The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Apr 1935, p. 2

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' - l il . . "'". q I' _ Im" "Id . At" _ . _ T _ _ It "I treety .h: to tlk " l a" . 'ri'l'r'."lf, an: tttt 'ds, after the "A , . CIR-n a." _ was it t',ht 'l,'tel','Sdol' 't,Tt'dl'ily, the 'dd/g 8 a . -~ Itnrnedtatet, " the . iaiar,' hour: tun yum! m Mr, we." _ no Gt "manna: 'Then ttMed it. ing "Wham tourtdB"toter'i P, Endgame? amendme'l w'..mmmmmgletkegt Won Ltt'f2it,ttt,',f' _ a an mom "I 'gel,,,),',',? f. and of the Cg,',',',','," ruling: 'gg',',g',1,t eral 'ggde,"l','li"T,'li The ggf but he ,,t,e,gt, g n mm nt {WI up 5.2%" halt do?" mud gr,',,','; ttfight',:':',',',",',',', he and the Lie - may beam to" ths' hoist and ir legs on n had p eep the 'iiii, hoped, would u- m" CI . Nixon who the gun by H 'I to tstmtehert the nearest Popped Nixon Niel-red ' Elli Hon. Ha not mm ruled. "to put. Speak t An "arm ing country on such an to go to lr. the r commm er frequ eloett m the", . an m the at] 2t'ett",'0,"dt"o'; that lt' grows; . back a; 21%]; fm;Ounded Off ttt ed ofaaPOSSlbility Mr mum Wasn't " was NV - c e on ' return ' . Illa Jeu',", motion "ld? feet 2x, kgfhmore "Virgo? Datum Lh the "elt King to tuee, 1eystt.' Wears?" ','l'et,a'tdale,',t'eaat2tg1, iit'te'r'i5ir'k'i,r"vi'su1i',',',s's'i'eeite', from If? mngnge Year m1: "bywer? - . u ' 8 . spea - = ' will m!- Lr,ttt,tle,i' ruled M lgMe 't'2t',oir't' the ieedterdl, mem- tl,i,',o,,i',i',rt'ii,t?ti'i,, tiiiijiiiiii1iii'iii) ')i'tt')e'?i'r,,v,i,t,ii?r,',',' ot Jilll'i,1',dari onaervBtive 'au"f,'fenn"t'.otion wing to Week. and he w tallring to You PSI ed other diving. . a', "tron man" ent. th the': sentative at Otta 111 have his re astl viewing" Metal then demand brsship "Is gl the legmau I If": at from it: Until we hairc-I by . Vot secretary - who did not ormer Premi ve mom- hat the bill wil r. Mackenzip K? a? we dim", n: of " to 15. Jr'h', T am. His rnew; the Cha ',g Henry, under pressure 'fd not be Wm?!" f'd'll',fgt',hre' the i,,,te't,','tf, by In: fit," f, the 'fit','.,",,', gas 2,'.'t,'i'i, 5M3" -pi,t't'", mow $12M Tameka": e the L: . a o y ram e " ." l mm Max:311}, Opp second mm 531;; Lewis 'tdi/i" MMMMM legal em I tux-bed use} Henry . iuoet.Hon b, l in their pla Rayfield. wh and: on re were illustm M3,; in the, - " use iii'; Wtts ttreauy (115' "akfast. Ct?8 before a o were;, ppings ted, with m I no? moment Om?" happened. ",f,'g"'igittp.P1f nd we" "te, Argument ore: ham: to be Mom e Gre"irariii demm power: Ill'.', cau, Beauhar ' " m IP,, got that. all I ttlee up on and; e . cycle . "ms. _ gm, M tour ' I a". p ttttd wat, not in" few Cros8 of originals. opjntimwer: iariil the ex-M§fgm Baker broktupw last "We mm: the the last fifteen er Hydro 'le',',',',',' and a? In his "NEW got to pow? in when. m Leader the Oppn years w ms of th , held 1t argum er supply wig": ahow his /d, "f, Gov- Kidd 'Je,,tt,n il'i,1v,fi'J, 'g,t,',ef fro": ttUte weenwgtw?idMuaula§; 1't'l',',t','df,'l'l'rt', Mr Hen c this but; d we Chalu . Ionel T. A traet: e an livin ll be mor to . ry,heat . "TA e8,Russei . ,.mm5 guptot e g,tt' m g,ov,'gl,',t',t; A "my; "t?" by 'ief)eth1,1rr,e,.'i, laid $33. Neti. taigned Mr. L1ge, Jir'/r,'y,lfl.attf' can- . t benches tol "41mm" 'l,1',2l11'l trom 3.30 to" the Tii argued that Ys "ab M10913" as?" a tt tttost on " (arf', road. but that the spe 8.20. cial bar against tn" the i1flt't'R'vti'.'. 'i,f,ttedt Mangam Mfront." 60:1ng "man "£3? 94,3225: tgt'd, Hydro's m§d§°an5 "it? n _ or . _ wo 1 pa . . - tied 'g'dt'le/'t2e,nt,'g'l mum Ch gum benclfés trg on u: had 1Cin 1trgiridct,'. endangergfle 1n New egul tttat "-10- opinion bein uc_ traded a quarteton. Duncan "may", of it," Mr tit to is the h Mtempted ' oppotsititm tr tren- or day} h of Mini 'aurs.1ml1 Charged . Mama . J'poerisy to 'pu forces " Ig t and Stem w that Y and had Been tover . f had thll it . break! aiting "MC"; ti n' ' V the Att . as he "any ttat one" a I arula 9 0010 ' ttat. I . nat, the co :orney-Ge ha" mum U',t,rr','f,leed,; M's 'lliu/'l'i "when gamma Ma r_"niirti1iie'a1s' ntraca; were noMizM; n o a I - " J noon dar-a o'eloek a ttew Deals-I feet at at?!" when 11¢th Speaker IShouldurr sl.a.ght or th was auteeiled mm"! Btte I the M. The s got on h it provide an e Governm 't'g'l'tie"' hour 'A'.', a," at the 'r'd,rii, ti;ri,iti't,,ii.tis'siii,l,,ri?,iii.s!iiCf'i,r Egrecd an: 3333's 'i'i,ia'iifii?en1i'til,irtiii1s, ot :2: ve, Pa ' . .H.Pri -' t y. se . . r retA I c nd I e M A meat or the rttdale, moved tiif,fe,ti, 1",'g,'J",.g'i', "£23m" "'hispevgs'st" 1t 1'fiLtl)1-)tl/e ot last lea'r'm Igtttttte dtttttte. A d 10mm, _ new rel PC b%, . to 1mm: Fb4s s he an," emtyer. kit, So " the motion t el rcst e Parliament . bers Was ent - i s ouId learn " ward the en . m"? concerned far u the E; was sted. ard re d 'Buudings Pr.. gems are acti whether H guests, 2ltt, 2tteaditr an?" Matday at é' "M Farre ore. 'ponusc of tr Cmmfmcms or m3 m moon. , I. . ', , al add on wN . I "g,', by sug'.tut'fi1,tit was? caiePtrheee on debate " M I Pri2"tn:,.e,.,r, was; t1,ti'/i' ilu.',, a,' e 'ihiiiii: M. " he twelve-h ' r. Maea l 1 331! up th - metal W . I tempted b "Jon tilibuste he suggested itgi our argume "lay! p.m. He la e blockade . H.: a ' . ' k 11 n cud a; 1t,t1,t1o"lt,tii :cguxally ariaft'reA; hedging" after agizggment hinge Sigma" 2.1t1gil"'fug:1,'i', gittgi) . George 8 temoon hea ut tttill ttlm ttst. A . , i the Mac t's entityr -, until . Henry ' when rd the .. ost e re-, sstle ot Cit, lam- td m "lg' pan.. WM: "d we gamma Ti,11,'dntoetr ';eiii,iirLitttii) ia1,11'ct,,dati, im)liii1i'iiirC,1"tiii,; My terdar 2u,tnr At l 25041.0 or _,','f,'ll,','ie,, The mg," be finished a)?" 1133:?" its tlt'.u,tdan"'t efforts by "the, High 'd w. A. iiauii, C yes- thud . Was ado u; Minister y. Ptr 'B'CIB Hon. Da .m' Wit,h Juni from the rt. took th ' "Isak i " e toward p g the g ' hel ul Ledug lead vid CTOII or' a n until 5.1 e floor a I Yet debate Tong at-' were th?, . ing th and Hon , temoan Go '5 "Chet ye ' nd thr t believe i . I sure manually t (rytlyy, tiiiiiii; continued" thiVe m sterxiay them)?" with a n jamming th I e the quorum Naked up to l " m their feet embers were " premier, high hand." h ings' b "Packing the' en- Seven . lv, oppositio lie] a canta was presented Ho tim figures . toe. - when I times dun The Pri n. was the "WOW ruar3r, the f to the Hous , which rattete ng the . teal me Mint answer. l Chang owner A e in Feb- . suggested hCOngWat twenty- n if he wt Mer ttti h I ed that it ttorney-G but m 'uilournrnent We mama." iournment." ll not Jer,',',', t Say l fret/ed that th could only f,t'ti','] mier H of the d "The. . t an ad- co paint '3 chart . .. sus- tfr', trom tlt','?,',',',,',', would new" Premier" will be no I a gloomy JieiUl." prepared t second "maimed 0 be I d r Hepburn tutjourn .. _ LC: re_ "the read; intenti ebate " flashed ment. I "_....-------- ambm before 'l',',','"',",';,",',',',',': be mg: I 'li7doei'J,e; back. "The; Pr q Gouge ' initiated un 1mm. The ,lputsttutdin n the char l emler I rvatirea, 'e'"',,',',',',,',',',": by m; 'hang b giggled of "using-hat theI $60 000 ntroduees t bench expeetedlr I . g on the was Gl , . ?,,en'ti,ii'i',t'i,i',: v',li'tis,e','rt?i't,?r:" Jef, been JY, rti'iiiiiil'ii, Mr m previous ad-' The 1llleAoan Bill the ph Widen had " long bc eat ot news caular took u ' bill 't", annual Gov The $5108] tstrength 'l','",',,',",',",",',',', or 'gl',',',',', a /lVJ.1f,'etg, clippings Jd at o cover re ?mment borrowi "m! up? before three f,1lfg, on. I tte, followed u'lgl, " ot Hydro missifxz'ooo'ooo' 1',11ir'i,',t,"i',1i,tt 65:11"?ng me Att an: Wei: e - . 0n. as. . _ ot this viding " tr, i',',' t2,"f, Maw," nv: £03- fdtird 'tini/ti?',!,,',",':,?, out a as"; ti,'io,r,i?j'e',i'tili',efei? t1iefoi.etdh/t' of Mine on. Paul it at t"MI ter ask whenth r. Macaulay lat r ueed in venue Pu ttf s. to due, M - and the e Prime ure by In . the Onta- ryi, = quorum was in), muwnl times tt a return to the Attomeraeneml Minis- burn last nPKmxer 'lil,'fdl"10, m'. iii ragwmd by inent. This hock The 2,eg'.'ffg,1"; would', bill, the it',) By the damn new iaea 2.30 'esterda B narrow 'iiiiii') T: swwm L Miniatee chimed I Council is eutenant-Gov s of the How Ji "My yn?mm°°n Hon'! :38" 0911:1133? been at an?" if" to t1,','eer'e',5,T/'srf,if wer§°"'" - . ter a m "med '. threate the con ti ' e pu , expenses . egotiate te',t,,,'ettse unm " steep. Lt, the; his hand (iestiei Hydro mfg" did 'l'eUlQ'Ti'l to an an:f "mus pub-l . alter , . t in. Imam. forced try e--until (mire $60,000,000 ount not e - um nd Op .m. GO .111". The Chairman the GOV ments ' . Estima X of the ortttutiaed--o members bee ' . Maeauu: the com. capital o11ows: 0 di Home 1 we M tt 1m to y eharged months requiremen r man. at the or g te red out o...-" autttmri ' had:' endin ts tor the . Wht mum of w hours' rest whieh I know be to tmnethi I '00,000: tre g March 31 - - tive pt, to a the two ' Slum heagnnot TXt 6190 , awry mus .1935, $16,- haw-eyed but: their pittee chief The SUDM'. approve...; mm 00,000; tequire payable in 1935 ttttned to Ut'lu'lll'li'At,',,', :45 later, w review com! 316 tat aceount t ments for th' Very their 1 deter- o Carmen", mud with Ji00,000: Pf twelv e! tew left W tn I Wes ho ' one or quirem ' possitt e months I mm] the Dents. support ldlnc the en ible ad . ' lane at Med "can ot their benches ts, $5 00 ditmnal "ttt ter much tm1leries d row Speaker ' O,000. re- thu' four My t mam. an three iiniriiiieiiTrca oncethe Home population don mornitttt "in" ther 2il'ir,'l tget,g,uJS,1 vigor- . plenum" '.P&dod part the ~butior the) ot Mm?" med by ttinte,',',',,',; I "women Muse!

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