The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Apr 1935, p. 6

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T P P, EN " iT .."." ~ 'M ... a 1 ' I t ") h. v'": W" 1.1.". r . we _ a c I " f ttdirtiat. . " ftrditaaordimryrxmnttat . "Intheopenin mu "t ' re - . at the total amount of 32.525.275.91. ' dress I told on that h ot my " In: incorrectly "ex"? 2t th Ott . the net debt of the Province was $1,- oe $1 53024017 w e 664,000, and the net per cache debt . ' ' . . . " was " cents. As at Oct. SI, 1934, M Detleit. _ the net per capita debt ot the Prov- , The following statement shows how ince was $100.53. It is interesting to gthe real dtsticit for the year ended Oct.| obscrve how this debt has crown. At in. "33,is made up: C "_" (the end of the Whitney regime the Surplus tor the year ended Oct, 31, 1933. no per Public net per capita debt was $2.30; at the ', Accounts m......................................... o 470,425.01 end ot the Hearst tetrimtt,84.65t at DEDUct. the end of. the Drury regime 833 45: (t--sii,iii,i, taken into ordinary revenue in error: at the end of the ieGiriiii"r' giin ' 1ereyFs'y,ytsc Power Commission water rentals.. 197,711.15 $64 23: and at th e e, i tNote: This item was shown as ordinary revenue T .' , r: e end of the Henry , or both the Prohnce and the Macon Parks Com- 3 rcglmc, $.l00.5?. A statement showing; , Eamon. and was properly the revenue ot the (the details tst this increase will Iris;" 1 otntnlseicu., 'included . tl , i , mm"?! 'xy,',',',',,";';",',',,",,': which were classified on I Budget $111192: pr nted report of the,',' cap a cxprtA ttttem: _ , " 'sr. ', Railway 11in ("riiiit'hies ..................e....... " 125,120.54 l The net debt of the Province at: Sinking tur." m,talmettt.q ....................... 840119.94 igtgtgif iit Whitney regime was! ----_-.- 965340.48 ' , . urine the Hearst regime? 3-Ordtrtary txptutdi'uro.s which 11' re cha d direct . W . 1 to surplus account: C me it as increased by 86,82i,000. During l nterest on municipal sinking funds ............ $5,544.16 Amortization or discount on debentures ........... 92,975.82 the D5"? "get the net debt in- --...t.- 143,519.93 Ctetuee if 8T,863,000. Darin "-otxrinttry expenditures charged to 1934 appropria- Ferguson regime the net deb: it}? l, £19325 which ailniuid properly have been charged to creasea by '11i,800,000 and during approprmiom m............................. 1,3 ' ' ' , (S-Capital receipts rltcwtt as a reduction oi interest 69333.80 the Henry regime the net debt of the paid try the Province: Province increased by the sum of Agricultural Development Board: $146,699,000. Toltnl receipts paid over to the 'rresaury.....-. 12.525.275.91 "The estimated net public debt was: , charges tor the fiscal . 1 t t -.. ' 1 . _ year April l, nitrlitisg.j,' 111'11..1r.t.e..t.''f.5.'. 995,005.75 1935. to March 31, 1936, represented --._-- 1.530240." by itema of interest. exchange, etc., . -------- amount to 322,300 055.40 for the year 1 Total of tlvP.ueti,ons .........t................ . ' - ' i Deficit for the war emit-(i Oct. 21, 1933 ..._.................... $3,q34.T20.03 il $01"th cost of 51'858'33739°' a "Turning now to the Public Accounts for the fiscal year ended Oct. 31, 1934. ally cost ot $6i,096.04, and, it yOu 'Wmit me to point out that the ordinary expenditures tor the fiscal year care to can? the calculation down t,'t'l'e'uJiff,lart,? .\.(.|.m. iGa'narizr:.'.':y.y.y:::y.:::y.y.::y.y..'.' 9g.m.g49;:lrsl flurther, the cost per hour for in- . re 'At .............. cocoon-00.00000... , 1 . . Rqrnlltitig in a tieCctt tor the SW of 'C.'.:.'.::.'::.'.".::."..":::.".: $30,S00,24tr 781 $331232 g2elrat2he Province I "What is inc reason for this pitiful" _-__ - __ __ I New "eel Year showing-this tremendous defieit, ot " . s11 detieits? When the address I am , As honorable members may well now delivering is printed. it compara- and tand ----- ' T "ire statement slrrrmg Btttig't it?m? /eel'l','fe"l'l 'tu/thut/grit/g-ti, _ ind actual item, for the fiscal year I . as i 'ended on! 31 1934 ..., be i. h. d d' wear it was compelled to carry . . ' . Wt.'. Pfu e , 1on with apnropriations voted by the in order that it may b? caretuily cx- (previous Administration and in ad- mitted by am one who 11 5111112101153 . ' ' . 3 .. .. . (ministering the affairs of the Prov-', interested so .0 do. In 1r.s 101mm. iinee from Nov. 1 up to the present of the ordinary revenue icr the new. (time. let me emphasize the fact that you ended Oct. 31. 1934. my honor: this Government has been carrying Obie friend the former Provincial . or. with supply voted a. year ago: has; mirror shows: G - _---- 's/G-GT/iii been meeting obligations incurred by' a." reve'nttr _................................... to... 000000 ' ' the Imer Admin ', "in"? expenditures .'y.:y.y.y.:y.y.y.."..".y.y.y..".y.."..".W..:: g0,864,iOth00 _ 1rP.'fE.f.,tr21el.eie'ete,ter..frrr"'; . d Forecast. surplus ...' .... m.,......................'........... 21500000 cut contracts and agreements; 'P The results as shown 11. the Pub.1c Accounts for 1933-34 show paying grants and generally being that the revenues wezc overestimated oy the sum ot .....o.... t tied up to a. financial program with The expenditures 6xciu try ot Ptttf..itt debt charges and unemploy- I hid) it was not in accord' A state- . ment rein-f "ivi.i'" (ii',iiirC,v."rilrt"a for a total ot all de r't- ment ot the revenue and expend ture ments in the mnoun: ot ."e.'.a.t.ef'...'.o.r..'.'..t.'.'ty..?.'..Uf.'fr.r.'.' 4,110,518.96 tor the five month! ended March 31, . Public debt charges, :nciudtng sigking was:I t',eJ"t1't'eg',t,t,t.ef.- 8.8t3drii.C?. 1935. is as follows: chance. discoun'. one. were un cresttma . y e sum o ... ' ' .%... "This aogemtttent announced in And to these amounts mould also be added expenditure for . unemployment relief: the am from the Thgmte and In Direct relief _..................................... 915.018.647.99 the press its intention of amending , Municipal relief works'......... 1.900.312." l - Stl, Section 20 of the Audit Act to change Total .... ... ... . n........................'.. ----.-"- 6.868.m.i" thetisaugeartromthepresentperiod So that the totas expenditures exceeded the minutes in the --Nov. 1 to Oct. 31--to . new date, . amount or ._... .. ...... _............................."'... 829.802.991.1'1' trom April 1 to March M. The Adding to this owe-:5 ot expenditures the shortage of revenue .. 1,011,258.63 chance is in new" with a res- ---- - . lution passed at a conference of we make 1 th t t l tl zictt oi the Hen Aetmittitstmtion tor the 0 . ttreal 5:321? (fideodaocie 31. 1934 b.".'..'.".'.'.'?..'.".'.'?.".'.".".'.'.".'.".'.'.'.'.'.'..".'! 30,8t4,MET8 Provincial and Dominion representa- I Len: Surplus ot forfeits: ...................................... 215.0000!) tives held in Ottawa in September. ' _ m-----.---. 1933. which recommended that all Ttt the amount. accordmg to Public Accounts. of nee-0000000000". 931.590.249.78 tlaatl years Chm terminate on , "Beiore lin'niting tttlt the detteitC ---- q Much St. , of the ibeal ytar ended Oct. 31. 1934. ' IIIIIIIriIII permit me to point out that some off Begteftte S . . the largest limits Mitch overrun the: "Some of the benefits winch will climates were: ', accrue from the change in the tisea1 Prime Ninth-r11 Dept. .......tt04,906.16 year may be said to be as follows: Jlgift'.'"g"lg'yi,t2, Dept. .v.. 'liyd1ttl "00Thet Government is able to . o ttttation .......-. T, . Dept. ot Loans and Foreyta.. 040974.90 ','g,rtut main egtitntttes ("mu m Dept. ot Public Worn q...... 166 2:11.31 now your pone-3100) based on Dept. ot Highways ...,...... tt6.762.08 present conditions. They will be used Dept. ot Mealtlt ............. 907024.15 by the departments immedietely. . "You wit observe that the total whereas tormeriy they were not ef- direct liabilities ot the Province have tective until seven months had . reached the stupendous iiiirririitiiriJl, elapsed. . 100,852.70 in addition to which there} "tN There will be less necessity for on eontingent liabilities representing. W Board minutes to supple- honds and othzr instruments guaran- ment votes; less need for special war- teed try the Province in the amount, rants when no provision had Been of "Mtr2,0i5.91. made in the estimetea: or for supple" . mental-y "tiggtnkm to m upon-i locations in the main estimates which.

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