""""_fi,"'i': F t l POrr CwE P¥ M "\' w"m"' C@ * t march 26 # ruled Mr. Speaker. "The rest is quite in order." The House and even the Hon. George S. Henry laughed and grinned. When Wilfrid Hcighington tole the c Governmen, that it was in "an ob-- vious intellectual rheumatism" it was permitted to pass. The entire fight was precipitated * by the Conservatives, who successfully repeated a move to adjourn and dis-- cuss pressing busines. As such this y 0vernmen broadcast question, in company with , Hon,. W H. Price's propaganda charges of last Friday cannot be raised again Nt ie caeecs it e stt in this session. . The announced radio broadcasts, Mr. Henry submitted, were an affront Radlo BroadcaSt on Hydro to the Legislature. The truth about contl'acts 'S De- Hydro should come up on the floor of the House. The Government should fended inquire into the matter through a Sgmuitunentnmmmmcmmterimmatys committee of the House, where wit-- nesses could be summoned and ex-' COMMITTEE REFUSED aminea. ' Premicr Hepburn declared himself rather amused at objections to radio | t speeches about "some of the improvi-- | HE Hepburn Govern | .dent deals of a former Admlnlstra-i ment is backing tion." The Premier spoke very rapid-- | Attorney -- General ; ly and with deadly seriousness. Arthur Roebuck when he | T"Hs"" Crogil, y f to-- e m;m.elled at the temerity of an steps to the microphone | Opposition which charged that On-- night to take the Hydro con-- -- 't-ario credit was being ruined, after eaving a staggering debt in its wake. tracts to the tribunal of "What we ate tying to do is 40 save public opinion. Ontario's credit." "The Attorney--General is going on Commitice Refused. the air with the full approval and The Government will not sanction _ consent of the Government We are Opposition demands for a législative . poing to have no committce." Sanut that auy mimber of the OPONS . nsl wht foe oaege thet iht Ooge. [ ness e c e e Oppo-- tion could contribute anything to such _ gition could hardly give any aid. Their an Aisn:s:'.aamn.' c up 's: Leader, he said, was red in the fatcl:e; ydro . warfare flared «----comatose or verbose. "The man who Qucfllfid?zk ye!:;l'?ry this %':";'b'"'m': forgot John Aird Jr.--the man who! Was wn emier forgot Abitibi," he said. , and his Ministers. Conservatives forc-- "We want to deal with the court ed the Hydro debate with an attack On _ of highest appeal--the tribunal of the Attorney--General's proposed radi0 _ puplic opinion. The Government is broadcasts, which swung into &n &P-- _ not going to shirk its responsibility. peal for Government action and & weajl let you know our policy and it committee of inquiry. will be a policy that will save Hydro." Charges and interences were inter-- In the debate the Conservatives re-- mgxt:hd byx personal :dndmpzfly 'm peated the inference that Attorney; which twice climax uestd General Arthur Roebuck did not spea privilege--each time with a humorOUS _ jor tho Commission. and especially \ Xet.-;iown. dive of '& fesling." for the Chairman, T. Stewart Lyon. #+ 'm m » charged former Premicr Henry, "that Charse Denled. M the engineers of the Commission are 'He is entirely wrong in his straining at the leash to be called be-- analysis," Mr. Roebuck answered Mtr. fore a committee where the whole Henry. "Thore is no difference be-- truth can be told." tween the Chairman and myself in our outlook as to that great enter-- Truth Invited. ; prise." Bith looked forward to the "I have no objection--speaking as 4 | future--"because the gross misman-- Hydro Commissioner--to any Hydro 'agemen-t. which administered in the engineer telling the truth," Mr. Ro€-- | past came to an end on June 19 and buck countered. "There was nothing | July 10." Mr. Rosbuck said he was hidden in Hydro now. but if the truth-- | confident that the Chairman agreed telling was started it might not reflect | that if old policies were followed and well on former Ar:mmu?:fmt:k | a new policy not followed, disaster "I'll take a chance. T e & | would result. chance,." said Mr. Henry. |\ _ The Attorney--General fought the «There comes a time," the Attorney-- | raqio charges back with the declara-- General began slowly, "in the career | t;ion that there was nothing in Par-- of public men when no further facts | jiamentary procedure, the British elucidated against them can do &hc}n : Constitution or common law which any harm. 'There are some men WIith | panned public discussion. As long as brass enough to remain in public life, | Opposition members spoke from the no matter what has been proved | piatform--and saving the rule of the against them." Houss--he proposed to express his The !ormel;" p{emm was on his feet knowledge and thoughts to the elec-- in angry pro tors. | --"Does the shoe fit?" asked Premier "I haven't the slightest g:)logiy;iw Hepburn. t make to the Leader of the Opposition *k Commission of Jud" of tat for having turned to the great c'?urt Province reported that my honorablé _ of appea) in the matter of Hydro," E* friend's position was untenable. I see . c,;q " "r; is not necessary that We nothing to withdraw," Mr, RoeQuCK _ gocigqe quickly. It is only noecessary .nswerettl. al that we docide wisely and justly." e former Premier demanded esntfi spmer's ruling on withdrawal. Mln-' utes slipped by tensely while the Clerk of the House wrote down the words in | question and members flipped rule; b°.°.m. word 'brass' is out of order," |