" ';' mgblpu"':' zse I."{d"' temporary depression period? Surely :it| | Quebec powers _ . awles & %'" prk el:"' 1"" f°"3 will be admitted that Mr. Stewart "I believe a fair, free and frank pplause and desk--thumping {TOM _ Lyon is better qualified than the At--| Investigation would . prove all my menibers of the Hepburn Government, _ torney.General. Party tactics prompts| | Opinions to be correct. The opinion was voiced by HON. _ ine Attorney--General's partisan attack| | "I firmly believe that we are on George H. Challies, former Provincial ___pubuc interest inspir('d the Chair-' , f r Secretary in the Henry Govemmenz. an's studied statement re the thrESh()ld of a business rewvery as the House resumed debate on Hydro m f * + lise e that will not only enable the Niagara& affairs, At this juncture Mr. Challies refer system to catch up with the lag in & motion of confidence in theability . Itd fo conflicUne sSInlemenit COUDLCUNT | [ power demand ciatused by the depress ing former Hydro engineer recommen-- +4 f k . o. (ome of the Hepburn Government and the . a.;; to the Commission respecting sion period, but that it will prove be present Hydro Commission to solve the a"_""' * o e e ,f' trty yond peradventure that the power 5 power purchases, and demanded thai contracts are in the best interests of very serious problem created by the _ a special committee of the House b° thilb B v'a ce maladminisiration . of prc\kzus' Hy=-- appointed to clear the matter up. ovince. . dro Commissions, was presentcd in the "Such a committee," he said. "should i warn this House that hands House by J. H. Clarke, Liberal, .\f- 14-- be appointed so that the engineers must E)C kept off the' Hydro. The sor--Sandwich, immediately prior 10 _ can pe brought here. Then we will control of its operations should be the address of Mr. Challies. This WAS tnow where we are gotting Ooff at. We returned to a Commission free of introduced as an amendment to &N . on tns Opposition can't get this solved _ POlitical bias. amendment to the Speech from tht . witn a battery of Hydro officials pro-- "The heads of departments of the Throne, presented on the day follOWiNZ _ gucing political propaganda for the Hydro must be released from the tpe opening by the Opposition, in _ Governmment." , bondage they are now suffering un-- which control of the distribution of The Attorney--General, Mr. Chal--| | dor and pormitted to exercise their liquor in Ontario was «ssailed. lies maintained, was not familiar | judgment indepsndont of the petty Mr. Challies strongly urged the A@P~ wiin the background of the powor | partisan pleading o' the Attorney-- Wkg':mm' of y }écl)use ,?mt':tz:znz situation in EBastern Ontario. He | General." ie resp'elgt i0 2 1949 minute of ine On. | Duinted out that at Catiton Plate in "There is no doubt about it what--| tario Hydro, and also concerning the 1928 power costs were $62.50, while in ever.'" maintained Mr. Challies. "Bu * # _ 1930. when the Gatineau power was for the depression the pesple of this view of former Hydro engineers over . I peop h C er _ £AY mixed with the Rideau supply the Province would be now blessing Beck power purchases. This is the second ssing Beck, fime within a week a Conservative |P°"NC cost dropped to $28.89. Magrath and Cooke for their fore-- ber of the H has urged the "If energy from the Rideau at $62 sight in securing from the Liberal Droiminient ol ou:: Emittee, | Can be mixed with Gatineau power| ; Government of Premier Taschereau appointment of su & commIMkt :i ang solid for §$28--and if that is the right to import huge blocks of this action being suggested last week _| criminal, then I belong to that class."| _ Quebec power while keeping Ontario's by Wilirid Heighington. "Does the honorable member froMm| _ reserves intact for the future." '(g'lhe real dcrulx "é the whole hiils'dro Dundas know that Brockville got its| -- problem," declare Mr. Challies, wer cost reduction from the Mont--| "a'rises from the one fact that the Com-- _ | ','3,, Light, Heat and Power Con:pany | E"is s_peak' mission overpurchascd_ power from | long before power was secured from In 1925 the Ontario Hydro Commis-- Quebec. But I would like to ask what ;Lhe Gatineau," asked G. T. Fulford, sion was "at the end of its tether" member of this House has not guess-- | Liberal, Leeds. for power and it had only two alter-- ed wrong in the past five years." | _"If Gatineau power is cut off," natives--cither to buy power from the "If," the Conservative front--bencher _ | declared Mr. Challies "the Govern-- private corporations or to develop continued, '"an adjustment of these wient will have the biggest fight on steam power--which would have put Quebee contracts is deemed to be llt,s hands down East they ever had. Hydro "at the mercy of American coal necessary, let us sit down like busi-- | gastern Ontario is in good shape and barons," Arthur Ellis (Conservative, ness men and discuss the question. | has kept Hydro out of politics and Ottawa South) declared before the Let us not do anything to besmirch | | will continue to do so." Legislature last night. ® the good name of the Province." _ _ | | 'There was laughter from the Gov-- Eastern Ontario at the time, he Before proceeding to the qucstion | ernment benches at this statement. charged, was "destitute" for power of Hydro, the Hon. G. H. Challics\ | '"If we hadn't been hamstrung bY! and the private corporations knew it. answered statements of the previous |a Liberal Government at Ottawa," he| Sir Adam Beck. he said, had used Government speaker concerning liquor } added, '"we'd have been on the St.! the threat to build steam power as a ;':;':_';mgl?ey':hn?;g;fl:_';fg ;h?t '" | Lawrence by now. |\ _ bargaining instrument against the family had been dismissed and atr!%o | Admits Overpurchase. pr}l\::c cuxpf)ratxon. men about 70 years of ago put into |\ _"I am prepared to admit," the| ; d"l'O'"d we have developed steam the store--one who had declared he: | former Provincial Secretary declared,| ; *" goug(l;tdcoal.fmgn ;m nations would have to take the cash register | "that there has been an overpurchase | | amerioan cou; ban o ;gdg of ndt:de home so his wife could explain :s |of power." Government benchers ap--| | AMCUCAN °02 pnof emanded. | operation plauded this admission | Or was it wiser to purchase from the n * a»» 3 t in is s ' yese 'private power interests? Steam de-- what store?" asked Premier Hop-- But I would like to ask," MI. _ | yojonment would have placed Hydml burn. 4 | Challies went on, '"who hasn't guess-- at the mercy of the American coai The former Provincial Secretary ed wrong in the last five years. If interesis, and coal would have jumped bra;u;:ge :tat:ments ¢;f i1'\'vitorlr:ey-Scn- \ |an adjustment of the contracts is a dollar or iwo in six months, mel -- era uck as "unfair insinuations,| | necessary, all right. As business men d " half truths and absurd conclusions. togemery]eg us gsn down and discuss claimed. f j | "The nine--hour diatribe cf the hon-- _ the stion, but iet us not do any-- Sir Adam had believed implicitly in, | orable member from Bollwoods was thm:uteo besmirch theugood name %f and fought ceaselessly for, the devel-- simply a bad outbreak of political the Province. opment of the St. Lawrence River. hydrophobia. His wild attack cannot "I have no bricf for Magrath or \ _ There was no set policy of the Com-- be justified by the most rapid partisan Mr. Gaby, or any one else connected ; mission at the time of Sir Adam's critic of Hydro," he declared. _ with the Hydro," declared Mr. Challies| | deatly whether to develop their own "Nothing," he went on, "betier "but I have a brief for the fair namcl | power, to purchase private power or to shows up the absurdity of the Attor-- |of this Province, and I wish to affirm| | develop by steam, he maintained. It| ney--General's arguments than the at once that repudiation of these | was their policy to do what was con-- studied presentation of the Hydro situ-- Hydro contracts or any semblance of sidered boest at the time, he said, either ation by Chairman T. Stewart Lyon,: |a movement to cancel them is against | to aevelop or buy. when talking to the Electrical Club-- |my bet:pe:;og;ldglncl;n: :;\'fng_ will cer--| | Charges Politics in Hydro. All three members of the present

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