The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Apr 1935, p. 2

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"a" - , A Pr\\ 3 _ . T "t,'e"/J'r1"uf,f1tlrl',d't" Premier 'dt,"',',".':,,,', "up "a? thin fill. and." ' ' T ', .. ipal we - Wm rupee wogdsto I taide this mm" "tuntrtottieanupttienseaoefounf " tteoNeeted. pu Milan was' they we entered on administration" You've got to know more than tk loonoelved in fraud," said Mr H l . u . m. -H.vdro. he had "tttted had t the "PIr ttetore you can teach hi . ' m Wmfrwd. You l ' no . tricks." th m anh' to toot twe m irtttht to hand to the municipalities' I . e former Premier repeated pro rtursehetr behind men who 3 increased prices due to the Quebec' (ge,','",.?,!,: while the House uttered and Cannot sit in this legislature Im't i Purchase. ', l :23; roared with laughter. The pro- {:3th for tb Government to break l The Quebec power contract picture 1 "and language had referred to the word. l, l was briefly sketchedby the Government rrtey-Oenere1. who was raising no The Federal Government, the Pre-', Header as he opened debate In On- Objection, Mr. Hepburn pointed t pointed out, is asking IMiners '/" l lario. in the Niagara district in par- "'eplt'Lt1,t,t Mr. Speaker. ou . .to write their farm loan him-gages, limiter. there was a consumptive ca- sol torneroeneral was not the down 50 per cent He r arded . l I New at Present of 835.000 horse- on he sometimes thinks he is." Mr. as a form ' es this l, Omar. in publicly owned plants ttoo.- 'te! auttenitted a few minutes later. "Ws 1','g2'ir"ee,ft'; t." . l 000 horsepower was produced--'"" l 1:: more than you." Mr. Henry. g ac ' opined iniore than our requirements." i Per. Premier's head dmpped I "Oh, yes--it all depends on wh 5 Additional ro- , ', 53"hhcehsaidxm Just an humble farm-, ox is gored," put in the Premier. 06e . . I ' Q, l, I Mr. Henry then declared: 'at the The Eastern power purchases to- I Overalls, sang out the Premi ' presen tailed an additional 754,000 horse-i 'nnd Premier and former Premier let: with a: 33:3. at"? out ot .o9.tse _ power. The use. ot this power neces- vited each other to a day at Oriole and will be 'ifr'12d.l?" ence as I did he :sil-ated transmission lines. and on the St. Thomas. "Your "iGiii'iiiia, is lik . lone which was in existence it was ob- 30 the debate continued with Mr. pendix--it's an inactive 0e your A',; , viousiy impossible to convey the 764,- I Henry rounding out the power prem- back Premier Hepburn man, ot. ")00 horsepower from Quebec. lses that the Government did not dare The former Premier delved l t The pram" stressed the point that' _ to cut oft the Gatineau 60-eycle'con- Hydro figures whieh he all d it: in order to take this power $20,000,000 traet. and the consumptive etqsacity been used by Nit ' H b ego , . would have to be expended to build thtures were one" to question. leader of the Liberal PsiPtyum when another transmission line. and this A Blunt Question. "Paid Tory propaganda" the Pre- a. a time when consumption did not Premier Hepburn put a blunt ques- mier snapped back. ' equal their .?'T supply. Gatineau tion to the Leader of the Opposition "Paid Tory Propaganda in the Ham- W?'W'r. hr said. was now purchased "What would you have dcne about ilton Herald?" Mr. Henry asked in full at $15 and sold back " far " pos- the Hydro contracts had you been sarcasm. . Able f, Poo--? Pyy or sum "to Prime Minister?" he asked. Reading of clippings continued. Mr. . buy oil the contract. . "1 would have negotiated with the Hepburn remarked on the collection. It is no; the intention of the bcndholders and attempted to set up "1 suppose that's all you have to do Admirtric,tratitul to spend t20,000,000 some form or moratorium for a post- except collect dividends." he suggested. on another transmission line." the :ponement ot delivery ot power." "Have you got any more impudence Primier declared. If 'he companies l "Then why doetin't the honorable to get oft?" asked Mr. Henry. were paid to grant relief from the :the Leader of the opposition argue Aclipping PA2S read from The Globe. contracts the money would have to {along those lines?" asked Premier "Paid Tory propaganda," the Premier come out of somebody else's pocket. Hepburn. "Now you're talking sense. said. "Paid Tory propaganda in The and the only method would be tt :You know we are in a tough spot." Globe?" the former Premier exclaim- raisr: in power costs to the domestic ', Mr, Henry then expressed the view ed. " knew of The Olotte being and industrial consumer. (that the Province can carry all the astute enough to use a reporter who: "Compoti'ion knows no Provincial .powcr contractei for and still have . ' was a Conservative," said Mr. Henry, boundaries." the Premier quoted. It cheap power rates. "but I have always found them print- Ontario industries were to be saddled "Would you authorizes the con- ins the truth." with the increased cost of power-ie. :truction of another transmission "In the North we found a paid Tttrr! _ cost of power in Ontario would be so line st a cost of t20.000,000. which prropatrsuuiist, Walter Wraith." Pre--i out of'pnoportlon to Quebec that On- would have to be done to take de. mier Hepburn charged. Mr. Hepburn; tario industry will be driven out of livery of all Gatineau power?" asked Said that, Wraith had admitted he W85 trxistence." the Premier. paid to follow Hon. Peter Keenan and; "Last Straw." l'riic Leader of the Oposition-evaded the 2.emier and produce Tory prop». The O "anion broached t - the question until pressed by the 8811 a. , bility of 1t'fl'iClal'iC, powerhgermil.' inns: ttgdtr1t,g"1"enesdmitslforl Recital Coupled. With . ' r s ' ' S, ge,.U/.ort,1tmeeutlg,lthe'11'fi' Illne. neer,i,eiyuig,1i',1fif, tt.'get,t,a1 1Q,i" prt%slng. with taxation increasing. I Pal? exactly what we are do- ion the Premier tor the use of such the Premier answered that a further hug. the Premier put in. tfigurcs "The Prime Minisber." he l?atron the basic industries of the lwmstd Aatt fete Detar. iiii'ifirriii. "gave us figures this; 'arte; Pit2P..f'-' would be the "last straw." The former Premier then stated (noon that he can find no basis for in , ibis would be the finish. as [at that were he Premier now he would "act." as our export products are concerned.' first have made a decision "not to 1 Mr. Henry admitted that the con- ?" Goxernment had tried to new repudiate" tracts were a load. but a load that line the prcblem. but found it im- "There was a way of dealing with could be carried. He repeated his ap- posuble. The executives of the power the bondholders." he ntttintained. " peal tor negotiations with a view to companies could not negotiate. be- would have asked for delay in delivery a postponement of the power delivery. can? the rights .oui, the bondholders of the power-a would have asked His Government had not accom- ren tered them liable. tor a delay in the generation of the, pushed that because the burden had Attack Opened. poser.' That was urged on the} net seemed ohm before 1937. " Theleglslative air crackledas former Hydro Commission in 1933 by they, The Ogolri development "5 tb Premier Henry opened the Opposition Chief Engineer. The problem at inyrttfrr, f,thr visions more becoming to. . attack. Fifty times in a ttve-ttour that tune didn't come to the Goveru- Ute Minister ot "mum." speech he crossed swords with the ment. The Commission decided not _ '.'You. don't inspire visions-you in- t'J,ero'l%'l), benches. A record bar- to abide by the recommendation of g1,rnut"laf.,r,it'lls"' countered Hon. rage o en es, personalities. arguments Gaby (Chief En ineer.) . " - and clippings ttaged trom both sides ot , "Does the hogorable member know Amftf Pye, figures were cited- It the House to the retrain of intermit- that the bondholders have no say didrft fMd' snapped Premier Hep- tent desk-thumping. over the price of power unless the .uui'n. that we had. to enter into a The fight started when Premier Hep. companies are in default?" the At- "WW" entrtet with KAattt ot the burn proposed to keep an important ltorneseqtnerN asked. . l Mail. and Empire." Mr. Henry said he appointment in his office. Mr. Henry I "I believe the bondholders would [mint know Mr. Killam. . " .; protested strongly that the Premier levi, been pleased to have the con- By his works you know him, said: should not absent himself when the stracls continued at a lower rate of [the Attorney-General. l House considered "the most im . " I The hope for an understanding wosl portant .lnterest. said Mr. Henry. " . . measures that had ever been mm. I repeated. A mailed fist with a club. duced to this Legislature in its i"lt In the Future. . In it--that's the w'g' the Leader of' hism." "Why didn't you try it?" asked the the Government t ks of negotia- 'Wm not plumbing to run away." Attorney-general. tions." charged the former Premier.l snapped the Premier. The appoint. "Because we had a little more faith Nor, he suggested. were the Liberal; ment was cancelled. In the future of this Province." was members or the Cabinet B unib--no!. ©tqxistire Intervened on widows and the reply. I matter how unanimously they voted} orphans and Abitibi bonds. and the "And because you had little or no i --behind this bill. More crossfire con-! charge. My denied, that "the " regard for the handling of public I tinned as this issue was fought on. l developing around the Parliament. money." put in Mr. Roebuck. View Expressed Buildings" called tor legal m, S', , " Just wonder how many of the . ' if a deputation were to be neutering; Government members are enthusiastic The Leader of the OPthonwm the Prime Minister. l over the Government attitude." de- . Brown?" in: " view 1 thatv Feta the Mr. Henry tangled with the At,tor-i clared Mr. Henry. 1 Prep to t 'l would mg" - ney-Oeneral and suggested he was not! "Try them out," urged the Hon. A r "I: one 'lug,..', ted about the In opt pupil. "You've got to know! David A. Croll. Minister ot Public: remar was n er.lec - than 3 doe before you a eh ' warm, reported Opposition filibuster. him an tricks." . n m "Call in the embers" ted I " never discussed a filibuster with . y Numeral Premier Mr IR 1 I m , sugges 'any one." declared Mr. Henry, say- ".Thb NI); declared Mr. Hem. "is ing it was the imagination of a news-E the most iniquitous measure ever 'tee res.toe: tice one" put ml presume to an Ontario White." You Just 9m ' . "It was conceived in iniquity," . opined the Premier. ' /

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