% " l '! l.mfi, !' y 2# . + _..;l,lb:.-- l.!l l ko . I m /'-.I ..--- l ." + § S + March 12. Toronto Bills!| wNoumres In OVER$4 et Rough Trip OvERr$42.000 | a I" le Islature Hepburn Answers Tory ' Query One Thrown Out, But Four E;;'f:*; 1: ;'lg:'gfsv,mt" S 0 ovince s Go -- : Thl'Ol!?h to Com conducted since the ; mittee Hepburn Government came into power. cost over $42,000. + NONE GETS B L E S S ' N G This answer to an Opposition query exmari 22cz zcce was tabled in the Ontario Legislatur: 93 yesterday by Premier Mitchell F. ORONTO DAY" was . ffooum, celebrated at Queen's Abli)mns as to costs rc;galg;! 4 t inquiry, $16,480; * . o Park y esterday, Railway prob», $10,628; Ontario Air w here the Legislature Service survey, $9,445; McCaughrin « * inquiry, $2,011; St. Patrick's election killed one city--sponsored inquiry, $1,076; O.A.C. inquiry, $1,193; measure, and accorded Niagara Parks investigation, $1,528. \ others no gentle handling In connection with the Abitibi probe the sum of $6.632 was paid to the ' as the.y took the route to legal firm headed by Arthur Slaght. i committee. K.C. The Commissioners, Justice | Opposed on Principle. Smith and Chief Justice Latchford, ived honorariums of $1,500 each. 'The bills were introduced by Liberal _ TEC@ived 'membzrs from the city ridings, with nl'netm;{ Em"rtzei?e%ui;% 485'":;:)%!::2: | the note that they were City Hall bills. p¥ sone Alig mags o o sioner D. W. Lang, K.C., in the Air | On _ principle Opposition members _ service probe received $2,219, And D v | objected that if Toronto desired legis-- J Coffecpul,( C.. s2 53'9 way's y | lation it should bring in private bills, * l matieit, o marnicks lamk I | and that if the ugisfiatur'e) gave those Oother inquiry answers revealed t';fig second reading it approved them in ' mr %mfi'm& secfretf;y dsw dnnd principle. Povests, Teceives an snhnual shigty of Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn and $3.000." ;'ege vese an anntt'x)a thh ;y O | Hon. Harry C. Nixon argued that the i hi e secretary e Prime measures should be passed through Minister, R. H. Elmhirst, receives for committse discussion, the former $3,600, less salary assessment, or $600 insisting that second reading did nol: .i AMC Ahat file proGecersor .. K6 e necessarily carry endorsement of _ POIDted out, however, ie pos principle. The bills, with the one ex-- of secretary to the Prime Minister and ception--that permitting enactment :fnixsl:fnne; mm?r:e ;;rr mig;hli?s't,e dl;;gg of early closing for boxt and shoe i t * * repair shops----were sent to committee _ U Work of both. but not with any expression of bless-- ing by the House or Government. Colonel Fraser Hunter was for-- tunate, and his two measures, lessen-i | ing the transient trader levy on resi--' | dents and amplifying the authority to| cancel or suspend the licenses of con-- victed coal dealers, escaped with little . cflflcm. mm * n*, Ian Strachan proposed an amend-- N C + ment ---- also from the City Hall -- which would require alarm bells, 0 ommlttee gongs, or horns, on bicycles and 0 | tricycles. § M Hydro Deals ! No Gongs on Kiddie Cars. o in nnensmgmmnnny? Hon. Harry C. Nixon pointed out Hon. Mitchell F | to the Opposition the advantages of pmes Shat o commitise of the Ieg-- | sending such a bill to committee. islature shall be appointed to in-- "We're not going to insist on gongs or quire into current Hydro contract such like on tricycles or kiddie cars, problems. he chuckled. The Premier returned this an-- "I am not enamored of this bill at swer yesterday when a motion all," said Premier Hepburn when Mr. proposing that a committee of the Strachan sponsored his second city Legislature should inquire into the measure, which would permit a high-- Administration's power charges was er business assessment on parking sponsored by Hon. George S. Henry. lots. '"There will be no committee ap-- # Wilfrid Heighington argued that the pointed," said the Premier, when House should not encourage munici-- his attention was called to the Or-- palities to tax real estate further, and der Paper bearing notice of the mo-- Hon. W. H. Price warned that the tion. The Premier held that such _ bill might have the effect of closing & Legislative Committee would be | "the average man's parking place." naturally dominated by Liberals. | | Under fire, the bill went to committee. No good words were said for the ; boot and shoe measure, and the Pre-- mier, in conclusion, expressed "disap-- proval of the principle of the bill to such an extent that I am going to ask my friend to withdraw it."