The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1935, p. 1

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Madieat adjustment, nt Hydro mn- Wts was called tor by H. N. Carr, than! member tor Northumberland. tn dosing the debate in the Legisla- tun last. night. The campbe11iord member expressed the hope that the Premier would not break tlw contracts --ttut adjust them very radically. Mtttat Urged tlt Mln Contracts "The people of Ontario must mum further." he said. Mr. Carr backed ma Hydro state- Inenu with a comparison of Hydro all Gamptteiltord Commimon power prion. ©otpbelltorti. he explained, (tinned one cent a kilowatt hour for - from its Trent Rlvrr plant. On u rural Hydro line in Peterboro' Coun- " the charge was tour coma a kilo- an. hour. Prior to his Hydro comments tlte member for Northumberland 1sz red 0W6: with the Opposition on him W gym") of prtr-elecrion public "Just an act ot a humanitarian atyeemtttent--not an elee:ion . tut,' he emanated sarcastically as 'ttt In- lated-ttut not without dispute- me incidents ot pro-campaign under- ti. Carr Hopes That Legislature Will Not Break Them not Col. T. A. Kidd Attacks "Failures" of Liberal Government Hanrls M Hydro In Eastern Ontario. Orders My M.P.P. To mark his release from the neu- trality ot the chair, Colonel T. A. Kidd, Speaker of the last Legislature. enumerated Hepburn Government shortcomings at Queen 's Park yester- day. "%t Ilifftimt," legislature Is Told Ily Liberal M.P.P. Also defending the regime of Right Hon. R. B. Bennett. the Conservative member for Kingsto flanked this de- fense with an attack on personnel changes in the Queen's Park Civil Service. "It's nothing but introducing to the Province the American spoils system." he said when he reviewed re- cent civil service history. There was ttre and counter-tire as Liberals denied that Premier Hepburn predicted without, qualification a. spe- cial session. Hydro speeches also pro- duced subject, matter for interrup- tions across the tioor. "So far as Hydro is concerned in Eastern Ontario. I say to the Govern- ment, Hands on Hydro in that section ot the Province." said Colonel Kidd. It, Colonel Kidd's eyes the Hep- burn Government has failed so far to give leadershh in relief and unem- pltymcnt; failed in "political Hydro tactics during the past three weeks": failed to recognize the importance of Hydro to Eastern Ontario; and failed to keep election promises. A strong appeal for members ot the Government and Opposition to "sink their political differences" and devise measures tor the economic welfare ot the people ot the Province. was voiced by Fred H. Avery (Liberal. Lincoln), in the Legislature last night. Mr. Avery steered clear of the thread- worn question of Hydro, and confined his remarks chiefly to a review ot world events leading up to the presen: economic depression. and urged Joint action to combat the evils ot unem- ployment. 7 - -- _ "There are rumblings today," de- clared Mr. Avery, "and I ask how long are the people ot the Province going to be patient? Unless we put our House in order perhaps they will force us to do it." If. declared Mr. Avery, there could have been conscription ot man-power during times ot an emergency. there should be mans of conscription ot wealth. "Take it all-all over a million," he said. "The burden should not fall on the persons ot extreme means, but on the people who make their homes in comfortable and exclusive sections - the people who can attord to par." Monk 20 H. Avery Urges Joint Action to Combat Job- less Evils Charging that the Attorney-tles eral had acted beneath his dignity and that his department had done things to be ashamed ot, W, A. Baird veteran Conservative member for Tc. I ronto-High Park, unleashed a detailed Queen's Park attack last night on Hon. Arthur Roebuck. I Diversion Charged. Roebuck Attacked By Tory Member Attorney-General's H y d r 0 Speech Called Camou- flage by Baird His Hydro speech was "in the na- ture of a camouflage," diverting at- tention, Mr. Baird charged. from loose Mitniuistration of liquor laws and from the dismissal ot public dmcers. "Because the depression came along." said Mr. Baird, "the Attor- ney-General gets up and in a ten-hour speech tries to besmirch the oHicials of Hydro, and any one who had any- thing to do with these contracts." '/Boiled down" in Mr. Baird's words, the Hydro Commission had been trying to meet the rapidly in- creasing demand and had met it by a. purchase not as large as the rate ct increase. "He inferred." Mr. Baird said. "or would have us infer, that he and the Mayor of Toronto were very good friends." Immediately afterward. the member charged. the Attorney-Gen- eral tried to "hesmireh" the name of the Mayor by linking his name with a $500 radio broadcast. Thrust at Marchers. More particularly the Toronto member objected to Mr. Roehuek's reference to Mayor Simpscn. Nor would the Toronto member re- train from a thrust at the hunger- mareh--althoutrh an indirect one. He praised former Attorney - General Price as "never cynical. never peevish. courteous and a friend of every one in the Legislature." "Shame! Shame!" a Liberal bench.. er cried. Mr. Baird also asked the Govern- ment benches Mt "forget petty poll- tics." "In him," he said, "we never had a man who mistook a, deputation ot Communists for a body of reputable

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