5 T en .. ~ * . 3e . e i f * F March 27 , ; * 'Permanent Hydro Ni Dons Grey Tile Chai hi P taops ' % #® ® a"m a "s Iu Was Henry's Gift for Winning Brant urgeu hy He"ry HAT pearl--grey top hat and symbol of victory was donned in the | Ontario Legislature yesterday by Hon. Harry C. Nixon. ~ eiesieammsames | PODIEL. PYEMIGL HEHIY : SERb M@Ge------~--o--n omm Holds Post "Certainly on headgear to uz mml :te;:)r:taz 8. e j » last summer r the e * 2. . . .098 Par w't.h s Judge's fulfilment of a promise that "if you [ . o | Position" _ _ win Brant, T'll give you the best grey l 0 w | on d on 1 o e . Annttaming ATal Ts P 0 . i 22 .. oo Creation of a permanent Hydro| | was stoutly mnmmn!:an;lz;m:; yortaa ,'%}, C( ... chairmansh'ip was called for last night | Government had placed Suxon | @@ %% $ .. by former Premier Gcorge S. Honry. _ Liberals in its service, Mr. ¥ 3 l * § | x T e * his head. We s | | _"I think the position of the Chair-- plapped Ahe 'op hNatloft "Ceemnninniemamenemenmepmeneemenpeenrennesepmepesssonts7=> . ' p 5r f Repeated applause halted the ' ----~--~-- _ T man of Hydro should be a permanent| I inned en eanenn saioaaiiedite P s Crnr .A Shid, Afor a long term, or | former Premier's speech. He gr : ns . L i appointed entirely as a Judgo is. and noted the "Woodbine hat." uk. . . M YoK-- o 14 tmey a O oi op Oe on "This is the proof," said Mr. Nixon, | /) fpa@h ;) 2. s : men ey appointed a man of com-- ie 1 y > o2 16. | petence permanontly t> the Commis-- that . for --one ti:ne wy Henorable y ~ £ as °_ :'E * friend Was wTOnG 16 0 t w t | The country would then look to a The Provincial Secretary refrained | ; * amey -- i M | man, he maintaincd, and. have the from cross--fire during the afternoon, | SX¥ <';§Mh . | ossurance of a man at the head of but murmured something when Mr. | <%%%% Mz ;' : Hydro. Henry once angrily closed an argu--| #**/555 '%a, . . . J f The former Premier said that he ment with 'the statement that he| #%>>%>% _ e E had no criticism to cffer of the pres-- would split no legal hairs with the | # & c 3 & | ent Hydro Commission, but charged Attorney--General. is Piarini*"* *' f | that the appcintment of T. Stewart "Speak out a little louder, Harry, es _ j f | Lyon was the paying of a political Mr. Henry said. f & 3;, e debt. "I was observing," Mr. Nixon ex-- & ... He had known Mr. Lyon for many plained mildly, and with a nod at the . & ' years, during which he had been car-- Opposition Leader's head, "that my 'KB ~= > rying on an important newspaper. honorable friend didn't 'have many ue on "One that is very often misguided," bairs to split." MR. NIXON AND "TILE. said Mr. Henry, "but a gocod news-- paper in spite of its political lean-- * mu." "A Political Debt." "I can't gst away from t~e thought 't.hat this appointment is paying a political dsbt. Harry Andsrson and hos his crew did a gosd jcb for the Prims # * Minister," Mr. Henry said. He did no>t blame an attitude which, he said, e would give The Globe "a say'"' after the election. i |_ "Mr. Lyon has been a genuine sup-- n I "ur cflre | porter of Hydro in his recent years | though not tcoo enthusisastic in its I early days. N smcs "I find that when Sir Adam start-- A liquor fight boiled up into cross-- ed his work there was one Jaffray-- fire as former Premier Henry re-- owner of The Gl--be and Dirsctor of sumed debate in the Legislature yes-- the Toronto Electric Light Company. terday. The absent William Newman "I find," Mr. Henry continued. (Liberal, Victoria) was Mr. Henry's| "that the records say that The Glob: target. The former Premier describ-- wasn't enthusiastic in those days-- ed him as the apostle of temperance. c that Robert Jaffray as director was "I think he would let me say the more interested in his other respon-- apostle of prohibition." sibilities." '"Beverage rcoms in dance halls," As for Mr. Lyon, in his early days, Mr. Henry thundered, "the last place "for years his enthusiasm would re-- where such things should be set up. !flcct the enthusiasm of the Senator * Yet the Government allows it--and | for private interests and it was years not a word fron? my friend from Vic-- afterward that Sir Adam got The toria." | Globe over as a consistent support-- "Liberals' principles are always very | er." easy," the former Premier charged. '"'They're strong prohibitionists when * they're in Opposition, but they forget it entirely when they're in power." ' The Liberal benches threw back counter--charges.>. Premier Hepburn | held up application blanks for bev-- crage sale in restaurants and said | that 2500 of these had been sent out , "I knew nothing of any publica-- tion ot that kind," said Mr. Henry "Did you know you wiaae Prime Minister?"' the Premier retorted "I was more Prime Minister than you are"--and the battle was waged for several minutes. 4