The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1935, p. 1

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March 26 i i n n t o o * | '( . Bondholders® Lobby| _ PATRONAGE 'Ontario Plans TaX olders LODDY f f EFENDED BY * Intimated in House| D On Raw Materials HEPBURN s A brief reference to a bondholders' lobby was mads in the Ontarito «gis* Maeciennnmcniisaaeainime e y r w r' s lature yesterday as the House re-- i nted 4 newed Hydro warfare. Sy mpathet'c Men Wa ies "What we are trying to do is to wnennmmmansmemanmmmommnmansemmem «+ 6 save Ontario credit," Premier Hep-- E'RE going to appoint men who Premier Announces'Changvs folng to "oo it m spite of coupon. W ie sympatnetic with the pol. to Liquor Act--Minors to 3?:"3'0 :go'ta:'g stlx)';ffngo t;oubx;?:; icies of this nt. ant A Be Penalized - utes, we'll pressure on members of both sides :: ::".." to revise the sintules, of the House--regardless of Hydro e ooo disaster " Premier Hepburn delivered this A proposal to tax raw materials The Premier later declined to ultimatum as the Ontario Legislature o enewaris i nouine q amplify his intimation late yesterday debated the "Loftus used by brewsries and wincrios in On-- . Reid" bill. The statement prefaced a tario was revealed in the Ontario. division forced by. the Conservative Legislature yesterday by Premicr Mit-- i Int Opt lt.lon: t &i d"t.lm.sou v:wmgfi chol! F. Hepburn in introducing a bil | s ecla| 0ft|c'a|s ;nensi:x: wa CaMT'e & to amend the Liquor Control Act. The k i amendmept, which was given its first a # Bill Retroactive. reading without discussion, gives the |__An inference of a doubt about the Government full power in prescribing §( n a B ' aVI s ilegallty of t.hg 'Toronto Co'st;l;nl:sioAnt's "feas, tax and assessments payablc recent procvendinge Was 1A o aanle ; any brewery, distiiler, or manufac-- "Witearabienatiermrprern cengere w torney--General Arthur Roebuck. The :'gr:rn'(') £ ;e;tivg win e'f i i wilt We , h oo V Di cR abG It is understood that the measure RoebUCk Plans B'" Pr('Wd' "ao Sower d(;ubt angut:'eg?'et:l)g;g transfers the incidence of taxation ; i C iegi f tl;; power , of 'apDO from the manufactured product or, in mg ommissioners tor ]0 Pcaet.ronage charges at Queen's Park other words, from an impost on gal--| Purpose and Ottawa flared as the Conserva-- lonage to one on malt and other raw | lkereretremmencmnmcts tives turned their argumentg agatns; materials. the clauses which remove the state Penalty for Minors. Attorney--General Arthur W. Roe-- length of term from appointments to The yqama bill will provide several buck advised the Ontario Logislature the Hydro Commissions of the large other changes, among them being yesterday that a bill would shortly be cities. that a minor found consuming in a brought in giving the Government the , t.h:? :haoypg;:es::i(;g g:gg"&o:nge;?; beverage--room will be held jointly re-- right, by Order--in--Council, to appoint | Hepburn observed. At Ottawa, Right sponl.;,-xblbe underdth:l?ewa\fi{:;x?;;}?i hold;:- additional Commissioners for the tak--| Hon. R. B. Bennett had dismissed :}f' the doa: uime oY Lhns inhority. ing of affidavits. t seven Deputy Minister. o liy se ce on o 16 fask Tor ner. s l"I'hat' wasn't litics__that was '11 holder 2cAn be brough[ to task for per The information was given during right." po mitting a minor to drink on his discussion of the sustices of the Peace "The 'Tories had always appointed premises. | i ine bil stales Act. William Duckworth (Conserva-- Tories"* After yhe 1nst sleotion; ABET :! TT 1f a vear bas inabepied Since a tive, Dovercouri), had asked the At-- Premier charged that in his own rid-- to:malr caogvicticn on .A bliq{mr charge, torney--General why 10.000 J.P.'s had ing the Conservative candidate was o med shall be recarded tak of. "Dr. Davies was ap-- the person charged g been dismissed and only about 450 ap-- en care oL. * afipg. ender" Whether of not ; intea under the Farnf Settiement . ®S & "(rst offend pointed under the new Administration. pointea under Cvi SHnvict ave been regis-- f s E Act," he said previous convictions h g He claimed citizons were inconveni-- et," ne * tered. \ enced, as J.P.'s were few and far be-- To Do Same Thing. Grabted cage Rooms ; twfcn and not efmly located. '"Did they go around looking for T: bill wiv gth i h' to Wall < I was a J.P.." declared Mr. Duck» Liberals? They did not. We're go-- 5 eGllt SE:S :' rig td ?\1 A E:,CE_*; :'?l':hav n:g'& I never charged for taking ing to do the same thing.:h igis) t:regs;tab?isfi be:':::gzrrs:ms ?iacx;n:és e The very purpose of the or C td * is "For your peace of mind." said Mr. act, ne said, had been to let Hon. :';' t?eise cexg,rest "le&'cagcf;ifgd"t?'g: Roebuck. "I might say that a bill will| G. Howard Ferguson place his men e .'qf\'xor' tonf rob « ar 5 heg be brought in giving the Government in the city Commissions. a specific .\o e for hewrage !'Ogmg the right to appoint additional Com-- "And then he put in Loftus Reid-- _ "Ot lf)]een' taken. ;I' e cerfxt;gs Oi'i qtgrg; missioners by Qrdcr-m-Councxl. And a 'Tory wardhealer of the worst type. ; logs ivh G:Ot:del:d n:e'notr Oivelque flfc;cf rto ominmatoner, tor mt onl wit be l oo o oi i o tl;l r(-vioumvotes Thg bill also gives Commissioner, for that right will be | The Opposition protested that Mr. fh: pComm?"ss lon power to recate to ::t'::d'c:d C ilenpels of the LOB's neid had Reen Uhaimian of the municipalities a p%(;'tion of be:"rsrage- ez School Board. e " The Justices of the Peace Act| "We're removing these men," the room fees. hich w iv n=| Pyepd 1 th An;endment. \\hm.u_ \:as gx\.en 1ts"sec- Premier returned, '"and they're going hagreign:;e I;:;::u;er; * e:g;?;ncegnmsgg : an nnx.b:r[o\kxd'sbet:m: mfi'maf' to stay olll--" hypo ss to the prc;per questions to place ox:s cgn n ELE ut 2 agx:.: When W. A. Baird put the % on ballot papers regarding plebi.@ci:es waudtmee uV ou n lgter hcarfi o s pasai thetical Eqau:esuon of askingmtmd pre-- on liquor. The bill sets out the fol-- jhe 'rtx't) fepSCensral satet cla}xs esd " mietr's tion if Mr. Ra en had lowing t(vo questions to be used in J rr&ey-oefnflx;alpspa wdto wlc:u la? enjoyed an appeal to the courts, Mr. future: "Are you in favor of the es-- | '!" Serl ;e C omind .ta fon Hepburn retorted: '"I would say that tablishment of a Government store | prope Prunt Ror 2 e sdministratiOon | _ the then Prime Ministe® MF. Per-- | . foy the sale of Hiquor uncder the Liquor iustice in Oniatic. ' son, would have taken some action as | 'Control Act?" or "Are you in favor of we have, only"he would have done it the sale of beer and wine under the a Ifttle sooner. Liquor Control Act?" |

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