hisr) ' g . . . shipper may leave the meat with am ing on 'amendmeiis-it-tsttt = --.e _ R.. . Beer no , Wrist. if he wishes. when it will be calling the wide angular. mung: forwarded to Government. institutions the Tortmto & Niagara Power com. .'Ol' tood. pony. This amendment was passed . As forecast in The Globe, no limit by the Tory Commons without divi- is set. on war, or "saw-bul" slon, but was killed by the Senate on ducks during the open season. nor do two occasions. I ther count in the a." or tteattott'g "When the Electrical Development . ll aw I limit. Company attempted to sue tor the The wild tNote and duck season restoration ot its rights It was even north and west of the French and refused a fiat by the Hearst Govern- -------- Malta", Rivers will open Sept. 15 light. jusftiu as this Government will . an close Nov. M, r use a . Hunters Will Have to Buy of this area will 'i,,i,'.'fg,itv.eA'ette, .1r.r," said Colonel Hunter, "it was Special TWO'Douar Nov. 30. right'for the l-iearst Government to . Royalties collected on red tox pelts repudiate an unjust monopoly in 1916, Llcense are rotiueed from " to 50 cents. and why should it not. be right to cancel ----------- royalties are lifted on ranch- unjust, contracts in 1935? The very raised silver. black and blue foxes and f.f,le. arguments that are being uted to CLOSED BEAVER SEASON mink. 2211381311! absrglutfly rightful action of Otter may not be tak ng un 115 contracts try the ---------"- Order-in-Councu permits. en unless Government "of Mr. Hepburn were The use of dogs for hunting deer, In. addition to the above rules re- ";de 191q. . moose and caribou: a modified "buck "carding the use of dogs in deer hunt- vol agreement to the Electrical De- law." 0.. a " per cent. ttstrte:iott on mg. the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Coum 2flt'r',f, Oo., according to Colonel dyes and male lawns: a shortened cil may permit or restrict them on any . com :1 was made P. 1903 between the mszn and a 33 per cent. curiailttt?nt island. or peninsula or other area of g,',',et'ei'ef the Niagara Falls Parks in the season's limit for wild ducks mgelt isolated nature. repmentgg' thThe company, he said, and gram. and an absolutely "closed ' leftists. e MAckenzie-Mann in- to". 32m: y.at/r,ishiil,f,1Ss' The Henry that... in 1932 ment Act of was ln'rodncod in the i" mm tut act empowering any super- I , . . , . _ . T i Visors ot municipalities in default to little,?.'."? by Hon. Harry C. Nixon tll ll t cancel their debts; to substitute new wgglgiigmo we P uggcsled regard debentures for old. _ ' . , tr _ " "Every Tory member in this Hem trig game fish. those being left tor voted in. " " e wasoml regulation by Order-in-Coun- T a il til t tl support of this act, declared oil. It is understood that a fifteen Colonel Hunter. "It t days' shut-mung of tho speckled trout " given do not constitute 'd"'L,'i'rg.' season may be ordcrrd in this man- Mllltll sence repudiation of harmful con- nor. by advancing thc closing date to tracts. contracts impossible ot fullfil- Aug. 31. instead of Sept. 15, the ment, then I don't, know the English opening date remaining at May I. ------ language." Limitations on Dogs. . 11ye. must save our country from For the we ct dogs in hunting the COL Hunter Reminds House peril Just as was done by Tory Gov- Cl? . . ' . of 1902 "Mono ttl " crnments in 1916 and 1932. Goneede deer sp-cirs a special license will be p y what is l i F required. casting 82. including the to: Thou ht 0niust tracts. as: gev1i2Jnetit1e,yHtg,ro, con- for registering. And the limitations il I becomes a tat-ca e people are: One dog per four persons. two ------- "Before cancellation was mooted," dogs up to exam persons. and three Hon. George s. Henry, when . declared Mr. Hunter. "it was impos'. dcgs for mire or more persons 'in a member during the Hearst regime, in sible to deal with rapacious power camp. but three dogs are the limit rc- 1916, voted in favor ot cancelling a barons. I believe these greedy gentry gardlcss of the number in the party power generating agreement with the are in a wiser mood today and the ttttove eight POISON. It also is Stipu- Electrical Development Company. Col- bondholders may yet, in some degree, lated that no police dogs or any onel Fraser Hunter (Liberal, St. Pat- be saved from the slough ot delusion hybrid continuing this strain shall be rick) charged in the House last night. PM) which the acts ot Tory Admin- liocnsed. The agreement, Colonel Hunter istrations have led them. Meanwhile, An crganard huntmg camp is rc- stated. was made in 1902. and was the credit of Ontario and its good duced in minimum to four persons in.. regarded as an unjust monopoly br mm? depend upon her newly found mead ot six, and the camp license cost Sir Adam Beck and by the Conservao ability l meet her just obligations. use: at a, Laeluding issuer's tee: any tive Government ot that day, and The credit of Ontario has been number trom tour to eight requires an hence cancelled. strengthened and not injured." additional camp lic:nsc. and soon. The "Sir Adam Beck." Colonel Hunter members of each party, of course. must declared. "quite rightly viewed this procure individual licenses as well. monopoly as an iniquity perpetrated The "modified buck law" means that upon Pteftr,11.t ot the Province, and no . he strongly advised. as he should have prson shall take a female deer of any age cr a buck under one year of done, that the Legislature cancel this Mt." "(2e t ' . monstrous monopoly. .. p as one ot a party. when " . , . . n 1916 an act of cancellation was . one animal of either of these classifi~ . actually passed in the form of two ' cations may be taken to three bucks. statutes for the purpose ot inaugurat- The ratio is set at one in four. It is t' b . . ', ,. Ing the Chippawa scheme. These ' ',tif,itf, If tt conservation .e?"t.e statutes declared that the Chippawa . a c arrows. at the same t.me. for scheme was not a" development of the odd mistake. electric power from the waters of the . If adoe or young buck is shot ow- Niagara within the meaning of the rag to poor visibility the hunter is not stipulation entered into by an agree- penalised unless the ratio is exceeded. ment made with the Electrical De- The legal number of does or male velopinent Cmpany In 1902. a?" may be 1Pr taken away l" lniqultous Monopoly. eaten m camp. The limit applies in " a , he d i of either case. If a dog is lost it must, Quite properly, on t a vce 1 _ be reported. Sir Adam, was an iniquitous monopo y destroyed by the Government and " Overcome Wastage. Iceslature of Sir William Hearst. It is also prescribed that a railway And I think I am right in saying or any other carrier shall not ship a that the present Leader ot the op- ' mosse head or antlers unless the meat position voted tor this act of justifi- of two hind quarters is shown. This able cancellation. May I say to the is to overcome wastage of meat. The Leader of the Opposition, 'Et tit . uoque.' . q "The Government of Sir William Hearst," Colonel Hunter continued. "proceeded to go further than thil by establishing in Toronto a local . t Hydro Commission. It also attempted _ by statute to create a monopoly tn the Hydro-Electric System by enm-