The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Apr 1935, p. 3

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ItsxA 3 ' . '"'"-""'"-""---------------, _ ' t . Crime lessened. ! i Ontario's crime " registered try the 0 O i number ot persons serving sentences u get g g ts had sunk from a 1930 high of 21,421 prisoners to a 1934 total ot 13,509. "Because of the reduction in the number of female prisoners," the Pre- t',t't,2, tee for 1933-34 is $30,599,000. For the past five "yea t't1,'J.'ytedie'itd" men's I??? mon s-aineetheendott - l a oncor is ngc on pr he 'ttft'."" year the deficit is 37.449.000. 15, and the prisoners will be taken Immediate legislation will lace a surtax o " care of at the Andrew Mercer Re- ing a "he of 8.000.000. P n all estates exceed formatory." 1 Closing of the industrial farm at o I 'Fort William was also under con- be Jltatt. assessed under the Corporations Tax Act is to Isideration. At, Burwash, fireproof buildings were under construction, and --. a power line. sewage-disposal plant seg,',',":",',,"?,,",',':',',', bags?" or (,'e',g,',',"g', try ways of marriage 33nd water supply system were to be an o . succession uty. , Iinstalled or reconstructed. Further taxation. if needed. will be provided in measures to be "$33533? 1.1128335 I/tl',',',',",.',',',,"";; brought down in the House during the autumn session to erase estl- ithe Department. of Agriculture. mated 814.000.000 deficit. :Achievements of the Milk Control ----. [Board were enumerated, with a ref- ltevenue increase will be $t0,000,000, with 93.000.000 jump in gas lercnce to the Dairy Milk Producers' ' tax alone. Association claim that the board's __ operations had increased the farmers' The Government will determine policies with respect to the return by $500,000 a month. relationship between the Leghlature and the municipalities. and re- Cattle raisers were receiving de- view in detail the present system of municipal government, which , partmental encouragement in moves was termed "antiquated." I . to organize and improve the export, -- trade and importation of choice A sum of "0.000.000 has been earmarked for trans-Canada feeder stock. The same assistance highway construction. but will not be expended unless the Federal has 3:91;;me to Cheesetpm. en a on a rtnershi with tart " - " an e n growers o 11 - Governm t grees pa __3_ i On 0 on tl 50 50 basis. western Ontario, who had succeeded The Government proposes to extend loans and freedom from I"? marketmg their crop " a con- municipal taxation to encourage co-operative cold-storage plants. side.r able increase m price. Through various Government agencies co-I , _ - ordinated market activities were under! n 2l",te,',cit,""it, th" the end of the Henry regime was $100.33. I 1 way and were producing substantial) l I results. I A change in the stock transfer tax will result. it is estimated. in l Cold-Storage Aided, i a revenue for the fiscal year ending March M, 1936, of 81.000.000. I Government aid for co-opera-tivel Revenue " the end of the present fiscal year from the same source ttold-storage plants was announced. is $700,000. Under the change. syndicate units. mineral deeds, and I A bill wculd empower the iiiiii'iiii) oil royalties. when transfers occur. will be taxed three cents for every ' tion to loan 50 per cent. of the cost $100 or fraction thereof of the value of such securities. ' of construction of a modern ctyld- I ,_______,_ -- a, lsterage plant-not to exceed $50,000 . . _ Provincial savings deposits. Mr. Iand secured by a first mortgage andi P e ll t ilt Hepburn noted, had registered a Iamcrtzed for twenty years at 4 perz S i s, t I cen " . t Illlti e t lit? glue: Tlit tUh 'e Ct 2e,e "To further encourage the building' a the $22,000.000 mark in the ensu- of co-operative cold-storage plants"} ing tive months. the Premier announced. "an amend-l t BNlces "The Province has no intention ot ment to the Assessment Att. will be closing the savings omces," he said. introduced to grant. exemption. fromI "in fact, as circumstances permit the municipal $3335 on the buildings I" Ild tlt each services may be extended. There is. th'yns.elves. . I ' no intention ot going into competi-I In his revlew of the Department ot tion "ith the chartered banks, buti Health, Mr. Hepburn stressed the! --_ I believe there ts a place in our coo-l 32:23: tlyid,"l1,t/',i/(,ned'l.t 'it'tifli, . . o i " cture for the Provincial ' l . . e _ _ ', Reviews Work of VarIOUS- 2l'vtg'gs"ll1fde.t, i, project," he said.d"is to develop a l program o MANY a ministrat on on a Departments of Gov- Bright Prospects. I sound basis, and to centre this ad- Turning to the Timiskaming ta) ministration in the area to be served." emment Northern Ontario Railway. the Premier. 'af.the unit proved successful. the '-""__ painted a bright picture ot its finances. l Premier said, ."sueh service . may P.', Tm tinancial records and piano of "There is no intention on the part Of} extended. It is as yet experimental. "is Administration were reviewed when the Ontario Government of selling. Mental Cases Deplored. trt . A. ic that railway. It is to be operated it" "Very. very regrettable," the Premier. Premier Hepburn brought down his the "in?" of the people of Northern! said. were the figures showing a steady Budzet in the Ontario Legislature ycs- Ontario. b and continuous increase in the popu- terday. Taking up each of the On- mitigate tri1sntsi,rveterurso,sis,,av,d lation ot the mental hospitals. el my". Government departments. the and January-the latter by 12.92 per were" lid per "dz; $113}: tt Premier opened his review with a dis- .. . . _ t " years eorpuf. . cent. Increased carloadings retleetedl i be f diseh d eases. mission of the Department of Agricul- ', creas " "m," I or. trrge t. F a picture of rising pulpwood shipments,': In the Orillia. Hospital for the feeble- ture and the administration of loans increasing lumber activity. and new: . - by the Agricultural Development 'minin work I . Board g . s .' minded there were 1,794 patients last . , The comment contemplated , 't' list of over 1000- Changes Allowed. . -changcs in the public service (Civil gyear and a "almg, . , I "Through amendments to the act." FScrvice) superannuation retruPtione I "The average daily per capita cost: the Premier said, as he continued his wroviding superannuation for cml ! of all patients carednfor was 96 centsl discussion ot the Agricultural De- servants retired before tum10ng the last year, 1ytsaid. The Government, velopment Board. "we are proposing 'present strict stipulation. A further lhas been gnnng canstd-erable thought to make it possible tor the board to remedial measure had been effected Ito this problem and investigations make such composition. extension of, -which provided that those civil serv- have been in progress with regard t8 mm, or scheme of tbrt'tuttr'Prttt'nt asi fants who were not eligible to an an- f conditions at the various institutions. may be mutually agreed upon. Add-i nual superannuation allowance might The Premier explained that hospital ed to this is the reduction of inter-' be granted an Mammal ot one- construction at Smiths Falls had been est rates trom 5 to 4 per cent. cpl 'quarter month's .saary for eaeh oom- stopped because it was learned that teetive as of Dec. 1 last." . ', pltrte year ot service. ' equal facilities could be provided by " the board. the Premier felt, were. , Savings in the Ittftrnerae.neral's the construction ot an exte.nsio.n at a empowered to consolidate indebtedl. Department amounted to approxnnate- "reduced cost and at a savmg in ad- ness--inetudintt taxes and trvmraneel li; $1.000.000 per annum. He was to Iministrative expenses. premiums-ond to capitalize that in- it" complimented pn, his gig,e,1"f,efe I "As soon as we are financially able debtedness: to postpone principal pay- (ot cumbersome legal machingg. "an; _ to do so." he said. "we are PW. to ments to carry debtors over a crop ,gamatiou of outside legal ces llf ' extend the wings on this hospital.' failure or a calamity: and to reamor. Iaiready netted 'an annual .,',',g', ll "The Department of Education." the tire the loan tor g pcriod not to "50,000---and, when completed." tllfl 'Prem'ier said. "in harmony with the exceed thirty T'rii'le, teel that @533: total eeottomiets ot dou tt practice being adopted tw other ti, . this cavemen m: Bomet l , . ' , artments. has reduced its estima ot a very unable mime and xmngt An mm" in the meme detained" Z gor the next fiscal year to the lowest thing wttitttt will gelieve. the heavy' Waugh the t'trt damn ipoint deemed consistent with the burden which Y,',',.", it"" (tuners segmuzaf,' E'mmfo, tStd. I maintenance of effective service in the are attempting . carry. 'l'i',"l.'l.f, result of increased mining ' various branches ot the" eduattitmal activity [system of the Province. I.--,-,,,,,-,--'-,,-, _.--.-..- - ______-u____

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