e k Nd1 msld a e* f f ' Maxch 20 TANGLE Tories Are Assailed «n IN LEGISLATURE ON GOLD T AX | OVER PAP ER HE action of the Henry Administration in allowing the Federal Government to step in and extract Attack Aimed at Roebuck about $5,000,000 from Ontario through the gold c s tax was vigorously denounced in the Ontario Legislature Hits Windsor M.P.P. yesterday by W. G. Nixon (Liberal, Timiskaming) during wenemmmeorommommeremmntont his address on the Speech from the Throne. j W. A. Baird ---- Toronto's veteran This action, or inaction, he de--C Conservative member for High Park clared, stands as a blot on the record --aimed a Queen's Park attack last of the former Conservative Govern-- night at Attorney--General Arthur ment, and the people of the North and | Roebuck and hit J. H. Clark. throughout the Province "will not Mr. Clark, member for Windsor-- _ S090h forget it." Sandwich, was substituting on the The manner in which the late Ad dais for Mr. Speaker Hipel, when th: ministration put over the Abitibi Toronto member declared that things Canyon dsal was also strongly as-- had come to a pretty pass when the sailed by Mr. Nixon, who maintained 4 Attorney--General--"the fountain of ttlmt t!:o D"odpler hl]i m(-i riorth c\:vere »» aiso not proud of this episoce in on= i';::l';: --read private papers in the servative administration of the af-- : t fairs of the Province. Real Tangle. The gold impost, Mr. Nixon main-- The Liberal benches, under Pre-- tamed, was equal in amount to the : 5 mier Hepburn's lead, began their 0oi>-- Northern Development grant -- mil-- jections and before all thr debating lions of dollars which Ontario should was over Queen's Park had become have control over today. ensnared in a record Parliamentar; "The Opposition waiks about the tangle. Attorney--General's long spcech." he Mr. Baird made it clear that h4 said. "But if in any way the Hydro was referring to letters between Mr. contracts with Quebec can be revised | Hannigan and Mr. Maguire--with au it will mean that the Attorney--Gen--| 7 oil painting and an illuminated ad-- eral's speech will have been worth| dress for a subject matter. "It was 'About $1,300,000 an hour." merely a private letter," he insisted, Continuing his reference to the de--} "from one official to another." velopment of power in Northern On-- "The letters," said Premier Hep-- tario, Mr. Nixon maintained that, had burn, "had to do with the expenditure Sir Adam Beck lived. he would have of public money, and passed from one developed those areas. official to another." * "Not with the funds of Hydro," Mr. Baird objected. "Chiselled out of Hydro," said Hon. Harry Nixon. "The men who went out of office were men of honor," replied the To-- ronto member. There was an almost inaudible "Yeah?" from the Liberal benches. a Ministerial Discretion, STORAGE Whereupon Premier Hepburfin' ap-- pealed to Mr. Clark for a ru on the whole subject, and Mr. Clark pro-- PL ANTS TO BE coeded to the task. Reading of the documents was a matter of Ministerial discretion, he ruled. The Premier HELPED forthwith demanded withdrawal. "Don't do it." whispered Mr. Henry to his COnserva'tll: btwt.be r&ern° pumen esc s »put aker 0 was i eress c tc. in toome to is -- Tax Exemption Talked wel Aceorded" Henry accordingly. encreiinetmnccarecrmerctam elcome Accor tenoee 9 e octhe Premicy"" _ Purther to encourage the buiging _ J. H. Marceau, M.P.P. «> keep uiete of co--cperative cold storage plan on drnrnmcmnnmmaminnantees W;myo":% going 1o meep anyrquieves the Progreince '? : facility in mrkleti; Joseph Henry Marceau (Itfi:ert:lr;t f ruled ing produce of farms, a proposa Nipissing, took his seat for iwicler we Clampflrk ua"égmg m%:nb: be':n: considered by the Ontario Gov-- time in the Ontario Legislature yes-- 'mattet{ wa: punceinent* ernment to exempt such plants. terday afternoon, after having won |""Tarle Sweaker is not in the chair." _ erected with Federai and Provincial . a decisive victory in the: recent | said lfrth'\fi Eelrus "The only person aid, from building tax (not land ex-- Northern by--election, occasioned by ?ho can make -- any ruling is the emption). the untimely death of Theodore Le-- ic . $ Aitieed this. eneoureging couro | * Piosongeg cdosk--thumping maiked ' "F *« maw ers receiv 0 olonged desk--thump . | to ':.")iltlhgra::' ms:r;b?ldogx mA."fxl:? from Premier Hepburn yesterday. the entry of the new member, the \Co-xservauve' member for Lanark. _ Also the visitors were promised a loan applause coming from both the Gov-- At whi Mr. Speaker M of 50 per cent. of the cost of erecting ernment and the Opposition sides of oom. es n t ues a rage plant in St. Thomas, he House. Greeted at the door by tunely loomed in his black robes at & cold storage P the the door of the chamber, and Mr. the loan to be covered by a first mort-- Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn _ and Clark retired from the predicament. gage on the plant. Hon. Harry C. Nixon, Provincial Sec-- According to Mr. Speaker, the mem-- In such an instance, it is undelx; retary, Mr. Marceau was escorted to id withdraw, and Mr. Baird stood a 30 per cent. grant would b the throne and presented to Speaker ber shou f x( forth ing from the Federal Gov-- No 0. Hipel bowed immediately "to the rule of the orthcoming rman 0. Hipel. _ _ _ .. chair." ernment. smy