The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Apr 1935, p. 1

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"My. "Tiwd" _'. T ar' . ~' ~ ' . --.--- ---. ----""-""-"----.--------------------- HI] (iii Officiartt h I $ll lllll t lit o new aug ter _ Bodily Ittttt (Of S bill I his Ye tlt htm' Leak, HERE will be no official edict for the wholesale destruction of ----t--- Sawbill ducks. as was advocated so strongly before the Fish and . . Game Committee of the Ontario Legislature. Request of P r we "I House But some provision may be made tion. Rather. it is probable the de- Meets Official in this year's regulations whereby partment biologists will make special Sawbills that are shot will not "count" observations as to the extent ot the Response in the hunter's "limit." Sawbllls depredations orinroads upon That is, the fifteen per day indivld- the same fish supply. Certain it is . ----. ual allowance will probably be con- that their main sustenance is tish, J. M. Godfrey, x.o.. Chairman of strued to mean fifteen wild ducks ot tn1d"l1rrl'u,','le't' fdi,'ng,t, advanced Securl mm any or all varieties, exclusive of Saw- the Ontario ties Co lesion. . bills, and any of the latter "tish-eat.. since the committee heard the depu- has received instructions from Premier ing" kind that may fall to the gun cations. however, that, in prescribing ,Mitchell P. Hepburn to investigate any may be taken away or left behind, t '33?" a f,gi,Ui', tl 1u/iLPit,hear 993551", "leak" in connection with but shall not be included in the tally. 'U'U' "man; "if if t tu,', iconridentm information on the Gov- t,2,hewtreeet2i1s t'it"1.g.f,es,,t,d'tri, or iiiGitiiir, 'wnen Ieiges U',',,, gin? eminent s stand on the Quebec power destroyers of lake trout spawn, and Pg. into the decoys or sweep overhead, contracts and also to ascertain the lmlnnow as well as bass and other It is impossible to discriminate. Five names of the heavy sellers ot these I game fish minncws: that. they are a may drop from the volley and, when power bonds immediately prior to the ll d tv d t lti liars and the collection is made, three of the 'Government announcement of can- iar y we an grca mu p ' five may be SMvltills--ttot wanted--- that, because their flesh is most in- . " leeiiation ot the contracts. . but the count is tive. Repeat this ferior because their diet is almost ' _ . Such an investigation was demand- . three imes and the limit is reached. oxclusive1y fish, they are not fired . ed in the Ontario Legislature yester- " . but the hunter has only six birds day by the Hon William H. Price upon by experienced hunters fif the that are desirable. . 5(Conservativc Parkdale) The Premier Ight..end, view will permit OI their Serious consideration also will be iat the time aid d any knowledge of . identification. Therefore unpopularl- giten in framing this year's regula- 1"lettit." but assured the o position ty alone, Hy.11ee, P,," substantial tions to limiting the season's "bag" member he was r ared to (Eider the measure ot protection. to 100. instead ot IM, as at present. , investigation p cp l Officials of the Fish and Game De- land also to a shorter season, by cut- l q lpartmcnt acknowledge that they was ting off fifteen days at the tail-endf. . --- " " impressed by the arguments advance namely, closing Dec. 1, instead 0 ( Charging there had been a leak" lbefore the committee against theseIDec. Iii. Most spokesmen before the C? t,i,',ty"e,eoe,1, ot the Government thirds: but not to the extent of de- committee were opposed to a later , to can" we Quebec power contrtuyta. clar'uig an all-year open season or opening in any district than already _tg,C.uituii'ietig,r 2tuet, 'UTI', offering a bounty for their destruc- prescribed. market yesterday. Colonel W. H. Price (Conservative. Parkdale) in the Ontario Legislature yesterday. d?- manded that Premier Hepburn initiate an investigation to ascertain the source of the "leak" and Who un- loaded the bonds. Premier Hepburn promptly denied that the Government was in any way responsible tor the fluctuations ot the i market or that there had been any Ch 1 P k f j"leak" as far as the Otwerttment'g or ey ar 1 (policy was concerned. The Govern. [ ment. the Premier declared. was quite I prepared. however, to order the Be RECEIVES AID curities Commissioner to ascertain; , ; any confidential information h '1 N b g . reached financial sources prematurely. O ovem er I . Colonel Price brought the matter f _ to the attention of the House by re- ----------.--' 1 twin: to 'll inside in 'il," gm: The 325000 in the Provincial es- 2't'ets'a' T 2tttthai'l apnnounceo timates tor the maintenance of Gov- ment ot power bond contract cancel- ernment House, was explained by ' lation impetus was given "to a down- Premier Hepburn last night as a suf- w_r%.ese-"_-r'-_'s.r' I ward movement in senior tseeuritieg flcient fund to maintain the institu- . " tradintr." "ll dThis0ne?" "ut/tcite,"."',',',,,',':',',?,',,) (legged. tion up to the end of October next. I ear I ts ne? did not make the announcement in "When I announced the change mi a kl ll h the House until Mt 3-15 yesterday the fiscal year to April l, I was ac- i " " ep um afternoon. a . ' 1 "How, then. could it have affected ft'.'"! of 1ke.f, (jl.b,11'.','2, :5 B shag! " ". - " ' ' . . . . ' yesterday's trading tt there had not cut to do away w. easu y suppo l Premier Hepburn was describing i been a leak?" the former Attorney- of Government House on that date.I last year's Henry Government "sur- , chneml asked. He maimed: "I T, Nothing oi the kind. I explained at the plus" when he delivered his Budget l Ite,ete,utTnn',',,'e 45.2233": time that the previous °°"°"""°"" ss,ie'iis7r1,1iaiy') the Ontario Legislature ', " ' had voted an amount to carry Gov- "e . " '3: tt2','iftd,'unfftir,URlg,','2 ernment House from Oct. 31. 1934 to, h 232% for; at" EuVQIuEr-P it ltion I say that the long delay on the Oct. 31. 1935. In changing the fiscal: gnu , 2'e'l'in, to me bgiit arm"; part of the Government in withholding year, closing the trocks on April VI, "gl'rim'liUll)2ii'i' 5'31: on a very itheir decision has enabled insiders to we had to mate provision to t'nt?g,'/ dark night, in a very, dark cellar. 'sell and trade in the bonds and un- this "cm until Oct, 31 next. e Was lookin for a black cat and he "and. Itlsamost serious thintt,andt 325.000 new in the estimates is forl couldn't mg" it." . 'demand that the Premier order the this purpose. . . Securities Commissioner to find out - what companies and individuals sold their bonds tn Montreal. New York, _ and all over the ttomttry--took the op. lpoi-tnnity of getting out. "mformatiat - _ 'On the deficit also leaked out yesm. 'day," declared Colonel Price.

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