The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1935, p. 1

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* A March 13 _ LQUOR _ 'Rritich Rasi , Going Too Slowly? 'British Basis Urged OUT OF POLITICS, 3 ut - ory© Then Let's Work, For Givil Service SAYS 'DRY 9 . eA HepDuUIM 10 HENTY stracnan makes Piea to Youth Never Asked to racKan | ta I-Ps ';a to| Vote for Beer P eep !1 rree 0 Liberals Vote Down Tory Politics Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn has it Move to Adjourn e== to his credit that he never went before Debat A call for a more professional civil a gathering of Young people in the eDate service--free of politics--was sounded Province and asked them to support we n____z_2z22ze g' "}I'f' Ontario Legislature last night & measure for beer and wine, was the y Toronto's young Liberal member, view expressed in the Ontario Legis-- (Sce also Pages 2, 11 and 12.) Ian Strachan. lature yesterday by William Newman While the House attempted snatches In his maiden speech the member (Liberal, Victoria), during the debate of song, the Ontario Legislature was for Toronto--St. George's, also told the on the Spsech from the Throne. I divided by the Opposition last night Oppqsitxon that Hon. Arthur Roe-- The veteran Liberal member digress-- | on a motion to adiourn. A rigid Gove buck's Hydro arguments had not been ed from the general talk of the after-- U T € refuted. "The public.'" he said, "is in noon on Hydro affairs, and dealt ernment vote, 47--14, killed the motion. no mood for poliical stmteg'y in con-- briefly with matters pertaining to The division was forced by Hon. rection with this matter." ;':':s"t ii:leofOIu bever]a,gcs. 3tnd also the _ George S. Henry, and climaxed a heat-- w:l"ls':oulgawelwfi: t,r;% dacyi."r'udes;b'.,l;ed 0 nemployment. Mr. Strachan, "when the ce His reference to Premier Hepburn ed battle over the adjournment of the of this Province is placed on & came after he had recalled an ad-- Gebate. A Conservative member, A. H. more akin to that in England----when dress of former Premicr George S. . Acres of Carleton, had twice sought t0o _ servants are employed on examination Henry before the Young Conservatives, _ Adiourn, reserving his right to speak and politics do not enter." during which he sought their approval _ !ater. _ § On the question of Hydro, he de-- of the Government beer and wine 'You've been saying the Govern-- clared "the public wanted to know policy. ment's going too slowly." Premier Hep-- what transpired at the Cabinet Coun-- In connection with the beer legis-- _ burn answered. Mr. Henry, as Oppo-- cil meetings when the contracts were lation, Mr. Newman, who is well-- _ Sition Leader, entered the battle and approved. known as a prohibitionist, said: ="1 _ forced the vote. 4 "I might say that the members of believe a mistake has been made, but "Pack up your troubles in your old _ the Cabinet Council are sworn to there is one thing, and that is that _ kit bag." the Liberal benches sans, secrecy," put in Colonel William H.! beer is in hotels and has been kept while the bells rang outside for di-- Price (Conservative, Parkdale). f out of restaurants: and the Premiee _ VYisions. The attempt died out, as did "If the honorable member had ask--| has banned liquor advertisements. a rendering of "I'm tired and I want eqd a few questions at the Cabinet' "The liquor question," he went on. to go to bed," from the Opposition,. meeting there would not be this dis--' "has been taken out of politics. If Up marched the Sergeant--at--ArMm$s _ cussion on Hyrro today, put in Mr.. you want to give a temperance ad-- and the two Whips.' and the division Strachan. dress now you can blame both par--: , fArst in Ontario for the Prime Minister Mr. Strachan referred to "good $ ties. I believe this question is going |--Went off without any difficulties. Conservatives" who had fared well by to stay out of politics, taoo." Hydro in naming Arthur Meighen, Concluding his remarks on the Alfred Maguire, Loftus Reid and P. a liquor question, Mr. Newman expressed D. Ross of Ottawa. the view that the Conservative Gov--| '"'The Opposition," he said, had ernment during its term of office had| asked for a committee on the Hydro been providing "gads" with which they | matter "but the public is in no mood were "whipped on June 19." + § for political strategy in connection When the Conservative Government with this matter. If there is any-- took its stand on the beer question, where that the responsibility of the he said, the Province asked: "What Hydro contracts rests it is entirely will Mr. Hepburn do?" | with the members of the former Gov-- "The record of that Government' ernment." was such that if Mitchell Hepburn had Roplying to a qusstion of Colonel gone wet they would have gone dry. wW. H. Price (Conservative, Toronto-- If he had gone dry they would, as they Parkdale) asking why the Govern-- eventually did, go wet on beer and ment, if it believed the Quebaxc Power wine. To have taken issue on either contracts are illegal, didn't prevent side would result in leaving it in party / the Maclaren--Quebec issue of bonds politics." last fall, Mr. Strachan said a rogula-- tion of the Securitiee Act prevented action against bonds issued by a member of the Investment Bankers' | Association. & | Two Hydro Engineers Deny Power Approval | Ian Strachan (Liberal, Toronto-st.' Goorge) preduced statements in the | t Legislature yesterday from Hydro | engineers H. C. Don Carlos and n' T. Brandon denying these two en-- gineers had approved power pur-- chase contracts. Previously T. H. Hogs and R. T. Jeffery, two other engineers, had made> statements denying they approved the purchases.

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