l Apr _ a . "Ille all Vod an . " g , 1 nen oreeable . . . Recourse to the courts is expressly . . Saving of Over $200e barred to the Quebec companies or patio; in no uncertain; ttiri'snspr'gi,tJi' . any other parties. A clause of the mg t e power users 0 s ovmce 000 000 Estimated - introduced bill prohibits any action or to such purchases of unwanted power. I , proceedings against the aiiGiriiia Ite'," 55555:: 555555 "555:: founded at t . ' ' ese Court Recourse Spe. declared ','lU.hc contracts which are Province of Ontario." q . In announcin th Premier Hepburn explained that an eifieally Barred Government, Prgmie: Ingmar; :51;th attempt hy! been made to, nego- ------- ted that the power bond market would tiate a. reVlsion of contracts with the undoubtedly drop. and he regretted companies concerned. but this was _ NEXT MOVE IS this keenly. but stated that the Gov- fwd _1mpcssible as the t'or.11par.uef crnment could take no other action maintained they were not authorized BY BONDHOLDERS except cancellation. He emphasized. to alter the agreements without the however. that for an time being the consent ot the bondholders. . . Hydro Commission would continue to Liberal members th.umped. their f Text of Hydro Bill on Page Tin.) purchase Gatineau power. This con- desks wlEen the Premier reiterated . -- tract calls for the delivery of 260.000 that "t measure] before title 2'lli'i . horsepower a year for iort 'ears I om ' would ec are e con rac s 1 a REED OM for Ontario 1926. y y r g and unenforceable. from the burden of Continue Gatineau Purchases. i, Negotiations Attempt. W . ' The Globe was informed on ood 3 "I gather." declared Tn: George S pol er contracts y 1th authority that the Gatineau purchgascsl Henry. Leader ot the omp.si.t.iot1. Quebec interests was initi- would continue until such time as thel "thagdthere ith/"teh tree? .gSs'tigti?ii'io' ' . . . Ontario Commission can d cam on WI e pru1c1pa ated in the Ontario Legisla- available water-power t',lyt'.g,1,ol.'no2if,i companies. But what efforts have ture yesterday, when Pre.. 1mm. h I ti2c $25950 negotiate with the . . As t. c resentc t ts , n . mler Mitchell F. Hepburn Hydro 'lul'i,eiit.1U t,','2iaf'i,surscuhg,ie' :23 "It can easily be understood." re. in r . . nilally for twcnt -ei ht cars fr 1 plied Mr. Hepburn. "that it was un- t minced tt bill declaring 1937 a total oiyzsgooo yhorsepmggri possible to negotiate with the bond- all existing agreements from Beauharnois. or $3.750,000 a1 holdershin the fel/ _ett'hroot, is"? wi year: 125.000 from Maelaren- uebec.i since t ey are .503 tare roug ow. vith Quebec Power con- or $1,875,000 annually: and 'th1'gi; Canada. the United States and area: cei'ns to be "ille al void from the Ottawa Valley Com any. or, Britain." , , $1444 000 an 11 thi at; "The next move " added the Prem- . ' ' nua ', i. . t and unenforceable." total of 3197320300 2M3}, gab; ter, "is up to the bondholders." Save Over $200,000,000 n Estimate. are the commitments for 1935 andi 13331? has tie'LaofPi'ie,tJi; if Thes inea 1936. makin the total of over 212,. opm n expressed s (signer: tfoltrgttur,'tiuiltatigi'g 500.000. g S to the legality of the t,rPhrtyrttt-1t1y, Maclaren-6tuebee and Ottawa Valley Immediately after Premier Hepburn', not leave the question to the courts? (entered into in 1929-30).wou1d have introduced the bill tor first reading,' asked Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Con- extracted over a riod Opposition members asked for an ex-; servative. South York. . pe of forty years " . approximately $382,675,000 from the plantation. I 1Wth'h'ii,t//, t "if" {3:551 '3' . power users ot the Niagara antenna "This," commenced the Premier, "lsi Ifne o m: Lelg- $533.5 w "1551;953:357 about 396000.000 more than the Com.. the most dimcuit task I have attempt-', l 1dfttlf;fy' glfi a ' as ' mission has invested in the sic 1 ed in my nine years of public life. But. i J, . ' plant ot all systems. phy a the Government has found it necessary l . Ter, does the second part of "he Since th t to take action in respect to the Quebec lb" do? asked former Attortrey-Gen- into e con racts were entered wer contracts Ontario toda is in oral W. H. Price. Conservative, Park- id 'l, fel of 828,268,000 Pg been Ii): impossible position The P¥ovince dale pa e power concerns o Quebec. l . . .. . . . c , , The bill provides that the Hydro Vs bound tot. a period of. forty years 50555555. 555 5.5555555: ' Commission may continue to urch _to purchase huge quantities of um i , . . l" power d d p ase wanted power from Quebec-an ipower. if needed, from the Gatineau. Gail ' eeme necessary, from the I t 'h' hi be d th - it iAnd.1 want to emphasize. for the , nettt1 Gomptuty, but outrightean- "mu" ll IC 115 yon e capac y lsake of Gatineau bondholders. that eellation ot contracts is advocated in of industry to absorb. . . [we will continue to purchase power connection with Beauharttois, Ottawa "At thcupresent time,' continued the ifrom this source for the time being. Valley and MaelaretvAituetsec. On this Premier. there is only one transmls- 1 "At what price?" asked Colonel . basis it is estimated that Ontario sion line to carry all the power from lPrice power users will be saved the sum ot f.P.tlec. It is impossible to take the ' "At the same price," answered the over $212,500,000 for what has defl- power contracted tor over this one Premier. nitcly been labelled as "unwanted rune. Unless we construct another _ power." transmission line, which would cost Roebuck' fapproximately t20,000,000, we will be P it Gaunt"? lpaying for power which we cannot _ "as? l? Hepburn; announcement 'even have delivered. no r af climaxed days ot specula- l "The only result could be the in- \ gf",,',",'. "will?!" action the Govern- creasing of power rates to the users) iiiiiii, (antral: inAm; at: in: i of power in Ontario. This would put. ' . - ne ' .3 g . . ci- Arthur W. R luck. tt member of the ttihii.,i.ndustri" in an impossible posl l tee, Hydro Commission. some D la , . our weeks ago laid Hydro facts have ee ratory Section. and'ln his record nine-hour address "The first section of the bill," the castigated the former Ontario Ad- Premier went on, "declares that all min'stration for the ruinous contract; the Quebec power contracts are illegal . and declared them to be illegal and unenforceable. The second por- ogg unenforceable. These contracts, tion ot the bill gives the Commicsion ii2 Attorney-General maintained, the right to take such power as is ', ere strangling EQntprio Hydro deemed necessary from the Gatineaug System, and cancellation or revision company-the (SO-cycle power. We! ot the agreements was essential. are going to continue to buy from) t Twelve separate contracts with the Gatineau." l '"If companies named are involved. "As far as the other contracts are! l c t was rumored last night that the concerned," Premier Hepburn said,' , tete,e',t,r,v',1,t,iy', Opposition plans to "cb- "they will be terminated when this , "1:3? the passage of the bill to the bill passed the House. Uuioubtedlyl bein ot their capacity. the first move there will be critieistn--undoubtedW prof l resolution demanding the the bond market will go down. This, res uetion of all tstmhttunieatitsL in is to be regretted. but we feel there we???" .t.o AttornerOeneeat Roe- is no other course. ' ti radio appeal. . _ "These contracts were negotiated . [by the former Administration, and I lmust condemn the former Adminis-