Arik) to ' ASKED H. N. Carr. Liberal member tor Northumberland. told the Opposition ------ at Queen's Park last night that he had Following his Budget speech forecast lined himself up with a Government ot changes in the Corporations Tttat remedy for the Hydro ttontrtttta when Act and Succession Duties Act. Pre- 'gig.'"" in the Legislature some weela ' mier Mitchell P. Hepburn introduced . . bills along these lines in the Ontario The Liberal meEber"slutemtnt was l Legislature last night. . in answer to an Opposition attack of The corporations tax change pm. Monday Own" tnsed on an erronemu Video. in computing the paid-up capi- teport of yt Hydro statements: . tal ot an incorporated company tor " said. Mr. Carr stated, that I the purposes of taxation under the . hoped that the Prime Minister and his act. there shall be included all sums , Cabinet will provide a way ot breaking of money borrowed by the incorporat- these contracts for unwanted power or ed company by issue ot bond mort- adjusting them to a very radical ex- _. gages. debentures or like securities tent. " the P.eome of the Province The Sttectssion Duty Act change must not continue to be .P.uleted to 'provides that where an estate exceeds the extent of nine or Mn millions year- 181.000.000 the tax for each additional ly ior the next thirty years tor power _ "10.000 shall be 1-100 of l per cent. which they cannot nee. I have the. Irate of duty shall be 14 per cent. sion " heart. but. only so long as they In his Budcet speech Mr. Hepburn keep the interest of the people of thr. estimated the change in the corpora- tano paramount. and 1 will 'euntnd tiara tax would bring in revenue of, any; act-ion. that our Prime Minister 387,600,000 in the fiscal year ending t4tkts t1l1ityit1tyi1r' -7 -.-..-, {March 31, 1936. compared with 86.- 171378 in the fiscal year ending Oct. " 1934. He also anticipated increased re- venue from succession duties. expect- ing collections during the next fiscal _ year would amount to $9,500,000. HI b Ci t H HYDRO W ' h V F Ill f , it ase u o Roses FLAT RATE?. . When the Hon. George B. Henry! were from Premier Mitchell P. Hep- Stimulate Industry, Says took his seat in the Legislature yes- i burg i 1th fl " A. H. Acres terday afternoon after snatching a few I acrosasythte 'l,1e'lldltreerstiu) $31. from hours needed sleep. he found a vase of? Mr. Henry enjoyed a hearty laugh, --------- roses on his desk. He rubbed his; for only last week when the Hon. t Tg,, goodness' sake. d" [its It down weary eyes. for he had been in the: Harry C. Nixon received a bouquet, of o wrtnrsr." suggcsw . . . . ere: . . ' l roses in the Ziouse on his forty-fourth "Jotteervartve, Carleton, 'n 13.4. tritth.'s House about fifteen consecutixe hours; birthday an Opposition member had Budget debate in the Iettiaiuro. during the power contract cancellation suggested that some be put on ice and 'mm ridiculous to go ahead and debate. fgi'ven to the Premier. so the latter. rehearse old campaign speeches. as Who. he wondered. had Wen so when meeting the power bondholders. has been wins on here for six weeks." kind. but was startled to learn they could also "say it with flowers." he declared. Mr. Acres advoca'e-d a works pro- gram far unemployment relief, and pmmbed Opposition support. to such a program. _ When the Chtttsormtt've.e were in . . power he advocated. even in opposi- tion to the Cabinet. a flat. rate for Premier Hints Hydro power. he said. With such new. Mr. Acres believed, industry will . l? be stimulated. ' Revised Pacts . But First Move Is Cancel- lation, He Says . ' Feature of the Legislature debate . this :Wodnesdayi morning was tr di- rect intimation by Premier Hepburn of the possibility of contract. revision. " drew from the Leader of the Opposition." said the Premier. "that the first move. he would make would be to revise the eotttraeta. As I see it, the first move is to cancel the contracts." Negotiations had been attempted and had encountered a maze ot com- . panics. holding companies and other _ . ramifications. _ "We Can't vacillate on the prob- lem," the Premier told the wearied. almost empty house. "We said the bill was going through. It in "in. r through." _. l ' l ( . l n