. .. "", "'N, -. . , l l 1'yNtMEF') 2. Tm. . -- ." w l Rilrlll1tl 'mi" . ' , as" "but. - I "M . "ttgtk r'aii8fii' as he: . " m gettttetittet ttd mm 3' M "m M -, iF,NllilllFa.'i'iii, .tftrtrtndtstnfheiiGuiTiiirpuC theeMt-seestttteiii 'iti'tiaiiii'Yiid, tyonrt-atetseiiiGiiGrttrrG"sa 11ettethenmntteroGGiaiGir. ince. Pending a mplete inveatiga- Mend this year will sum lest _ _ than biotin systems ot Provincial, Ptr'"tta1rr-iderattiemaririn' grunts to the various classes or yNrttnrwe21tteexpeetedtotseiiGiiyG twine! the Province. no change ihitrtt record." it made in the basis upon Federal Aid N _ ' which these grants are computed. but The J,llf,dr',f,,t it . proposed that for the year 1935 r reviewed the mm" a deduction should be made ot 15 Canada highway problem and the \ 'tIhr,,'",. from the basis provided for $311.1: Jeep,', in JAdi'er,'t,rrt,t,r.1,t, mummy ores a orthern , "The ttranta for the various types Development. Construction of the _ at special services maintained in the highway, he attid. WM impossible, in imbue and separate schools ot the view ot its length through sparsely :vaincc are being reduced from 10 populated territory, unless the Do- .to " per cent. ot the amounts pro- minion txmtrittuted substantial aid. 9 vided by the regulations. These de- Revenue had tsuffered with the drop ,ductions include the grants. for music, In lumbering activities, but Govern- 'nfth classes, art. hous~hnld science, ment concessions in stumpage dues manual training and school dental were expected to generally increase and medical services." Northern lumbering employment. In . Grants for agriculture and hortieul- the pulp and paper industry uncer- ture in public and separate schools tain conditions still existed. A num- ,were based on the 1934 deduction oii ber of pulpwood agreements were he- " per cent. A more extensive reduc- ing reviewed. . tion in grants paid in connection with' "Plans for reforestation are now the teaching of agriculture in sec-l under way." the Premier announced. entry schools was proposed. _ "providing for the distribution of from "L: Gt ctign _r',t,,x'xi,e'i0i1o/t'htih; Pre- fifteen to twenty million trees per an- " . " p e grants hum." to vocational schools. It is intended Al * further that the reduction made in 1,i',"gt,e, sum" . e Premier referred to the reorgan- the regular grants tor commercial de- i ' . . . . zation of the Provineial Air Service. partments and tor manual training} which had . and household science d: mm is; resulted in a "mm for pa en ' Nove . . , mber. December and January last " maintained in the secondary schools, of $34 888 i ot the Province, shall tw increased, ' . as compared with a sim- n ., t liar period the previous year. , from 10 per cent. to 15 por cent. i . . . Turning to the question of unem- ahe sum ot 8900.000 was to be voted! 1 . ployment. Premier Hepburn stated to the University ot Toronto tor the, I that ne of the first task t ' iiscsl year ending March 31, 1936, in) I o . s o the Gov- , l eminent "as to put the work of unem- lieu of the 81.000000 and $150,000 . .. ' _ ployment relief on a permanent basis. . appropriations granted last year. It, Great care m take h l . _ is the conviction c: the Minister,") s -n- e " d'...'.n aid the Premier. "that the universl selecting qualified officials and em- sity will be able to continue its opera- 2 players for this branch of Govern- tions without serious impediment"---: men: activity. The permanent staff particularly in View of this year's sub- ', now consisted of seventy-four men and stantial surplus. To Queen's andl 1 women working in every section of the Western Ontario Universities the, iProv'ince. grants of 3275.000 were to be reduced l A steady increase in the number of to $250,000, J'gi"iit' 1h "itit "A. the Province is lines WM Spot. l no , e em.er declared. statin The Premier dwelt at length on lpresengt tags}: gamma It, ($06 3 "the bright spot"---) Department Relief costs for November and iiiiiiiiiL' if Mines. The year 1934 witnessed ber Mood at over 83,000 000 a anth is 32 1-2 per cent. increase in the with th provi ' ' , ' e nee paying three-titths, iPhtt of the Provinces mineral pro- (the municipalities one-Nth and the ;duction. The increased price of ttold. Federal Government about one-fifth was largely responsible. and on the or about 5600.000 monthly. . idebit side were recorded low prices --_--------- .for the base metals. and particularly icopper. Por the first time in Pro- Niacin history the value ct the mineral (output had exceeded that of field I crops. i Dividends paid by Ontario mining, "ttenpan$ts had amounted to 837.227»: q De -_-- . --__t----e-- _ ----_--------- im in 1934. and the Province's profit faulting municipalities. as ot Dec. M, 1934. 2" had increased to $8trT.993. Treat-i OUTSTANDING DEBENTURE DEBT. . lment ot lower-grade ore by the larger Total imines was extending the life oithcl "$33.03? mines of the dependent communities. i Name of Unmatured Overdue Total Overdue ...? BarMtn. Matted. i m',',',','.',',',""".'.'.".': Principal. Principal. Principal. Interest. Interest. " . l r ............... $10,578,995 $2,943,435 813.522,430 $1,277,500 $14,799,930 In "the Department ot Public; it1t'iguiir:::r:/:r: yll'dfg 214000 3.296.000 nil 3.296.000 Mau'mmzn 13:31:30 flea"), $355 nest' Windsor "d:".::.' i'iiiii'iiiiii 1.22230": 2.039.333 6201.000 $272300?) in lv xi t lv 3 1 Sandwich ......q....e. 2.410.000 315.000 3.025.000 462.000 3.487.000 gram. volving appro ma eo ' "I Walkerville ....S...... 2.106.232 279.566 2.685.848 nil 2.685.848 900.000. had been commenced for the: Pembroke ....q..oq.... 839.977 51.26 891.203 41.730 932.933 yearl934. The Government, felt that. 'stu?"".'.'.", ......... llggf If?" 11:33.8: nil000 long the proposed outlay could not be jus-' ..........qq.q ' ' . . . . 37, 1248. unea " the present time and orderch #g',t,t CCCCCI '.n.fy.0.0.0. 1.4.7."??? "373% 1fyoo 19.33% all work stopped after 8263.000 had; Hawkesbury .......... 396.415 63.769 iiiiriiii 1.938 Tiiiiiii .... expended-a ...... ot $2.68T.- 1','rot"li',ci::rc::i:i::" .3233 an. .3333: i"... 1%}... m." , o ' ' . . [o., . ' l sum revenue increases were) (ttie,""'.'?...:::::::::: 333% $1923 /llfdlt.l 3:} 1.33:??? !gtetted. "it " the 'tt of 2,ig,i'/"i-, 39:33 ".q.qo.qqqqqq 1.lllylfl?, A'fltl 2.lfir1tl .... ...... e ......O...... . . I e 5 p ' ' 6, "ttment the "ootJreg2i,,ngd pagyetro mntpn tite s o a a a o a o e s a o 426.000 19." i'iil.2l? 3171¥lwo 2 357% - and. "grttogttettttttt tothis d the mum" """"""' 367.000 13T,000 MM,000 116,000 620,000 on en . Essex ................. 221.648 61.478 263.126 24.479 287.605 all". r',',"",,',',"',',,"',",,',',',',""),,,'",,",?,,','),',? angle] q.............. flllg 'l'.2otl, 'ltlitll, 1111000 'lgfiill M. f m c- . coca-0.0.00... r o ' 33, ' om un " long Branch ......s... (No debenture debt ot its own) an? end aasuttted try the Prox Rockland .q..q.....-q. 36.256 3,323 39.579 2.T03 42/282 . York . a n s a 00.000000... 16,000,000 1 200.000 IBWDOO ll 18,000,000 "Wt drag." wide for?" ginger: ......q..... fr.li'llfltl i'dfdfJl 1:62.000 20 4.333.333 m 'ttt s 'ttt m ee r go' sen-000.0000. a s ' s 40,000 56.000 4. ' the mm" open tutt of year? North York aassoooooso 3,024,000 m." 3.244.000 nit 3,244,000 Wile thereby mm"! the Btobiooke ......s...... 3.120.000 370.000 3.490.000 nil 3.490.000 1m ' r Sandwich last .o...q. 1.300.000 "9.000 1.975.000 296,000 2,271,000 "an m the gasoline tax and fur. Sandwich West ....... 2,000,000 634.000 2,634,000 408.000 3.042.000 , that conveniencing the public." Dyan .............q.. 24,000 14.000 33.000 8,000 46.000 Itt'2'd't", $,'fge,te'nttNP'ir,'t Totals T............ 371900.493 $11,413,041 "4,241,539 $3,972,350 632.213.3119 mg . "gm W ---- renewal of altanobile licenses. Elimi. . - _ ' at": of needless procrastination had saved many thousands in interest "was and rendered unnecessary the tg-tqgtnntttt or special starts. . t - .